Charlotte with apples is a step-by-step recipe with photos and costing of all products. Learn all the intricacies of cooking apple charlotte.


Insanely delicious apple pie - charlotte, seemingly unusually easy to prepare, but this is not quite so! If you do not know all the detailed nuances in the creation of this fragrant baking, then a complete failure awaits you - the charlotte may fall after baking, the dough may be too liquid or not sweet, and the apples may darken and the baking will not look quite attractive. To prevent this from happening, repeat step by step a step-by-step recipe with photos of apple charlotte after us.

By the way, the charlotte itself differs from apple pie only in that after baking it is turned upside down so that the apple slices are on the surface, not the bottom.

For a big and lush apple apple pie you will need:

- 3 chicken eggs;

- 1 tbsp. sugar;

- 1 tbsp. wheat flour;

- 0.5 tsp. soda, slaked 9% vinegar;

- 2 pinches of salt;

- 3 apples;

- 1 tbsp. lemon juice or 2 pinches of citric acid diluted in 50 ml of water;

- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;

- 20 g margarine;

- 3-4 tbsp. powdered sugar.

(Photo: preparing products for Charlocks with apples)

The proportions of ingredients should not be changed - they are optimally selected to create a pie. Immediately coat the form in which you are going to bake charlotte, butter or margarine.

Separate the whites and yolks into different containers, breaking chilled chicken eggs.

Immediately pour half the sugar into the yolks and beat them with a mixer until the whitening stage (as in the photo below).

Protein set aside and engage in cutting apples. Rinse the apples in water, cut them into 4 pieces and cut the seed pods. Then rinse again and cut into slices, laying on a plate.

Nakol lemon or diluted with citric acid in water, pour apple slices so that all the pieces are sprinkled. Thus, they will not blacken from contact with air.

The dishes in which the whites will be whipped should not be wet - even from one drop of water they can settle and not whip into a strong foam. Put 2 pinches of salt in proteins - it will improve their viscosity and proteins will quickly get together.

Beat them with a mixer at the highest speed until doubling or tripling the mass for 3-4 minutes.

Then add the remaining half of the granulated sugar to the protein mass and beat another 1-2 minutes until you get a smooth white cream.

Next, sprinkle the greased form with powdered sugar - with its help, the apple slices will be sweet and it will be easier to lag behind the walls of the mold after baking, making the charlotte more beautiful.

Put the slices of apples in random order at the bottom of the form.

In whipped yolks quench soda with vinegar or add 1 tsp. baking powder - they will help the dough to rise and make it (and therefore your apple pie) more luxuriantly (see photo below).

In the yolks enter whipped whites, but do it with a mixer at low speed, so as not to lose the precious air bubbles in the cream (see photo below).

Pour in the vegetable oil and enter the wheat flour, kneading the dough also at the minimum speed of the mixer.

Your dough should be creamy and thick.

Pour half of the dough on apple slices, trying to cover them all with them. At this point, turn on the oven at 180 ° C, since the charlotte with apples is placed only in the preheated oven. By the way, this rule applies to all biscuit baking!

Then put another layer of apple slices on the dough and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Powdered lobules are sprinkled so that they do not soften during baking and move along with the fluffy dough. If you don’t sprinkle them, then your charlotte will be flat.

Fill the apple slices with the remaining dough and smooth its surface (you can see the picture of apples with apples before placing in the oven). After that, place the form in the maximum heated oven and bake charlotte for about 40-50 minutes, watching its surface.

As soon as the specified time passes - stick a toothpick into the dough. If it stays dry, baking is ready! If not, give her another 5-10 minutes to prepare.

Take out the hot charlotte with apples from the oven and cover it with a plate larger in diameter than the form itself. Then, with the help of a tack or a towel, turn the form with a plate so that the cake falls onto the plate itself (see photo below).

Allow the apple charlotte to cool slightly, then cut it into portions and sprinkle with powdered sugar. If desired, you can decorate with berries and mint leaves (see photo), serving the cake along with freshly brewed tea. Good appetite!

(Photo: finished apple pie)

Now you have fully understood the process of making apple charlottes and know all its secrets, which means it's time to calculate how much such a delicious and fragrant apple pie costs:

- 3 chicken eggs - 9 rub .;

- 1 tbsp. sugar sand - 15 rubles;

- 1 tbsp. wheat flour - 10 rubles;

- 0.5 tsp. soda, slaked 9% vinegar - 2 rub .;

- 3 apples - 15 rubles;

- 1 tbsp. lemon juice - 2 rubles;

- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil - 1 rub .;

- 20 g margarine - 5 rubles;

- 3-4 tbsp. powdered sugar - 5 rubles.

Total: Charlotte with apples for this recipe costs about 65 rubles, and its dense and big piece (1 portion) - 8 rubles. It is very profitable and very tasty!
