Tatar azu with pickles - a breathtaking aroma! Recipes real and fancy aza with pickles


Like any national dish of Tatar cuisine, the basics with pickles are prepared with a large number of herbs and spices. The dish consists of roasted vegetables and meat, most often lamb, which are then stewed in a cauldron with the addition of water, broth. Azu turns spicy, sweet and sour, very fragrant. In the process of quenching, the ingredients absorb each other's aromas and fill with the smell of spices. Serve it hot.

Azu with pickles - the general principles of cooking

Regardless of the recipe, these products are used for cooking:

• meat: pork, lamb, beef, and even chicken;

• salted cucumbers;

• purple or white onions;

• carrot;

• potatoes;

• vegetable oil;

• regular salt;

• spices.

The principle of cooking azu with pickles:

1. All vegetables are washed and lightly dried on a towel.

2. If tomatoes are used, they are peeled. To do this, put the tomatoes on the speed without fat, cover and warm for 1 minute. Then place the vegetables in a plastic bag and close tightly. Under the influence of steam, the skin will begin to flake off and will be very easy to remove.

3. Chopped vegetables are in the throat. Salted cucumbers and fresh tomatoes are cut into cubes, potatoes - into cubes, meat - into large pieces, strips, onions - half rings or quarters.

4. Vegetables separately fried until half cooked in butter. To speed up the process, use several pans.

5. All roasted ingredients are stewed together in a saucepan with a thick bottom, optimally in a cauldron. At this stage, water or broth is added to the pick with the pickles.

Azu with pickles (classic recipe)

Authentic Tatar azu recipe has existed for more than one century. The dish is prepared both on holidays and on an everyday table. High-calorie, spicy azu with pickles will become the center of the feast, especially in the winter season.


1. Beef - 600 gr.

2. Potatoes of medium size - 600 gr.

3. Onion - 1 pc.

4. Canned pickles (pickled) - 3 pcs.

5. Canned or fresh tomatoes - 200 gr.

6. Butter (for roasting) - 100 ml.

7. Garlic - 3 cloves.

8. Cilantro, parsley - in half a bunch.

9. Flour - 30 gr.

10. To taste the salt.

11. Black and red pepper ground - 2 gr.

The way of preparing the basics:

1. Rinse the defrosted beef, remove the film, cut into "tongues" - slices 5 cm long and about 1 cm thick. Cut the meat across the fibers so that it does not "spill over" during the frying process.

2. Fry in a thick thick-walled frying pan, stirring for about 20 minutes.

3. When the beef pieces are reddened, pour 300-400 ml of water into the pan, cover with a lid, stew for 90 minutes. During this time, the water should be completely evaporated.

4. Simultaneously fry the chopped potatoes in butter almost to readiness.

5. Chop the onions into cubes, place in the meat. Stir and stew for another 10 minutes until the onions are transparent. If the pan is dry, add a little more oil.

6. Tomatoes, fresh or canned, grate or scroll in a meat grinder. Pour the meat with this mass, mix and heat everything together for another 10 minutes.

7. Add fried potatoes, finely chopped garlic and greens to the meat in the gravy.

8. Pour salt and pepper, mix everything, cover and stew for just a couple of minutes.

9. Serve azu with homemade sour cream, fresh herbs.

Azu with pickles (from chicken gizzards)

Inexpensive dish - azu with pickles and chicken stomachs - suitable for everyday menus. Thick savory sauce, fried mushrooms and an abundance of spices will give the finished dish a richness and taste.


1. Chicken ventricles - 0.5 kg.

2. Fresh mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons) - 350 gr.

3. Potatoes - 650 g.

4. Salted cucumbers - 300 gr.

5. One medium carrot.

6. Onion - one pc.

7. Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.

8. Red bell pepper - 1 pc.

9. "A mixture of ground peppers" - 0.5 tsp.

10. Tomato paste - 40 gr.

11. Vegetable oil - 75 gr.

12. Garlic - 3 cloves.

13. Greens to taste.

14. Salt cooking.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the stomachs, remove as much as possible of the film and boil it in salted water for about an hour and a half.

