Stewed and Baked Beef with Prunes: Perfect Roast! Author's recipes of the most tender beef with prunes


Beef is a delicious, lean, low-calorie meat that is popular all over the world. Cooked dishes do not lose their taste after warming up, so beef is especially good for home cooking.

Juicy, meat with a terrific meaty flavor goes well with traditional spices: pepper, marjoram, basil, bay leaf, coriander, thyme. It acquires a special taste in combination with prunes. Light sourness is given to beef and prune dishes with a surprisingly delicate, savory taste.

Garnish for meat can be pasta, steamed or roasted vegetables, rice and other cereals. Fresh chopped greens, mustard, shredded horseradish with lemon - a great seasoning for dishes from beef with prunes.

Beef with prunes - the general principles of cooking

Beef fibers are very tough, so meat is cooked for a long time. Cooking methods can be different: stewing, roasting, baking, boiling. Except for the latter method, all others need close attention. It is important to prevent drying, to preserve meat juice.

The minimum cooking time for beef is one and a half hours. Prunes, if the recipe allows, you should add forty minutes before cooking meat. To make the meat softer, you need to properly discourage it. This will shorten the cooking time.

To prepare the meat, it needs to be defrosted, thoroughly washed with cool running water, dried on a towel or blotted with paper napkins. Then the meat piece is cut as required by the recipe: thin straws, cubes, thin plates, steaks.

For the preparation of rolls meat should be cut as thin as possible. The area of ​​the meat piece must be quite large so that you can wrap the stuffing and fasten the roll well. Cut the meat only across the grain.

Prunes must be used sweet and sour, without stones. If the product is very dry, it should be pre-soaked to hot water (not higher than 60 degrees) and leave for ten minutes. Softened prunes are used whole or cut into small cubes.

If the recipe includes vegetables, they need to be prepared in the usual way: wash, peel, peel, seed and cut as required by the recipe.

Braised beef with prunes and walnuts

A great dish with a delicate nutty flavor and pleasant sourness can be made the basis of a family lunch or dinner. A minimum of ingredients and a simple cooking method will allow cooking beef with prunes even to novice cooks.


• eight hundred grams of beef;

• one hundred grams of prunes;

• two-thirds cup of walnuts;

• dried greens;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Fry the nuts in a hot dry skillet. Put on a plate.

Add some of the prunes with a small amount of hot water, cut into four parts after swelling. Water does not pour out.

Remove the husks from the cooled nuts, rubbing them between the fingers, grind with a blender or chop finely with a knife.

Cut meat into cubes (arbitrary size), slightly beat off.

Heat the pan again, fry the meat without oil and stew for five minutes in its own juice under the lid.

Remove the cap and evaporate the liquid.

Salt the meat, add prunes to the pan and water in which it softens. Mix.

Add half a glass of water and simmer under a tight covered lid for one hour.

Introduce nuts (leave a teaspoon of nuts for decoration), dried herbs, mix and simmer for another five to ten minutes. If necessary, add water.

Serve with a side dish, garnished with the remaining nuts.

Beef with prunes, stewed with carrots and onions

Beef with prunes, cooked according to this recipe, turns out to be tender and tasty. Carrots and prunes give meat tenderness and sweetish taste. It is easy to prepare the dish, but the result is excellent. As a side dish serve boiled potatoes.


• seven hundred grams of beef;

• glasses of prunes;

• large carrots;

• two medium bulbs;

pepper (black or sweet) to taste;

• bay leaf;

• a spoonful of ground black pepper;

• oil for the pan;

• salt;

• water or broth (glass);

• fresh or dried herbs;

• two spoons of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

Onions finely shred.

Cut carrots into slices.

On two spoons of red-hot butter, fry onions, carrots, bring to readiness for fifteen minutes.

Introduce tomato paste, stew for five minutes.

Put the onion-carrot zazharku in a quenching dish (thick-walled pan, cauldron).

Cut meat into cubes about two centimeters.

Fry the beef in a hot skillet for about fifteen minutes without letting the juice flow out.

Put the meat in a dish to simmer for onions and carrots. Salt to taste.

