Biscuit roll - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook biscuit roll.


Biscuit roll - general principles and methods of cooking

Biscuit rolls with a thin soft dough and delicious delicate cream is a favorite delicacy of sweet teeth. They and shop are good, and made independently and for a long time. Some housewives, giving the product individuality, decorate the roll so beautifully that it becomes like a work of art. But without decorating roll deliciously delicious. Cream for the filling use any - cottage cheese, cream, protein, chocolate, fruit, banana, strawberry, as well as jam, jam, condensed milk, halva. To make the product juiciness, sponge cake can be impregnated with syrup, and for aroma add citrus zest, vanilla, cinnamon. The top of the roll is sprinkled with coconut chips, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, poured with icing, fudge, decorated with chocolate, fruits, berries.

Biscuit roll - food preparation

Sponge cake is prepared very quickly, so you need to prepare all the products in advance, warm the oven, and cover the baking sheet with oiled paper. Baked dough is usually about fifteen minutes. It is not recommended to move away from the plate at this time, you need to be alert, because Depending on the individuality of the oven, sponge cake can be baked earlier. The finished sheet of dough, while hot (unless another option is specified in the recipe), must be placed on a towel and wrapped with a roll right along with it, gradually removing the paper. When it cools, it is unrolled, greased with cream and rolled back.

Biscuit roll - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Biscuit roll with condensed milk

Delicious roll in a hurry. For the filling, instead of boiled, you can use regular condensed milk (1 b. Condensed milk (400 g) mixed with a pack of butter (200 g) and a bag of vanilla sugar). If desired, decorate the product with melted chocolate or smear the top with condensed milk and sprinkle with coconut chips.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar and flour, a jar (0.5 l) of boiled condensed milk, slaked soda without a slide - 1 tea. lie (or 1 tea lb. baking soda + ½ table. l. vinegar (6%). Decoration (optional): 2-3 table. l. condensed milk, coconut chips, chocolate - 100g, confectionery powder.

Cooking method

Prepare the biscuit dough, why beat eggs with sugar, add flour and hydrated soda (or quench yourself). This volume is enough for a large baking sheet (approximately 45 by 35 cm).

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper (grease) in the whole area. If there is no paper of such width, overlap. Pour dough and bake for eight minutes (20 ° C). The finished biscuit is divided into two parts and still hot to remove from the sheet and then, before it gets cold, spread with condensed milk and roll.

It remains to decorate it. The first roll grease with white condensed milk, sprinkle with coconut. For the second, melt the chocolate (in a water bath), rub it in beforehand, lubricate the top of the roll and cover with confectionery powder (very small colored sticks and balls).

Recipe 2: Biscuit Roll with Whipped Cream

The peculiarity of this roll is that the biscuit always turns out and rises well. The secret - in the boiling water, which is added to the dough. The filling is hammered in cream, although it doesn’t matter in principle - you can grease the sheet with regular jam. Ingredients are indicated on a 45 by 40 cm baking tray.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar, 100 ml of boiling water, a bag of baking powder (10-12g), a glass of flour. Cream: heavy cream (30%) - 800 ml, 4 bags of fixer for cream, 2 tablespoons. sugar sand.

Cooking method

Initially, it is worth making blanks so that you can immediately knead the dough and bake a biscuit. Flour - a couple of tablespoons, mix with baking powder and sift through a sieve. The rest of the flour, too, sift (separately). Boil the kettle so that cool boiling water is at hand. Cover baking sheet with paper, thinly oiled.

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Continuing the beating, pour in boiling water, pour in the flour, continuing to knead and in the last turn - flour with baking powder.

Pour dough on a baking sheet. It turns out quite thick, spread over the surface and bake for ten to fifteen minutes (180-200C). Let it cool, spread it with cream, and already cooled down, together with the filling, turn into a roll. The dough is soft, bends well and peels off the paper. It will be even tastier if you put finely chopped fruit or berries on the cream - kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, depending on the season.

For the cream, beat all the ingredients. The fixer is an odorless and tasteless powder to prevent the cream from falling off. If the fixer is not found, you can do without it. The top of the roll is also smeared with cream and decorated at the discretion with berries, fruit, biscuit or chocolate chips.

Recipe 3: Patterned Biscuit Roll

Such a roll is not only incredibly tasty, but also looks very original, because It is decorated with a pattern. The technology of application of which is quite simple - part of the sponge dough is mixed with cocoa and decorations are made from it. Cooking biscuit takes about five to seven minutes longer than usual.

Ingredients: Dough - 4 eggs, an incomplete glass of sugar, 150 g of flour, tea. lie baking powder and vanilla sugar, 30g butter. Decoration: 8-10 stol.lozh. sponge dough, 2 tables.lozh. milk, 3 table.lozh. cocoa powder. Cream: 200 g soft cheese (like ricotto) or fat cottage cheese (no grains), 200 ml sour cream, 100 g sugar.

Cooking method

Separate the yolks from the proteins. Half of the portions of sugar and yolks whip-rub until white. Mix butter (melt in the microwave or in a water bath) with yolks, add vanilla sugar, grind thoroughly.

Beat the whites into a strong foam, add the second half of a cup of sugar and add to the yolk mass, stirring gently. Pour the sifted flour in parts (mix with baking powder) and stir with a spatula or spoon. Put the part of the dough in the bowl (for decoration), pour the rest on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper and level. Add milk and cocoa to deferred dough, mix. On the white dough, which lies on the baking sheet, put brown blots. With the help of a toothpick, you can correct the picture - make spirals, the sun, etc. Bake for 15-20 minutes (200C). Ready to put a sponge on a towel patterned down, and gently separating the paper, roll up the roll. Allow to cool. Expand, spread with cream and assemble back.

For the cream, mix all the ingredients with a mixer and spread them on the cake.

Sponge rolls - tips from experienced chefs

- To give the roll a spicy taste, baked biscuit leaf over the entire surface can be sprinkled with rum or brandy.

- Analogue of Ricotto cheese for curd cream can be made independently. Freeze a liter package of kefir in the freezer until it becomes stone. To get it, free yogurt from the package and put it in gauze. Hang the gauze or place in a colander attached to the saucepan. As the kefir thaws, all the whey will go away, and the soft curd will remain in the gauze. From a liter of kefir approximately 200 g of cottage cheese will turn out.


Julia 05.02.2016
She baked 2 recipes) did everything according to the recipe, it didn’t work out to turn the biscuit, started to break) cut it into 4 pieces and smeared with boiled condensed milk. Very strong taste of eggs. I did not like) in this recipe or a lot of eggs or a little flour.

ZARA 01/29/2016
I tried to cook a roll according to the recipe 2. Incredibly gentle, airy, and what's important, it is very quick and easy to prepare! Thank you so much!


Watch the video: No-Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake Recipe (July 2024).