2. Remove the legs from the mushrooms, wash the caps and cut into straws. Fry in oil until complete evaporation of the juice.

3. Cut the stomachs into strips and, together with the mushrooms, put them in a cauldron or thick-walled frying pan with vegetable oil.

4. Cucumbers cut into small cubes or grate, put in a frying pan, stir and fry for 5 minutes.

5. Peel and chop the onions and carrots as if they were fried. Fry in a separate pan until golden brown, stew for 3 minutes with tomato paste and put to the stomachs.

6. Remove all the stems and seeds from sweet pepper, cut into half rings.

7. Cut tomatoes into cubes, mix with pepper and fry. Transfer to a common cauldron.

8. All mix, salt, pepper and pour 500 ml of broth, which remained after cooking stomachs.

9. There also pour peeled and chopped enough finely raw potatoes.

10. Stew the dish on low heat until the potatoes are ready.

11. At the end add crushed garlic (you can use dried) and greens.

Azu with pickles (in a pot with cheese)

Dishes in pots are always tastier than those cooked in a pan. In the process of cooking in the oven, they absorb all the flavors of spices, they are softer and more juicy. Azu with pickled cucumbers under a cheese crust in a pot is a juicy dish with thick gravy and original taste.


1. Average potatoes - 9 tubers.

2. Canned pickles - 6 pieces.

3. Pork tenderloin - 400 gr.

4. Onions - 2 onions.

5. Carrots - half of the root.

6. Red chilli pepper - 1 pc.

7. Bay leaves - 3 pcs.

8. "Krasnodar" tomato sauce - 6 tbsp. l

9. Black pepper - 4 peas.

10. Dill dried - 1.5 tbsp. l

11. Salt to taste.

12. Tomato paste - 45 gr.

13. Hard cheese - 120 gr.

Cooking method:

1. At the bottom of each pot lay out the sliced ​​strips of cucumbers.

2. Wash the meat, cut into large strips or cubes, fry in butter until cooked.

3. Put the pork in the pots and pour the rest in the pan with juice, salt.

4. Top with 80 gr. sauce, bay leaf, dried dill and pepper.

5. Fry onion in half rings in butter.

6. Grate the carrots large and add to the onions, stir and fry for another 5 minutes.

7. Spread the resulting fry in pots.

8. Potatoes cut into large cubes, fry until golden brown in oil, taper with red pepper, stir and fill the pots.

9. In 150 ml of water, stir the tomato paste and fill all the pots.

10. Put in a hot oven for 40 minutes. Fifteen minutes before the end, sprinkle the dish with red paprika (cut it into ringlets) and grated cheese.

11. Serve with sour cream and greens.

Azu with pickles (with radish and zucchini)

Sweet summer dish with fresh zucchini and green radish. Azu with pickles without potatoes is lighter, tender. Thick sauce on the broth with sour cream makes the dish rich and tasty.


1. Large green radish - one pcs.

2. Veal - 700 p.

3. White bulb onion - 3 small bulbs.

4. Carrots - one piece.

5. Salted cucumbers - 100 gr.

6. Zucchini - 500 gr.

7. Sour cream fat - 60 gr.

8. Broth - 0.5 l.

9. Spices: bay leaf, black and allspice, dried dill, parsley.

10. Salt.

11. Green onions to decorate the dish.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the meat and cut into long strips.

2. Fry in vegetable oil, at the end of frying, add chopped finely onions.

3. To the meat add finely chopped cucumbers without skin.

4. Carrots and my radish, clean and rub on the largest grater. Pour to the meat, mix.

5. From the zucchini, remove the rind and cut into cubes, pour in the rest of the vegetables and veal. Salt and simmer for 20 minutes.

6. Add spices, mix, pour broth and simmer on low heat for another 10 minutes. At the end pour sour cream, put the greens. After the dish is ready, you must give it to fill with aromas under the lid for half an hour.

