Pea soup with pork is a traditional dish of all time. Recipes of thick, rich pea soup with pork


Pea soup is the first dish that has a huge number of variations.

Why not just cook it! And each recipe is delicious in its own way.

Pea soups with pork stand out especially - hearty, rich, well-satisfying hunger and amazingly fragrant.

Will we cook?

Pea and pork soup - general cooking principles

To make soup, use yellow peas or green. To reduce the cooking time, a dry product can be presoaked in water and allowed to swell, it can be left overnight. But in this case, it is better to put in the refrigerator. If crushed peas are used, then you can not soak them for a long time, just hold them in water while the meat broth is cooked. Sometimes soups are prepared with green peas, fresh, canned or frozen.

Also need pork. You can use fresh meat or smoked meat in the soup. Usually, meat is poured with water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled until half cooked. Then peas and other ingredients specified in the recipe are laid.

In addition to the main products are added vegetablesgiving additional taste and density to the first dish. Potatoes are just laid and boiled. Onions, carrots, tomatoes can be pre-fried in a pan with the addition of fats. Spices can be taken absolutely any, greens are laid in the end, before the end of preparation of pea soup with pork.

Recipe 1: Classic Pea Pork Soup

Recipe for pea soup with pork on the bone, giving a rich and rich broth. You can cook with ribs, shank and any other part of the carcass. Soak peas in advance to reduce the cooking time of the soup.


• 800 grams of pork;

• 200 grams of dried peas;

• 5 potatoes;

• carrot;

• greenery;

• 30 grams of oil;

• salt;

• onion.


1. Pour thoroughly washed meat with water (about three liters). We put it to boil, when boiling, remove the foam and excess fat. Cook for 60-90 minutes, depending on the size of the slices and the quality of the meat.

2. Add the peas, cook until soft.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and send them to the pan. At this point, the soup can be salted.

4. We clean carrots, shred. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry everything together in a pan until golden brown.

5. Once the potatoes are soft, put the fried vegetables, try the first dish on the salt and bring to taste.

6. Lay herbs, you can add other spices. Let it boil, turn it off and insist for half an hour.

Recipe 2: Pea and Pork Tomato Soup

Fresh tomatoes are used in the recipe, but if necessary, replace with tomato paste. You can also take canned tomatoes or homemade tomato ketchup, it will turn out even tastier and more aromatic.


• a pound of pork ribs;

• a glass of peas;

• clove of garlic;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 3 potatoes;

• spices;

• onion;

• some oil;

• parsley, you can take dill.


1. Cut the ribs one at a time. Pour the oil into a skillet and fry the pork until golden brown. It is important to do this over high heat so that pork does not have time to let the juice go.

2. Put the ribs in the pan, add water (approximately 2.5 liters) and boil until almost ready.

3. Lay the peas, cook together until the beans are soft, then add the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes. Solim.

4. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in oil.

5. Peel the tomatoes, chop finely and send to the browned onion. Fry together so that the tomatoes acquire a bright color. Add chopped clove of garlic to the pan.

6. As soon as the potatoes become soft, send the contents of the pan to it, mix. Boil for 2 minutes, try on salt and add more if necessary.

7. Fill with greens and turn off.

Recipe 3: Creamy Pea Pork Soup

The recipe for deliciously tasty and hearty pea soup with mashed pork. To make mashed potatoes, you need a blender. For this recipe, it is better to use pork pulp.


• 500 grams of pork pulp;

• 300 grams of peas;

• large carrots;

• onion;

• butter;

• spices, herbs.


1. Boil pork whole piece in 2.5-3 liters of liquid.

2. Add the peas and cook until the beans fall apart.

3. We make a passerovka from grated carrots and chopped onions in butter. Vegetable fat can also be used, but tastes better with butter.

4. Take the meat out of the soup.

5. Add the fried carrots with onions.

6. Grind the soup in mashed potatoes, salt and pepper to taste. We put on the stove, boil for a minute.

7. Pork cut into cubes.

8. Pour soup into a plate, put meat, sprinkle with herbs and can be served!

Recipe 4: Smoked Pork Pea Soup

Smoked ribs are usually used for this pea and pork soup, but you can take any other part that is found. In any case, there will be an amazing aroma of haze. The advantage of this first dish is the speed of cooking, since you do not need to cook the broth for more than an hour.


• 400 grams of smoked meats;

• onions, carrots;

• 250 grams of peas;

• 2-3 potatoes;

• oil, spices.


1. Pour pre-soaked peas with three liters of water, boil until almost ready.

2. Add chopped ribs, bring to a boil.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut them randomly and put them in a pot with soup. Salt and cook the dish until the potatoes are soft.

4. We do the usual frying of onions with carrots in a pan. Spread in the soup.

5. We season with any spices. Greenery, cover and turn off. Let the soup stand for a quarter of an hour and you can serve it on the table.

Recipe 5: Fresh Pea Pork Soup

A fresh and tasty first course, which is much easier than dried pea soup. To prepare this soup, you can take summer peas or frozen.


• 400 grams of pork;

• onion;

• 3 potatoes;

• carrot;

• butter;

• 400 grams of peas;

• bell pepper;

• spices.


