Brown discharge during pregnancy - is there any cause for concern. What is the reason why brown secretions occur during pregnancy and what to do when they appear.


Transparent or whitish (vaginal) discharge is a physiological necessity in female life. One of the important functions of the mucous fluid is protective, it prevents the penetration of pathogens into the vagina.

If there are brown discharge during pregnancy, then you should not panic (fraught with negative consequences for the particularly vulnerable psyche), but a gynecologist is required for a consultation.

In order in case of deviations to perceive the situation relatively coolly, the expectant mother needs to have an idea of ​​the main points.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy, regardless of the period

The cervix has sensitive tissues, the integrity of which is easy to break. If erosion is observed on it, then brown discharges during pregnancy appear after sufficiently active sex or even after being examined by a gynecologist, since the damaged tissue contacts the foreign body. Treated pathology cauterization, which is not recommended while the development of the fetus. The doctor focuses on the drug option, as it is still necessary to remove it - erosion on the cervix can provoke the development of cancer.

Quite often, brown discharge during pregnancy occurs due to inflammatory processes, infection, sexually transmitted diseases. A common symptom is a specific "aroma" of mucus, pain in urination, discomfort. A lady can get infected before pregnancy, just a hidden infection is activated when the immunity is weakened. As a prevention, it is better to undergo a full examination at the planning stage of the child. If the disease develops, it is necessary to treat it promptly and professionally, so as not to harm the crumbs.

Why are there brown secretions during pregnancy in the first trimester?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the change in whiter properties is, in principle, a fairly frequent phenomenon, and often it is not threatening. This can be determined by the state of a woman: she does not experience discomfort due to indisposition, no itching.

Crash of hormonal background

Bloody leucorrhoea may appear during the usual period for menstruation. This is absolutely not problematic, pain does not occur. Accordingly, the future mom with a developing baby can feel safe. The amount of secreted secretion is quite scanty, usually some inconvenience (more aesthetic than physiological plan) is felt for about two days. Sometimes this phenomenon is periodic in the course of two to three months, counting from the moment of implantation. No need to worry, it’s enough to discuss the situation with your gynecologist.

Implantation (implantation) of the ovum into the lining of the uterus

The process is often accompanied by damage to the capillaries (small blood vessels), which causes the expiration of a small amount of blood that mixes with mucus in the vagina. Brown discharge during pregnancy have a pinkish or beige shade (to light brown), in their consistency resemble cream. Viscous fluid during implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall does not have an unpleasant odor, an absolutely normal physiological process is underway.

Important: if a lady is attentive to herself, then by the nature and appearance of the whiter, she can be suspicious of becoming pregnant, even if other signs have not yet manifested themselves.

Bubble skid

Approximately 1 case out of 1000 is recorded, when brown discharge during pregnancy indicates such a dangerous deviation. Two options are possible: either the fertilized cell is defective (free of chromosomes), or healthy, but with two spermatozoa at once. In the latter case, there is an excess of those same chromosomes. As a result, a tumor develops on the endometrium instead of the placenta. In most cases it is benign in nature, malignant (with metastases in the vagina or even in the lungs) happens much less frequently. It consists of a large number of cysts - bubbles filled with liquid of different sizes.

Distinguish between full and partial bubble skid. In the first case, absolutely all tissues of the placenta are affected. In the second - only partially. Therefore, although the probability is low, there is a chance for the development of a normal fetus.

Main symptoms:

- bleeding that may bubble;

- nausea;

- sometimes vomiting;

- possible increase in blood pressure;

- headaches.

For diagnostics, a blood test is performed for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and an ultrasound examination, the results of which judge the structure of the placenta, the presence or absence of the fetal heartbeat, and its condition.

One cannot do without surgery here: they remove all the altered tissues, in some cases this applies even to the uterus. The cut material must be examined for malignancy in order to avoid the development of cancer in a woman. If everything goes well, the doctor observes the patient, after 1-2 years she can try again to have her own child.

