Pumpkin: calorie content and composition, good for the body or bad for health? The benefits and harms of pumpkins for children, pregnant and lactating


In one children's fairy tale, a large orange vegetable turns into a luxurious carriage with a wave of a magic wand.

This tale is called "Cinderella" and it is popular among different generations.

What can not be said about the orange vegetable from the fairy tale - pumpkin.

Many people don’t even know what a pumpkin tastes like.

In Russia, this pumpkin family vegetable appeared in the 16th century, but was not popular until the 18th century.

And now pumpkin is perceived as a baby food and vegetable, from which healthy porridge is made. But is pumpkin good for the human body and will it harm its use? To understand this issue, you need to find out what is part of this vegetable.

The composition and calorie content of pumpkin

Pumpkin contains unique set of vitamins and minerals:

• Vitamin PP - 0.7 mg;

• Vitamin A - 250mkg. According to the content of this vitamin, pumpkin is in second place, after carrots;

• B vitamins (B1 - 0.05 mg, B2 - 0.06 mg, B5 - 0.4 mg, B6 - 0.1 mg, B9 - 14 mg);

• Vitamin C - 8 mg;

• Vitamin E - 0.4 mg;

• Vitamin T (carnitine);

• Vitamin K, which is found only in this vegetable;

• Beta-carotene - 1.5mg;

• Fluorine - 1mkg;

• Calcium - 25 mg;

• Magnesium - 14 mg;

• Sodium - 4 mg;

• Potassium - 2.4 mg;

• Phosphorus - 25 mg;

• Chlorine - 19 mg;

• Iron - 0.4mg;

• Iodine - 1mkg, and many others.

Calorie pumpkin is 22kcal per 100g in raw form. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1.2 g, 0.3 g and 7.5 g, respectively. Therefore, the pumpkin can be safely called diet vegetable. In addition, the composition of the pumpkin includes dietary fiber, organic acids, omega-3 fatty acids, water and ash. The pulp contains pectins, phytin and enzymes. Pumpkin seeds contain essential oils.

How to eat pumpkin?

They use this vegetable both in raw form and after heat treatment. The most common pumpkin dish is porridge with milk and rice, or other cereals. But besides this, there are other pumpkin dishes that are worth a try.

Candied peel is made from candied peel, seeds are dried or roasted - therefore, having dismantled the pumpkin, you can do without waste. Culinary masterpieces are made from pulp - pumpkin pies, pancakes, casseroles, mashed soups, salads, cookies. Pumpkin soufflé is popular among fans of unusual tastes. pumpkin ice cream with honey and cinnamon and pumpkin smoothie with spices. This sweet vegetable is multifunctional - it is combined with meat, vegetables, cereals and fruits.

In addition to the fact that this vegetable is eaten, the benefits of pumpkin are tangible and in cosmetology. Pumpkin pulp masks help cleanse and heal the skin. It helps cleanse pores, reduce redness, get rid of acne and acne. Also, with the help of lotions from pumpkins, they treat wounds. The pulp of this vegetable is applied for 15 minutes to the affected area of ​​the skin, after which it is removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

What is the use of pumpkin for the human body?

The beneficial properties of pumpkin have been valued in medicine since ancient times. This vegetable has a positive effect on human health if consumed in reasonable quantities.

1. Pumpkin helps the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its fiber content, this vegetable helps to improve intestinal motility, and prevents the formation of constipation. Raw pumpkin is most effective against constipation. From a medical point of view, pumpkin is an antiemetic, therefore, the use of this sweet vegetable is recommended before a long trip to people who are sick of travel or to people who are prone to "seasickness." In addition, pumpkin seeds are a remedy for worms and intestinal parasites. In terms of effectiveness, they are inferior to medications, but in terms of accessibility and naturalness they have no equal.

2. Pumpkin is useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.). Potassium contained in this sweet vegetable helps strengthen blood vessels, stabilize heart function, normalize heart rate and reduce swelling. This vegetable also helps to normalize blood pressure. The pectins that are found in pumpkin help remove cholesterol, chloride salts, toxins, and toxins from the body. The use of this vegetable helps to reduce blood sugar, so pumpkin is recommended for people suffering from diabetes, but only in boiled form.