1. Pour the meat with two liters of water, cook until fully cooked. Then we take out, release from the stone (if it was) and cut into small pieces.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and send to the broth. Return the meat back, salt and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Fry chopped onions with carrots in a pan. At the end we put chopped finely Bulgarian pepper, simmer until soft.

4. Put the peas in the pan. If frozen is used, it must first be thawed and washed with cold water. Boil for 5 minutes.

5. Add vegetables from the pan to the pan, season with spices, herbs and turn off.

Recipe 6: Pea Soup with Pork and Canned Peas

The option of making a bright and beautiful pea soup with pork, which uses the finished product. We use any meat, it is possible on the bone. This dish is prepared without frying vegetables.


• 500 grams of canned peas;

• 600 grams of pork;

• 4 potatoes;

• carrot;

• red bell pepper;

• 2 tomatoes;

• herbs, spices.


1. Pour meat with two liters of water, boil. Salt broth.

2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, dip in a saucepan.

3. Peel the carrots, also cut into cubes, but a little smaller. We drop after the potatoes.

4. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, hold for a minute and lower them into ice water. Remove the skin, cut into cubes and put into a saucepan with already soft vegetables, boil for 3 minutes.

5. Drain the marinade from the peas and run into the soup.

6. Boil, add spices, herbs, if necessary, then add salt. Bright soup is ready!

Recipe 7: Mongolian Pork Pea Soup

A feature of this soup is the addition of tomato juice and paprika. These products give the first dish a special taste and beautiful color. Soak the peas for several hours before the beans swell. Better use a green variety.


• a glass of peas;

• 1.5 cups of tomato juice;

• onion;

• 300 grams of pork pulp;

• paprika, herbs;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• butter.


1. Cut the pork into cubes, like a goulash. Fry in a pan in butter until golden brown and transfer to a pan.

2. Fill with water, you can use boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Wash the swollen peas and put in the soup. Cook until tender.

4. In the pan in which the meat was fried, add a little more oil.

5. Cut the onion, fry, add tomato juice. Boil the contents twice and at the end put a teaspoon with a mountain of paprika.

6. As soon as the peas are cooked, add the soup and spread the tomato mass. Boil for a minute, season with herbs.

Recipe 8: Pea Soup with Pork and Mushrooms

Unusually fragrant and tasty first course. For this soup, we will use fresh champignons, but if desired, you can take those mushrooms that are.


• a piece of pork on the bone;

• a glass of peas (dry);

• 300 grams of champignons;

• onion;

• butter;

• carrot;

• spices, parsley;

• 2 potatoes.


1. Cook the pork broth and three liters of liquid, add the peas and cook until soft.

2. Shred the mushrooms with plates, fry in oil, add chopped carrots and chopped onion into cubes. Fry together until soft vegetables.

3. Potatoes cut into cubes. Throw in a saucepan, salt and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Lower the fried mushrooms with vegetables, boil for 3 minutes, season the dish with herbs and turn off. We give half an hour to insist that the mushrooms fully reveal their taste and can be set on the table.

Recipe 9: Spicy Pea Soup with Pork and Nuts

The proportion of this dish is spiced red pepper is used. Its amount is approximate, we focus on our taste preferences. A nutty dressing with green onions, which is added directly to the plate, gives the dish an unusual aroma.


• a pound of pork;

• a glass of dried peas;

• 2 potatoes;

• onion;

• 100 grams of nuts;

• 0.5 tsp hot pepper;

• butter;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• a bunch of onions.


1. Boil pork in 2 liters of water, after an hour add washed and swollen peas. Cook together. Once the beans are soft, the soup can be salted.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips, and send them to the saucepan.

3. In a pan, heat the oil, fry the onions.

4. Cut the garlic finely, send to an already ruddy onion, fry for a few seconds and turn it off.

5. As soon as the potatoes are boiled, season the soup with fried onions and garlic, add hot pepper, try on salt and spices, if necessary add more. Boil on and off.

6. Walnuts are slightly dried in a pan, then chopped with a knife. Finely chop the onion feathers and grind it with your hands with nuts.

7. Pour soup into a plate, put green onions with nuts and you can have a meal.

Pea soup with pork - tips and tricks

• Does peas not cook for a long time and remain stiff? You can add a pinch of soda to the pan. The process will go faster.

• Salt slows down the preparation of peas, so add this spice to the first dish after the beans are soft. Otherwise, the cooking will be delayed.

• Tomato sauces and tomatoes also slow down the cooking process. Therefore, they need to be cooked separately, laying in the roast and only at the end send to the pan, let it boil for a couple of minutes, add the greens and you can turn it off.

• Do not know how much to soak peas for soup? You can put up to a glass of dry beans per liter of thick mashed soup. If you need to cook a soup of medium density, then half a glass is enough. Also consider the presence or absence of vegetables. On average, they can make 3 liters of soup with potatoes in a glass of dried beans.

• You can hold the bay leaf in the pan after cooking for half an hour, and then it is better to remove it, otherwise the dish will get an unpleasant taste.


Watch the video: A Classic Caribbean Split Peas And Salted Pigtail Soup. (June 2024).