How to remove shellac at home quickly and safely (photo). Step-by-step instructions for removing shellac at home


The indisputable advantages of shellac have already been appreciated by many women.

A persistent coating of manicure can last two to three weeks without any corrections.

Marigolds, thanks to gel polish, look beautiful and well-groomed.

Modern technologies allow you to do this type of manicure yourself.

Today we will learn how to remove shellac at home and not waste time visiting salons.

How to remove shellac at home: the necessary items and tools

Shellac is a gel polish. Those who love nail polish give their preference. This design of nails does not chip and does not lubricate for a long time. In addition, the coating dries instantly and is odorless. Among the advantages of shellac should be highlighted:

• duration of wear;

• resistance to chips and scratches;

• lack of need to file own nails;

• rich color scale;

• does not require special nail care.

Professional nail art masters use the following accessories and tools to remove shellac:

1. Cuticle softening oil. Grape seed and jojoba oils, as well as almond oil, have proven themselves excellently. They are well absorbed and prevent cracking and dryness.

2. Liquid for dissolving gel polish (remover). Among the most popular tools should be highlighted:

• Kodi Tips Off;

• ADORE Gel Remover;

• F.O.X Gel Remover;

• Cteative Nail Design;

• IBD Artificial Nail Remover;

• ORLY GelFX Gel Remover.

Most of these products are enriched with a complex of vitamins and other beneficial components that minimize the harmful effects of aggressive substances during coating removal.

3. Foil with sponges.

4. Orange stick.

5. A file for polishing nails or buffs.

At home, this professional kit, which is used in salons, can be replaced with improvised means. Instead of special foil for removing varnish, you can use ordinary food foil and cotton pads. A disposable orange stick can be replaced with a metal or plastic pusher. The liquid for dissolving shellac will be replaced by ordinary highly concentrated nail polish remover or acetone. A great alternative to cuticle oil is any oily cream.

How to remove shellac at home: step by step instructions

Consider several ways to remove gel polish at home.

Using foil and acetone

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

2. For convenience, the cotton sponges should be cut to get 2 half-discs or quarters. Foil leaves need to be cut into small pieces. Their size should allow you to wrap your fingertip.

3. Wet the sponge with liquid to remove the varnish and apply it to the nail. Be careful not to get on your skin.

4. Around each nail with a cotton pad we wrap the foil.

5. Leave the wraps for 15 minutes.

6. During this time, without removing the foil, we easily massage the nails.

7. Remove the foil with cotton wool from each finger separately in the same sequence in which they were applied.

8. The softened remnants of the varnish coating are removed with a whole film. In places where it is difficult to remove the varnish, it can be removed with a manicure spatula.

9. The remaining gel must be again treated with acetone and removed.

10. At the end of the procedure, use the buff, giving the nails the desired shape.

11. After polishing, the nail plates should be treated with oil or cream. This will avoid their dehydration and exhaustion.

Nail restoration after shellac removal

Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes nails after removing shellac bath with iodine. To make it, you need to draw warm water into any bowl and add a few drops of lemon juice and iodine to it. Keep your fingers in the liquid for about 15 minutes. Then let the nails dry naturally.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to lubricate the nails with a mixture prepared from iodine and sea salt. This mask makes nails stronger and more elastic.

How to remove shellac at home without acetone?

If you didn’t have acetone at hand or if for some reason you would not want to use it, then it can be safely replaced with isopropyl alcohol. It can be purchased at any hardware store. With this tool, like acetone, you should also be careful. Alcohol has a pungent odor and may cause skin irritation. Keep cotton pads moistened with alcohol on the nails for no more than 15 minutes.

How to remove shellac without foil?

An ordinary alternative to foil can be an excellent alternative to foil for removing varnish at home. It is good because it does not allow air to pass through, which can negatively affect the shellac removal time.

Some women use another way to remove the gel:

1. In any non-metallic container, pour the shellac remover.

2. The area around the nails is treated with oil or a nourishing cream.

3. We wrap each finger with a plaster.

4. Immerse the nails in the bath for 10 minutes.

5. Now you can remove the patches and use an orange stick to remove the coating.

6. We make a regenerating bath for nails.

7. Lubricate the cuticle with rubbing oil.

Using liquid for removing shellac at home, you do not need to use a metal pusher. Metal can react with a remover, which will negatively affect the health of the nails.

How to remove shellac at home and not damage your nails

Not only facilitate the procedure for removing shellac, but also significantly reduce the harmful effects on the nails, the recommendations of professionals will help:

1. Gel varnishes of some manufacturers are easier to remove from the nail plates, if before the removal procedure using a nail file or buff remove the top layer of the coating. After removing the top gel layer, you can begin to wrap. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the time of soaking shellac and refuse from filing nails.

2. Experts are convinced that shellac is more difficult to remove if the room temperature is low. Softening gel polish is more difficult if a woman has cold hands during the procedure. To correct the situation, the masters recommend warming the wrapped fingers. To do this, you can use an ultraviolet lamp or hairdryer. Just before applying the foil, you should also warm your hands.

3. Removing shellac will not do much harm to the nails, if during the application of varnish to use the tool "Restructant" from the company Klinestik. The drug not only reduces the harm of acetone, but also solves such problems as poor nail growth, exfoliating and thin nails. The remedy for healing contains a complex of vitamins and nutrients. It performs the function of natural keratin, filling voids and strengthening nails.

4. Shellac can be removed more easily if this is taken care of even during its application. So, before coating the base varnish in the middle of the nail, it is recommended to apply a regular varnish. It should cover about 50% of the plate area. After the varnish has dried, gel should be applied.

5. If you plan to apply gel polish again, then there is no need to remove the base coat and expose the nail plates to the harmful effects of acetone. In this case, the top gel and the color layer are removed mechanically, that is, with a nail file.

Before learning how to remove shellac at home, many women try to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the difference between professional shellac remover from acetone-containing liquids? Conventional fluids dissolve the coating much longer than professional fluids, which take 10 minutes to dissolve the particles. The composition of specialized products contains caring components that do not dry out the nail plates and cuticles. Experts note that after applying acetone-containing liquids, the surface of the nail does not look perfectly clean and shiny. They can not be used constantly, because over time, the nails will become dull and brittle.

2. What will be the condition of the nails after shellac removal? According to experts, the technique of applying gel polish is one of the most sparing. Even sanding the plate for better traction of shellac does not do much harm to the nail plate. The composition of the varnish does not contain such an aggressive component as formaldehyde. After removing the coating, the nails remain in very good condition. Between periods of wearing shellac, it is recommended to take small breaks. Nails can relax and fully recover.

3. Is it possible to strengthen weak legs with shellac? There is no single answer to this question. Some women say that shellac allowed them to grow nails to the desired length. Other women claim that gel polish worsened the appearance of their nails.

Now you know how to remove shellac at home. A simple procedure, if desired, can be carried out by every woman. Only half an hour of free time and your nails are again ready to be covered with a charming shine.