3. Eating pumpkins regularly helps fight obesity.. This dietary vegetable consists of 90% water, therefore it is recommended for use by people who are obese. Nutritionists advise everyone to lose weight to include pumpkin in their diet. This vegetable can be eaten after a serving of meat or other heavy food - pumpkin helps digestion.

4. Pumpkin has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Eating pumpkin helps fight kidney disease. The work of the gallbladder improves. This vegetable is recommended for use with holicystitis, colitis and angiocholitis. In addition, pumpkin has anti-inflammatory properties. Pumpkin helps normalize liver function.

5. Useful materialcontained in pumpkin help slow down the aging process. The process of renewal of skin cells, tissue regeneration improves.

6. The content of B vitamins affects the effect of pumpkin on the nervous system. Pumpkin helps to normalize sleep, has a calming effect, and helps to overcome chronic fatigue and depression. In addition, pumpkin helps improve memory and has a beneficial effect on brain function.

7. It has long been known that chronic cough and lung disease are treated with pumpkin. This vegetable helps to cure a sore throat, and even otitis media.

8. Pumpkin positively affects immunityhelps to strengthen it. You can eat pumpkin at any time of the year, as it is stored for at least 3 months.

9. Carotene and Vitamin A have beneficial effects on vision. People say that eating pumpkin helps prevent cancer, but this is not confirmed by medicine. This is due to the effect of carotene on the human body.

10. Pumpkin Helps Improve Metabolism, normalize the process of hematopoiesis and prevent the occurrence of anemia, due to the effects of iron, phosphorus and copper, which are part of this vegetable.

11. Pumpkin positively affects men's health - Helps prevent prostatitis and prostate adenoma. This vegetable improves potency.

In addition, pumpkin inhibits the growth of tubercle bacillus, and regular use of pumpkin juice helps prevent tooth decay. The health benefits of pumpkin are undeniable, but would this vegetable be harmful if consumed in large quantities?

Pumpkin harm: proven or not?

Contraindications to the use of this sweet vegetable are few. To refrain from eating raw pumpkins is worth if there is one of the following diseases:

• diabetes;

• stomach ulcer;

• reduced acidity of the stomach;

• gastritis (especially in combination with low acidity);

• gastroduodenitis;

• diseases of the duodenum.

With intestinal colic, pumpkin consumption is not recommended in any form. It should be remembered that pumpkin seeds adversely affect tooth enamel. Therefore, after eating seeds, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with water.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to this vegetable occurs. In other cases, the use of pumpkins is not prohibited. Pumpkin will not bring harm to the body for people who have no health problems.

The benefits and harms of pumpkins for pregnant and lactating women

Expectant and nursing mothers are more sensitive to their own health than other people. It is understandable - these women are responsible not only for their condition, but also for the state of health of the child. Therefore, the correct approach to nutrition is important during the gestation of the baby and during lactation. The question arises, is it possible to eat pumpkin in this wonderful period? Yes, because pumpkin contains nutrients and vitamins that are necessary for mom.

During pregnancy, the use of pumpkins will help remove excess fluid from the body, normalize digestion, prevent the formation of constipation and enrich the body with useful substances. Pumpkin helps prevent iron deficiency anemia in mom and hypoxia in the fetus. Calcium and phosphorus, which are contained in pumpkin, help the formation of the child’s skeletal system. This vegetable helps the expectant mother to cope with toxicosis, which pregnant women encounter with an unenviable frequency. But it is worth remembering that carotenes are part of the pumpkin and if there is an allergy to these substances, then you should refuse to use this vegetable.

Nursing mom allowed to eat pumpkin from 10 days after birth. This vegetable prevents obesity, which is of great importance for a woman during lactation. The content of vitamin K makes pumpkin an indispensable tool for bleeding, so eating pumpkin is important in the postpartum period.

Pumpkin for children: useful or harmful?

Pumpkin porridge is given to children even in kindergarten, and for good reason. After all, the pumpkin contains vitamins, micro and macro elements necessary for the full growth and development of the child. It is believed that children who regularly eat this vegetable grow faster than others.

Pumpkin puree can be introduced into the baby's diet from the age of 6 months. They give pumpkin porridge for the night hyperactive childrento calm and normalize sleep.

It is worth giving a child a raw pumpkin if it is grown under proven conditions and not bought on the market. Pumpkin juice and raw pumpkin are healthier than those that were cooked.


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