Are babies able to read our minds !?


“Children aged 1 year 6 months can read other people's thoughts.” This conclusion was reached by researchers from the University of California (Los Angeles). Previously it was believed that children in the age category from 4 to 7 years old are capable of identifying themselves with an outsider. Scientists decided to test this statement using a test of false beliefs. Here is the classic form of the test: a person enters the room, puts an object, for example scissors, in a certain place and leaves. A second researcher comes in and hides the scissors in his pocket. The first person returns and the researchers are interested in the child: "What do you think, where will the first person look for scissors?"

Researchers should check to see if the child can understand the thoughts of another person, one who wonders where the scissors are. During this test, children living in Western countries usually answer correctly (a person will look for scissors in a secret place) from four to seven years old, and children from other countries - in a different age category.

The new experiment involved 90 children from Ecuador, China and Fiji. The age of the tested is from nineteen months to 5 years. The experiment differed from the classical version in only one way - the person who entered the room to hide the scissors suddenly stopped and said the following phrase: “I wonder where exactly he will look for scissors?”.

All reactions of the subjects were recorded on video, with the scientists paying attention to the eyes of the children. It turned out that they are looking at a hidden place, therefore, suggest that the first person will look for scissors, scissors there.

Scientists concluded that the ability to "read minds" develops in children much earlier than previously thought. Moreover, this happens simultaneously in all cultures. Previous studies may have shown inaccurate results due to cultural differences. According to Clark Barrett (the author of the study), the question “Where will the first person look for scissors, what do you think?” Led the children into bewilderment, which is why they gave the wrong answers.


Watch the video: Michio Kaku on Reading Minds, Recording Dreams, and Brain Imaging (July 2024).