What foods will protect us from breast cancer?


If you follow a diet throughout your life, which includes a large number of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, you can reduce the risk of developing a malignant breast tumor by almost 30%. Such a conclusion was made by the staff of the University of Guelph (Canada).

According to the author of the study, David Ma, this is the first of its kind work that has proven the relationship between omega-3 fats and the reduced risk of developing oncology. “We found out that omega-3 fats play a positive role in the prevention of malignant breast tumors. It is they, and not anything else, that are the driving force, ”the scientist comments.

During the experiment, transgenic mice were created in which an aggressive form of breast cancer was noted. The body of rodents produced omega-3 fats. Scientists conducted a comparative analysis of these mice with rodents from the control group. This model is an approach to the problem of studying the constant influence of omega-3 on the occurrence of a breast tumor from a genetic point of view. In animals that produced omega-3 fats, tumor sizes were 30% smaller than their counterparts in the control group.

“The result obtained is explained only by the presence of omega-3 mice in the body,” the authors say, “It turns out that nutrition is a very important factor influencing the formation of a tumor and its growth.”

“Prevention of oncology is of great importance. This study should push scientists to a deeper study of omega-3 fats. We can do everything to improve nutrition and change our lifestyle, ”say doctors. Among the products containing omega-3, the main place is occupied by fresh fish. Thus, fish dishes should become an integral part of your diet.


Watch the video: Cancer-Fighting Foods (May 2024).