Azu with pickles (fish)

Variation of the traditional recipe in the Tatar style - azu with pickles and fish. You can only use fish fillets or boneless varieties. The dish has a rich taste, reminiscent of the ear, it turns thick and fragrant. It cooks very quickly, because tender fish fillets do not require long heat treatment.


1. Fish fillet - 700 gr.

2. Potatoes - 300 gr.

3. One onion.

4. One large tomato.

5. One carrot.

6. Salted cucumbers - 4 pcs.

7. By a bunch of parsley and cilantro.

8. Garlic - 3 cloves.

9. Bay leaves, ground black pepper, coarse salt and spices "For fish" - to taste.

10. Broth - 150 ml.

11. Herbal oil refined - 75 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the fillet and rinse. Clean the whole fish from skin and bones, remove the fillet. Cut into strips across the ridge.

2. Peel and rinse all vegetables.

3. Onion cut into half rings, potatoes - into large cubes, carrots - with fine straws, cucumbers and tomato grate.

4. Heat the pan with butter and fry the potatoes with onions on it.

5. Add carrots and fry vegetables together for 7 minutes.

6. Put the frying in the cauldron, oiled.

7. Add the fish fillet and tomato, stir, put the stew on a small fire.

8. Add cucumbers, pour broth. Put spices, crushed garlic, chopped herbs and salt.

9. Stir and dry for another 10 minutes until ready.

Azu with pickles (from turkey in a slow cooker)

With the advent of kitchen assistants, the process of cooking even complex dishes has become easier and faster. So azu with pickled cucumbers from turkey can be cooked in a slow cooker. The dish will be juicy due to the preservation of its own juices and gentle steam treatment. Turkey and a large number of vegetables makes azu very light, dietary, low-calorie.


1. Turkey fillet - 750 gr.

2. Bay leaves - 1 pc.

3. Onion - one.

4. Potato starch - 60 gr.

5. Tomato paste - 30 gr.

6. Potatoes - 2 tubers.

7. Salt to taste.

8. Water - 1 dimensional multi-glass.

Cooking method:

1. Peel a small onion, cut into half rings.

2. Slightly fry in butter in the "Frying" mode for 7 minutes.

3. Rinse the turkey and cut into large cubes.

4. Add to the onions, stir and fry until a golden brown crust appears on the meat pieces.

5. Pour spices, starch, salt.

6. Add the potatoes, cut into thin strips.

7. Fry in butter for another 5 minutes.

8. Fill with tomato paste diluted in warm water.

9. Close the lid and set the Quenching mode to 70 minutes.

10. After turning off the multicooker, do not open it, but let the dish stand for a few more minutes.

Azu with pickles - tips and tricks

Tasty "right" azu work out, if you choose the right ingredients:

1. Pick up meat without films. The longest stew is lamb and beef. Fish, finely chopped chicken or turkey meat can be stewed with vegetables.

2. Instead of meat, you can also use offal: chicken or turkey hearts, stomachs. The original is the azu of the bird's liver.

3. To make the sauce in the dish thick, use flour or starch. It is impossible to pour them into the hot azu. You must first mix the flour with cold water and then pour it into the dish.

4. Add garlic at the very end, literally 1-2 minutes before readiness. In the traditional recipe, garlic is often not crushed, but simply crushed with a knife and placed on top of the cauldron, and then thrown away, as in a pilaf.

5. Oil can be used as sunflower, and corn, olive and any other refined.

6. The recipe uses salted or pickled cucumbers. Brine can also be added to the basics to make the dish more spicy and sour.

Serving to the table:

1. Azu with pickles served to the table with sour cream or white sauce, mayonnaise.

2. Dish in a portion plate sprinkled with fresh chopped cilantro, parsley or dill.

3. For greater acidity and piquancy, you can trout the azu on top of the grated lemon zest and lay out a few olives, cut into circles.

4. For stewing, you can use ordinary water or broth, in which meat is stewed or cooked. An interesting combination of flavors gives the use of chicken broth in the fish azu.


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