Pour water or broth into the dishes, simmer for an hour on low heat.

Prune wash and put in meat.

Add pepper, bay leaf to the pan, simmer for half an hour.

Put the meat to the potatoes, pour the juice formed during the quenching.

Beef with prunes, stewed with creamy mushroom sauce

The traditional combination of mushrooms and sour cream makes beef with prunes a very light, delicate dish.


• kilo of beef;

• three hundred grams of mushrooms;

• two medium bulbs;

• two hundred grams of prunes;

• two carrots;

• pepper and salt;

• half a cup of sour cream;

• butter.

Cooking method:

Cut meat into cubes, repel.

Heat the oil, fry the meat to the crust, preventing juice from flowing out.

Cut onions into rings.

Soak prunes, cut into small pieces.

Grate carrots large or cut into thin strips.

Finely chop the mushrooms.

Put the onions, then the meat into the stew.

Salt, sprinkle with pepper.

Consistently, layer by layer lay out the prunes, carrots, chopped mushrooms.

Salt again, pour sour cream diluted in 100 ml of water, cover with a lid and simmer for at least an hour. If necessary, add water.

Decorate the dish with fresh or dried herbs when serving.

Beef with prunes in a multicooker with pine nuts

Pine nuts make this version of beef with prunes useful, tasty and very beautiful dish. You can submit it to both everyday and festive table. Easy cooking in a slow cooker guarantees success.


• six hundred grams of beef off the shoulder;

• two medium bulbs;

• 150 grams of prunes;

• half a liter of water or broth;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a handful of pine nuts;

• three tablespoons of flour;

• bay leaf, pepper, herbs and spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into small pieces. Repel.

Grease the bowl multicooker oil.

Chop the onions with semi-whelkberries, fry them on a frying or baking program until browning.

Put the meat sticks on the onions, continue frying until the meat turns red. Do not close the cover of the multicooker so that the meat does not release the juice.

Chop the garlic with a knife.

Drain prunes with hot water, in fifteen minutes cut into small pieces.

Add garlic, prunes, nuts, spices, herbs to salt, salt and sprinkle with pepper.

Dissolve the flour in the broth and pour into the thicket of the slow cooker.

Set the mode of quenching and simmer meat for half an hour.

Beef with prunes in a slow cooker with sour cream and herbs

Sour cream sauce makes beef with prunes cooked in a slow cooker, especially tender. We need the usual ingredients that can be found in any kitchen.


• pound of beef;

• two medium bulbs;

• one medium carrot;

• 150 grams of prunes;

• two tablespoons of sour cream;

• butter;

• Bay leaf;

• salt and pepper;

• dried herbs and spices: dill, basil, rosemary, coriander.

Cooking method:

Cut meat into medium pieces.

Heat the pan and fry the meat until crusted.

Shred onion and fry in a bowl.

Grate carrots or cut into strips, put to the onion, fry for another five minutes.

Put in a slow cooker meat.

Add spices, salt, sour cream, pepper, mix everything and pour water so that the centimeter cover the contents of the multicooker.

Set the extinguishing program for an hour.

Cut prunes into halves.

Fifteen minutes before the end of the quenching program put the prunes to the meat, mix.

Beef with prunes in a slow cooker with champignon sauce

Tender, juicy, tasty beef with prunes and mushrooms can be an excellent dinner option. Good with any side dish, especially potatoes and rice.


• kilo of beef;

• three hundred grams of fresh champignons;

• medium strong carrot;

• large onion;

• different ground pepper;

• Ready Provence herbs or a mixture of rosemary, basil, garlic;

• oil for the pan.

Cooking method:

Beef cut into medium sticks.

Cut the champignons into four or six pieces.

Cut carrots into rings.

Onion chop half rings.

In the frying mode, heat the butter, lay out the meat and fry, without covering with a lid, until a crust appears. Salt, mix.

Put onions and mushrooms, pour a little water and simmer for half an hour.

After the signal, try the meat for salt, if necessary, salt it and re-activate the extinguishing mode for half an hour.

