March 11: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on March 11th.


Holidays March 11

Start of Maslenitsa week (date for 2013)

Shrovetide ... the holiday is very bright, kind and cheerful. Since March 11, the people have been seeing off the fed up winter for a week. Caring housewives bake rosy pancakes and treat them to households and guests. Shrovetide is an ancient holiday that has absorbed a lot of traditions and customs. This is one of the few events that "survived", despite centuries. Time has changed, views and laws have changed, but Maslenitsa continues to exist. She is still tremblingly greeted and escorted, as in the past pagan times.

By the way, some rulers in Russia sought to eradicate Shrovetide. But neither the threat nor the instructions were able to pacify the roaming people. Every day of Shrovetide was famous for a certain rite. For example, on Monday she was met, on Wednesday - mother-in-law invited her sons-in-law to pancakes, and on Thursday it was customary to ride a sled. Sunday was called (to this day) forgiven. On this day of the week, people visited friends, relatives, neighbors - everyone asked each other for forgiveness, exchanged hugs, kisses. So it was accepted. Many traditions of Pancake Week are still being observed.

Drug Control Workers Day

In 2008, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a law was passed on the introduction of a professional holiday - the day of drug control officials organized in 2003. Time has proved the correctness of the decision taken - the creation of an authorized agency whose goal was to stop the drug trade and develop an effective strategy to combat the drug business. Over the past five years, about 400,000 crimes have been identified in the Russian Federation, as well as more than 2,000 criminal gangs have been suppressed, and about 15,000 dens have been cleared. Ongoing anti-drug actions lead to a gradual reduction in the level of anesthesia mainly among the young population of the country.

Private Security Agents Day

The Law on Private Security and Detective Activities was established on March 11, 1992. Since then, this date has been celebrated by employees of private detective and security agencies. It is interesting to point out the fact that in the directory of professions the position "guard" appeared only in 2009. According to statistics, most representatives of this profession are former police officers and retired military personnel. Private detectives consider this event to be their own - people registered as private entrepreneurs and received a special license to permit detective activities. The bodyguards can be safely attributed to the holiday. Although this profession does not have an official status in our country, it has actually existed since ancient times.

March 11 in the folk calendar

Porfiry Late

On March 11, people commemorate St. Porfiry, the Archbishop of Gaza, who lived in the fifth century. Wise people in Russia said that early spring does not cost anything - it is deceiving, and with the onset of warmth, freezing must return. Therefore, they were in no hurry to take up field work so as not to ruin the crop.

On this day, peasants monitored the behavior of birds. It was believed that if migratory birds had returned from warm lands by March 11, then the harvest would be rich. They also paid attention to how birds make nests. If they build a home on the sunny side, the summer will be cool. Construction "work" in the shade or the north side testified to the arrival of spring and warm summer.

Historical events of March 11

March 11, 1669 - Eruption of Mount Etna in Italy.

According to some reports, the eruption of a large volcano in Italy began on March 11 and continued until July. The tongues of molten lava demolished dozens of cities and villages from the face of the earth, killing about one hundred thousand people. The volcano Etna, towering in Sicily, is amazing for its size. Locals call it Mongibello, which means "mountain of mountains." The area of ​​the "mountain" is more than 120 square kilometers, its diameter is 200 kilometers, and its height is 3.3 km. Etna Volcano takes first place in the number of powerful eruptions. In the entire history of the existence of mankind, they have occurred at least 150-200 times.

March 11, 1791 - A certain inventor Samuel Mulliken, who lives in the state of Philadelphia, became the first person who managed to patent several inventions at once in one day. The American came up with a complex design for grinding corn and crops, equipment for splitting hemp, as well as a machine for cutting marble.

March 11, 1985 - Mikhail Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Soon Gorbachev put forward the slogan of acceleration, after which he conceived perestroika, and the third component of the triad was glasnost. Naturally, many agreed that these three concepts are simply incompatible, especially in conditions of perestroika and simultaneous acceleration.

March 11, 1998 - In India, they found the largest cactus, rising almost nineteen meters, weighing two and a half large elephants. Today, florists have about three thousand species of cacti, but they have never seen such a miracle. After the incident, scientists seriously thought that other, previously undiscovered species, cacti, could well exist on Earth. Now it remains only to find them.

March 11, 2004 - In Spain, there was a major terrorist attack - one of the most brutal in the history of Western Europe: ten bombs were detonated in Madrid electric trains. As a result, about 200 people died, more than two thousand received moderate and severe injuries. According to the International Terrorist Organization investigating the case, the planned action was revenge for Spain’s participation in US military operations against Afghanistan and Iraq.

Born on March 11

- In 1811 he was born Urbain Jean Le Verrier - A scientist involved in the field of physics and mathematics. He showed interest in astronomy, the first expressed a theory about the existence of the planet Neptune. According to mathematical calculations, Le Verrier was able to calculate a previously unknown orbit and the exact distance to the proposed planet. And only half a century later, Neptune was discovered thanks to telescopes. Le Verrier’s calculations were correct.

- In 1890, the USA was born Vanivar Bush - engineer, developer of an analog computer. One of the creators of nuclear weapons.

- In 1544, the story began Torquato Tasso - The author of the immortal work "Liberated Jerusalem". However, the writing of the poem greatly influenced his mental health: Tasso began to hear the apocalyptic trumpets, the voices of angels and God. By the time "Liberated Jerusalem" became known throughout the world, Torquato was already in a psychiatric hospital.

- Marius Petipa. Born in 1818. He was a brilliant choreographer, dancer and teacher. His main merit lies in the fact that thanks to him, the ballet has become what it is now.

- In 1962, he was born in Germany Lenny Golf- Vocalist of the popular American band "Kindom Com".

Birthday March 11

"Angel Day" on March 11 will be able to celebrate representatives of the names: Alberta, Sofrony, Anna, Engus, Ivan, Asfey, Porfiry, Nikolai, Sergey, Peter, Sebastian.


Alexandra 08/07/2016
everything is OK, but ... even less advertising ... the children are watching !!!!!!!


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