Named the best for flirting movie quotes


An online dating portal published a sociological study, the purpose of which is to find out what quotes from old Hollywood films people consider the most acceptable for flirting. The study involved residents of New Zealand, Britain, Australia, Canada and America.

The women who participated in the survey preferred the phrase spoken by the heroine Audrey Hepburn. It sounds really ingenious: “I don’t bite, you know ... Until they ask me about it” (1963 film “Charade”). This statement has become the undisputed leader of the survey.

An honorable second place was taken by the quote by Loreen Bacall, which reads as follows: “You should not say anything at all. Just whistle. Do you know how to whistle the truth, Steve? You just need to connect your lips and blow ”(1944 tape“ To have or not to have ”). Kathleen Turner’s phrase “You don’t know how difficult it is for a woman to live with my appearance,” which she said in the picture “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” Was in third position.

A spokeswoman for the portal noted that the survey participants preferred statements with a touch of humor rather than vulgar phrases. Most men voted for the actress Bette Davis (“Shadow to the South”): “I would love to kiss you, but unfortunately, I recently washed my hair.” It was she who took first place. In second position is a quote from Shirley MacLane: “Do not worship me until I deserve it” (“Language of Tenderness”). The third place went to the dialogues between Loreen Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in the movie "To have or not to have."

This poll is timed to coincide with the 85th Academy Awards, which will take place two days later (February 24) in Los Angeles. Event organizers are planning a truly grandiose spectacle. The list of artists has not been disclosed. It is only known that the unsurpassed Barbara Streisand will appear on the scene. The ceremony will be led by the creator of "Family Guy" Seth MacFarlane.


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