Beef chops with prunes in the oven under the cheese crust

Incredibly delicious, soft and juicy beef chops with prunes can be cooked in the oven. Fantastic cheese crust will enhance the savory taste of this dish.


• six hundred grams of beef tenderloin;

• six prunes;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a quarter cup of dry red wine;

• two spoons of a mixture of different peppers;

• eighty grams of hard cheese;

• Spoon peeled walnuts;

• three tablespoons sour cream.

Cooking method:

Cut the tenderloin on the plates for beating no more than one and a half centimeters.

Beat off the meat on both sides.

Marinate the meat in a mixture of wine, salt and spices.

Prune cut into thin strips.

Cheese grate.

Finely chop the garlic.

Chop walnuts with a knife or grate.

Put the meat on a greased baking sheet, brush with sour cream, cover with cheese crumb.

Heat oven to 160 degrees, bake meat for 30-40 minutes.

Beef with prunes in the oven "Christmas"

Nourishing, spicy, sweet and sour beef with prunes, cloves, cinnamon in vinegar marinade is a great idea of ​​the second dish.


• kilo of beef;

• a pound of prunes;

• three spoons of pork lard;

• two onions;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• spoon of vinegar 6%;

• half a cup of tomato paste;

• a glass of water or broth;

• five carnation stuff;

• ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife;

• salt;

• a teaspoon of sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut meat into cubes.

Prune soak.

Heat the oil, fry the beef and put in a heat-resistant form.

Dissolve the fat in the pan, fry the tomato paste and onion.

Put tomato zazharku in meat, add water or broth.

Stew in an oven preheated to 230 degrees for half an hour.

Fry the flour on the remains of lard, dilute with water or broth.

Pour the flour sauce with meat, add prunes, simmer for one hour.

As soon as the meat is ready, pour vinegar into the mold, put a clove, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, salt and simmer for fifteen minutes.

Serve in a sauce with a side dish, laying in a plate of prunes.

Beef roll with prunes in the oven

Beef roll can be cooked with any filling, including prunes, greens and vegetables. A great option for a festive table.


• one and a half kilograms of beef in one large piece;

• 150 grams of prunes;

• two cloves of garlic;

• medium carrot;

• medium bulb;

• fresh herbs to taste;

• salt and pepper;

• spices as desired.

Cooking method:

Cut beef into thin plates, without cutting the piece to the end, achieving similarity with the opened book. Thin meat plates should imitate sheets of paper.

Upholster each layer and the whole piece.

Chop the garlic and grate the meat in a mixture with salt and pepper.

Optionally add to the mixture for pickling any spices.

Remove for fifteen minutes in the refrigerator.

Soak prunes in hot water and cut into thin strips.

Large carrot grate.

Shred onions.

Fry onions and carrots in a hot skillet.

Mix vegetables with prunes, chopped fresh greens, salt and mix.

Spread the stuffing between the meat "leaves", roll tight, giving the meat the shape of a roll.

Place the roll in dense foil and bake for exactly one hour in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Expand the foil and finish baking for half an hour. Meat should redden.

After cooling, chop and serve with potatoes or pasta.

Beef with prunes - tips and tricks

  • Beef should have a smooth red color. If a piece has several shades, it must have been defrosted several times. There is practically no juice in such beef, so the taste of meat is low.
  • Meat fibers should be located tightly, evenly. This is a sure sign of quality beef.
  • Beef can be replaced with veal, which will significantly shorten the cooking time.
  • Young meat has a lighter color. If the beef is dark, then the meat is old, tough.
  • Prunes can be replaced by pineapple. The taste and aroma are simply magical.
  • To make the meat tasty, it needs to ripen. At home, this process can be completed in the refrigerator, removing a piece there for three to four days. On the plate you need to put the grate, put the meat on the grate, cover upside down deep plate.
  • Frozen beef meat should be thawed in the refrigerator. The temperature of five degrees is ideal for defrosting. Slow defrosting will keep the maximum amount of meat juice.
  • For quenching and baking, a scapula, rivets, neck, rump, rump, fins, and tenderloin are suitable.
