How to get rid of a runny nose at home are effective ways. Doctor's advice: how to get rid of a runny nose at home


Rhinitis is not just an unpleasant symptom, it prevents a person from eating, sleeping, talking.

Swelling of the nose negatively affects the mental and emotional state.

That is why every person suffering from nasal congestion is trying to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Runny nose: causes

Three main causes of the common cold can be distinguished:

1. The nasal cavity is injured.

2. Subcooling.

3. ARVI.

In most cases, an acute rhinitis occurs as a result of respiratory infection of a person with viruses. After entering the nasal passages, the virus begins to colonize in cells on the mucous membrane, and over the next 2-3 days it multiplies. As a result of this, cells in the nasal cavity begin to lose their ability to work and remove harmful bacteria. Which got into the nose with air.

In a healthy, normal body, all harmful bacteria are expelled by the movements of the cilia in the nasal cavity, but after infection their work stops. The development of a bacterial infection begins, which can cause not only nasal congestion, but also other more serious diseases.

Another cause of the common cold, which was mentioned above, is hypothermia. If a person drinks a large amount of cold water, is in a draft, and his legs become wet, then the body becomes a real target for pathogens to fall into it and be populated. They provoke the appearance of cough, sore throat and so on.

The third reason is trauma to the nasal cavity, allergies, and surgery.

How to cure a runny nose at home quickly: basic principles

Few people, after catching a cold or a runny nose, begin to look for ways to deal with them.

There are those people who know how to get rid of a runny nose at home and are actively using a variety of methods for this.

Treatment of the common cold does not take much time and does not require large expenses.

It is possible to treat the common cold at home quickly and safely. Exceptions include infectious diseases that cannot be dealt with without special drops and sprays. From an ordinary cold or hypothermia, an infectious disease can be distinguished by the following signs - severe headaches, pain in the eyes, fever.

Despite the fact that a runny nose poses virtually no danger to people's lives, it still causes a lot of trouble. After all, no one will be pleased if snot flows from the nose, eyes begin to watery. That is why the sooner you start treatment, the faster you can get rid of all this.

The main principle of treatment for the common cold is taking medications and using effective folk remedies.

Treating a runny nose at home: medications and procedures

Preparations intended for the treatment of the common cold, occupy a lot of shelves in the pharmacy. And if you think about it, then to understand this variety is not at all simple.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Many for some reason believe that the cure for the common cold is just a drop in the nose. By drops is meant vasoconstrictor drugs. These include:

• nazivin;

• nasol;

• vibrocil;

• Otrivin.

Such drugs for the treatment of the common cold at home are released in the form of drops and sprays. Moreover, it is recommended to use sprays, since they better affect the nasal mucosa, have a special dispenser and do not drain into the throat after use.

Drops can be used both for adults and infants. While sprays are contraindicated in infants.

All vasoconstrictive sprays and drops, these are not at all medicines that will cure a runny nose. Many readers may be surprised at this statement. Let's see why everything is so.

In order to get rid of the disease, you must first eliminate the cause that provoked its appearance. Rhinitis has many causes, but drops and sprays cannot eliminate any of them.

Thus, we can conclude that vasoconstrictors only help get rid of some unpleasant symptoms. But this does not mean that you can not use these drugs.

Remember that such medications should not be taken for more than 7 consecutive days. After the course of treatment, which is prescribed in the instructions for use, there should be a weekly break.

Means used for washing the nose

Surely many people know that it is better to prevent the disease in advance than to treat it long and painfully. In the case of the common cold, this statement is quite fair.

It is believed that the best way to get rid of a runny nose is solutions, or rather, washing their nose.

Everyone can prepare saline solution at home, just pour warm water into a container, and then add a little salt there and mix well. You can also purchase analogues of saline in any pharmacy:

• morenazole;

• aqualor;

• physiomer.

Rinsing is absolutely safe, every patient can use it, because there are no contraindications.


Today, many anti-rhinitis medications are produced, which include antibiotics. Almost always they are released in the form of a metered spray. Below are the most effective and popular remedies against the common cold:

• bioparox;

• fugentin;

• isofra.

Of all this, only Fugentin is a drop in the nose, everything else is a spray.

Thanks to antibiotic drugs, you can stop the further development of a bacterial infection.