Risk of miscarriage

Brown discharge during pregnancy is an extremely worrying symptom. This happens in connection with the onset of abnormal detachment of the fetus, in its place the vessels begin to damage, which leads to bleeding.

The main reason for the emergence of the critical state of gynecologists is an acute shortage of the female hormone (progesterone) in the future mom's body. He is responsible for the safe start of pregnancy - is actively involved in the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus (mucous membrane) for implantation of a fertilized egg. The hormone level must be sufficient for the placenta to form. If there is a shortage of progesterone (or it is completely absent), the fertilized egg is rejected.

In the event of a miscarriage threat, excretions may be in scanty to moderate amounts. Typical anxiety symptoms:

- pulling pain felt in the lower abdomen;

- nausea;

- sometimes vomiting;

- blotches of mucus.

With such signs, a woman just needs to immediately invite a doctor ("Ambulance"), lie down before the arrival of a specialist, calm down as much as possible. After all, any troubles or physical exertion can only aggravate the situation.

If the call to the hospital was followed promptly, then usually everything ends safely: the mother is hospitalized, examined, taking all possible measures to preserve the fetus. Treatment consists of providing rest until the situation stabilizes (bed rest) and taking progesterone containing the hormone.

Ectopic pregnancy

The name says, it is immediately clear from it that, due to some failure, the implantation of the ovum did not occur in the endometrium, but in the wall of the fallopian tube. This reason for the appearance of brown secretions during pregnancy causes serious consequences - when developing, the embryo increases in size, which can lead to tissue rupture and internal bleeding.

The danger of ectopic implantation is that there is a direct threat to the life of the woman herself. In addition, the pipe can not be restored, therefore, the reproductive function of the body is disturbed.

The main symptoms of a dangerous pathology: bleeding, pulling pain from the fallopian tube with an implanted egg. The treatment is carried out by surgical intervention, the preservation of the embryo is impossible.

Why are there brown secretions during pregnancy in the II trimester?

In principle, all the reasons for such periods of fetal development lead to pathologies that threaten the health or even the life of the future mother and baby. Any deviation from the normal process requires the close attention of the doctor and proper treatment.

Second trimester bleeding may occur due to placental abruption. The danger for mommy is severe bleeding, and for the fetus - a lack of oxygen and nutrients, since the placenta in this state is not able to fully perform its functions of life support man.

Women with high blood pressure, or those who could not or did not want to quit smoking, are at risk. Factors provocateurs also act:

- surgical scars on the uterus;

- excessively short umbilical cord;

- abdominal trauma during pregnancy.

Anxiety symptoms:

- bleeding (spotting or full bleeding);

- tension in the lower abdomen;

- pains of a pulling character in the area of ​​the uterus.

Treatment, in addition to surgery, does not exist. If fetus survival is possible, it is maintained for as long as possible (at least 30 weeks), then a planned cesarean section is performed. Otherwise, perform an emergency operation.

Deviations occur when the placenta overlaps the uterus. A developing embryo with its weight can damage blood vessels in the tissues. Thus, placenta previa can cause bleeding. Due to an increase in pressure, there is sometimes a detachment of her, but more often than not, doctors can help a woman eliminate such complications. But Mommy should understand that the only way to give birth is a cesarean section, to which she will be under constant, close supervision, in order to monitor the condition of the baby.

Why are there brown secretions during pregnancy in the third trimester?

In the later periods, the risk factors discussed above remain. But one more reason is added - rejection of the mucous membrane of the tube, which closed the cervix. Its function is to protect the fetus from the dangerous effects of the outside world (from infections). Such brown discharge during pregnancy appear shortly before childbirth, without posing a risk to mommy and her baby.

In order for pregnancy and childbirth to take place normally, a woman must understand the urgent need for close interaction with her gynecologist. Only a doctor will be able to determine the severity of a particular pathology, so it is better to insure yourself and consult him for any deviations from the norm. Expectant worry, of course, the expectant mother does not want to, but her own health and the health of the crumbs are worth it.


Watch the video: Pregnancy - What could be the reasons for bleeding in the first trimester? BMI Healthcare (July 2024).