What the left eye itches for - signs. Find out why the left eye is scratching and what events it portends.


There are many signs associated with certain changes in the human body. And in this question the Slavic people left the other nations far behind. It is difficult to find such a number of signs and tales in other cultures.

In our material you will find out what events the left eye is scratching, what to expect, and what to avoid. Signs are so firmly entrenched in our daily lives that we interpret them on a subconscious level. Belief in the supernatural has become the highlight of the entire Slavic people. Very often, even people far from superstition, believe in signs. My left palm was combed - we all look forward to the money, and when we see a person with an empty bucket - we try to get around him.

If you look at this issue from a medical point of view, then there is nothing surprising in it. The eye can be combed for various reasons: a microscopic foreign body, a speck of dust or a villus may very well cause mild itching. And if you look at it from the point of view of magic, that is, there are many signs that store the centuries-old knowledge of our ancestors. Let's find out in more detail what events should be expected if the left eye is combed.

Why the left eye itches

If the left eye is combed, this is a sure sign of a future quarrel, tears, news, money or good luck. In some cases, it is a date or reunion with a loved one. But if you combed both eyes at once, then this is exactly to tears and sorrows. But there is a small ritual that can ward off trouble. Scratch your left eye with your right hand and your right eye with your left hand. Then three times perekresti eyelids.

For some people, omens come true on the contrary. But this is more connected not with signs, but with self-suggestion and belief in them. If you believe that luck will bring joy and good luck, then it will happen. In this case, the person at the subconscious level behaves so that something good happens. Self-hypnosis is a very powerful tool, using it correctly, you can bring luck, happiness, love and financial well-being to your life.

What does the left eye itch on Monday

Very often we do not delve into the intricacies of accept and interpret them, based only on passages of knowledge and superficial observations. Most people believe that eyes can only be scratched to tears or joy. But it is not so. Our ancestors believed that the day of the week, in which the eye was combed, also played an important role. it can be a child, husband, one of the parents, relative or girlfriend. Predict who it will be impossible. But it is quite possible to avoid conflicts with relatives during the day and maintain a positive attitude. Then a bad omen will definitely not come true. No wonder they say that he is forewarned, that is, he is armed. Knowing about a possible quarrel it is much easier to avoid.

In signs, our left eye is responsible for relations with close people, events related to relatives, friends and loved ones. These events usually occur in the very near future. If your left eye has itched, just watch yourself. Perhaps this is a sign of good luck for you.

What does the left eye itch on Tuesday

Folk tales claim that if the left eye itches on Tuesday, expect happiness and good luck. This is a harbinger of joyful events, good mood and good luck in any endeavors.

But if on Tuesday both eyes were combed, trouble will knock on the house. Do not pass away tears, resentment and grief. Avoiding this is difficult. But there is one small, very effective ritual. Close your eyes, three times to scrape the eyelids and thoroughly wash under running water. After that, read the prayer. This rite will drive away your failure and upcoming troubles.

It is hard to believe in magic ritual, but this is only at first glance. If you believe in him, you put the necessary energy into the prayer - it will definitely work. As soon as you start to believe in something, it is endowed with magical power. And if you believe that the left eye is combed unhappily, you will program yourself in unhappiness. If you believe that this is good luck, you will bring luck to yourself. No matter what signs say, never tune in to failure. Always believe only good. This faith will serve as a reliable shield from adversity, unhappiness and all the bad. Like always attracts like. Being upset and gloomy you will not attract anything good.

What does the left eye scratch on Wednesday

If your left eye is combed on Wednesday, then you will meet. And not just a date, but a fateful meeting. The long-awaited rendezvous hour can be brought closer. As soon as you feel that it was itching to the eye, go to the window, close your right eye, and with your left, walk mentally along a road or path. In your thoughts, colorfully imagine a meeting with your loved one. If you have not met your beloved yet, draw the image of the man of your dreams. Then the date will happen very soon.

But this is not the only prediction for the environment. Do not be discouraged if romance is not in your plans in the near future. Esoteric believe that if the eye combed on Wednesday - this is luck. So you can safely buy a lottery ticket or try your hand at poker. Is there a way to enhance the effects of luck? Of course, there is such a way. Just scratch your left eye with your right hand and pat yourself on your left shoulder, turning to your angel on your shoulder.

Why does the left eye scratch on Thursday

Signs claim that on Thursday the left eye itches to possible tears.

Remember that signs are not the story of your life written in indelible ink in the book of fate. The omen only refers to a possible event. This is a kind of small warning. Just be more careful and careful. Of course, if you scratch the eye in the car on a busy highway, then it is to trouble. And this is not about acceptance, but about elementary carelessness. It is impossible to blame omens in everything and let everything take its course. In most cases, the fault is not evil rock, but the man himself.

This is especially true of us women. We often confuse cause and effect. A tear flowed, mascara flowed, the eye was combed. The day is ruined, why not cry. In this case, the failures can only blame yourself, or not waterproof mascara. Men are also great lovers indulge their whims. Sign - this is not a reason to put off everything until tomorrow and watch TV all day. A bad omen should alert and prepare a person, but nothing more. You can not postpone life for later, citing folk wisdom.

Why does the left eye scratch on Friday

If the left eye is combed on Friday, then a meeting with a loved one is coming. This is a harbinger of the end of separation. But the itch in the eye does not always need to be taken as a sign.

But most often, itching in the eye should not be interpreted as a sign. This may indicate an allergic reaction to mascara, eyeliner or shadow. It can scratch as one eye, or both. Often after applying makeup, eyes begin to itch. Here it is no longer a sign. Particles of makeup get into the eye and cause irritation. Many carcasses cause allergic reactions in the form of itching immediately after application. We attribute the unpleasant sensations to the lumps of cosmetics that fall into the eyes. But in some cases, it is still an allergy. If you recently applied makeup, and suddenly your eyes are combed, it’s not about national signs. This is the usual reaction of the mucous membranes of the eyes to cosmetics. If itching annoys more and more often, sign up for a consultation with an ophthalmologist. Believing in signs is better for ladies without makeup.

What does the left eye scratch on Saturday and Sunday

Belief says that if the left eye is combed on Saturday or Sunday - wait for cash receipts. This can be a long-awaited increase in salary, bonus, return of an old debt or an accidental find. Money will come from the side on which you do not expect them at all.

We have dealt with folk tales, but what do doctors think about this? According to doctors, the cause of itching in the eye can be an inflammatory process or overwork. Perhaps this is a signal that it is time to break away from a laptop, tablet, smartphone and TV and give your eyes the necessary rest. If itching began to bother you more often, turn to an optometrist. Perhaps an allergy has started, or an infection has hit the eye.

It is difficult to accurately answer the question of what omens are. It is a mixture of folk wisdom, experience and ingenuity, framed in bright expressions. We often remember them in everyday life. The main thing to remember is that everything depends on our mood. Positive things happen to positive people.


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