Treatment of the common cold at home with such drugs is best done after the appointment of a doctor. And do not use sprays when a runny nose is just beginning to show itself. Indeed, at this time, an attack of viruses is observed, and antibiotics are unfortunately not acting on them. If treatment in this way is started immediately, then bacteria will begin to appear in the nasal cavity, which means that they will automatically develop immunity to such drugs.


In the fight against an unpleasant disease, antiviral immunomodulators have proven themselves very well. Under the influence of these drugs, the body's defenses significantly increase. Firstly, it will increase all chances of avoiding the disease, and secondly, the time to recovery can be reduced. Medicines are available in various pharmacological forms - tablets, drops, sprays. That is why, such drugs can not only drip into the nose, but also drink or apply rectally.

The most common medicines include:

1. Grippferon.

2. Derinat.

3. 3.Ribomunil.

4. Viferon.

Immunomodulators are not able to kill viruses, they are aimed only at strengthening the immune system.


If you have a question how to cure a runny nose at home quickly, then you can turn to a treatment method such as homeopathy. According to statistics, most people prefer to treat themselves and their loved ones with just such harmless means.

It is necessary to take tablets according to the instructions attached to them. Homeopathic remedies include:

1. Horizontal.

2. Euphorbium Composite.

Treatment of the common cold at home is recommended to begin after all after consulting a doctor.

How to get rid of a cold at home: folk remedies

To treat the common cold at home, many popular methods are used. But which folk remedies are the most effective? We will answer this question below.

Decoctions and tinctures

For oral administration, you can use the same means as for inhalation, instillation or rinsing. This is well-known to everyone - a string, mint, St. John's wort, licorice, elecampane. You can prepare a decoction both on the basis of one plant, and using several at once. You need to take them several times a day after eating. Take a few tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs, and pour one glass of boiling water, insist well and strain.

Inhalation against the common cold

When asked how to get rid of a runny nose at home, many answer without hesitation - by inhalation. Medicinal substances immediately fall on the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane. We recommend using thick paper or a funnel for this procedure. Take the wide end of the funnel and place it on the very edge of the container in which the solution for inhalation is poured, through the second, narrow end, breathe. The most effective inhalation recipes are as follows:

• pour boiling water into the dishes and add a few drops of essential oil (pine or fir), as well as a pinch of salt. Thanks to soda, the nasal mucosa is significantly softened, due to this, the discharge of mucus will be improved, essential oils act on harmful microorganisms and kill them;

• tinctures of medicinal herbs. For inhalations, it is recommended to make a more concentrated infusion.

During inhalation, try to breathe only through the nose. The duration of one procedure is 20 minutes. After that, try to stay indoors for a while and do not go outside.

Nasal instillation

In order to cure a runny nose at home quickly, it is recommended to dig in the nose, but very carefully. Before that, you need to blow your nose as best as possible in order to free your nose from snot accumulated in it. Tilt your head to the left and tilt it back slightly, drip the drug and wait a few more minutes. After that, tilt your head to the other side and do the same with the second nostril. Thanks to this, the medicine will not just get into the nose, but will be distributed along its side wall, and then it will enter the sinuses. After 5 minutes, after you drip into your nose, blow your nose again.

What is the best to dig in:

1. It is recommended to use menthol, sea buckthorn or fir oil.

2. Make beet, aloe, or carrot juice.

3. Honey solution helps; take one part of honey and dilute in two parts of water.

You can not only bury, but also lubricate the nasal passages with all these means, but do this as often as possible, at least once every 30-40 minutes.

Warming up

Many people ask how to get rid of a runny nose at home, and most importantly, is it possible to use warming for this? The answer can be unequivocally - of course yes, and even necessary. It is recommended to pour salt, rice or millet in a bag, and warm in a well-heated pan. You can also use potatoes in their jackets, pre-cooked. The warm-up procedure should not last more than 15 minutes. With sinusitis, this should not be done in any case.

Night treatments

In order to cure a runny nose at home quickly, you can perform certain procedures before bedtime. They are able to have a fairly strong effect on the body. Indeed, while the body is sleeping, it is not wasting energy in order to support vigorous activity.

1. Squeeze the juice from the garlic and rub your feet with it, then wrap your legs well.

2. Pour dry mustard into your socks and dress them overnight.

But keep in mind that soaring your feet in the presence of high temperature is strictly prohibited.

You can not be frivolous about your body, if after all the measures taken, the runny nose does not go away, be sure to consult a doctor.
