What dreams of gold in a dream


Gold is always associated with wealth. However, if you dreamed of gold in a dream, this does not mean that the stock of money is necessarily replenished.

Often, the appearance of gold in a dream is a harbinger of not the most good news - deception or high expectations. Gold becomes a good sign if you see a ring of this metal on your finger.

Dreamed gold what does it mean

Not the best associations with gold are given in Ukrainian dream book. It indicates that if this precious metal is dreaming, then soon a woman or a man will expect something unkind - for example, separation from close people.

Often, if dream of a golden decoration - This is a kind of caution or symbol of loss, which will occur in the near future.

What dreams of a golden ring

If the dream is golden ring unmarried girl on the fingerthen she can prepare for a quick wedding - this definition of this dream is given in the Ukrainian dream book.

If a girl dreams she loses ring in a dream it promises trouble. If the girl managed to see such a loss in a dream, then it speaks of a quick separation or loss - this interpretation is in the Russian people's dream book and the writings of Aesop's writer.

Find in a dream gold

If you succeeded in a dream find gold jewelrythen it is a sign of something good.

Women or men who succeeded find earrings in a dream, will get what you want in life.

Most dream books say that if the girl managed to find the ringthen soon the wedding is waiting for her.

But Wanga argued the following - to see the discovery of jewelry is peculiar to people with aristocratic behavior.

What dreams of a gold bracelet

According to dream Millerif the girl succeeded find a braceletthen the woman will soon receive a certain giving.

If a woman dreams that she wears such a decorationdonated from a beloved friend, it means a happy marriage. But if you see that you have lost this bracelet, then you expect trouble.

Dreamed a cross what does it mean

  • If you are in a dream gave someone a gold cross on a gold chainthen this is evidence of interest in this person, as well as sincerity of feelings.
  • The manwhich is in a dream gives the girl a cross, most likely, is the protector of women in reality and protects her from trouble.
  • If a chain dreaming on someone else, then such a dream is a sign of jealousy.
  • Often when dream cross on a chain - it marks the struggle with difficulties and obstacles.

Golden ring with a stone what is the dream

The ring that you once lost, in a dream means that you are prevented from developing certain events from the past.

If you found himthen soon you will find a way out of the predicament.

Ring with stone (for example, a diamond) on a girl's finger - will be a foreboding of a good event.

Lose gold jewelry in a dream

  • Lose ring in a dream a girl or woman is a direct evidence of not the most pleasant changes in your personal life.
  • If the girls stole a certain jewel, then in your relationship with a man intervene.
  • If same the girl had to steal a ringthen she will soon lead the man out of the family or break a couple.
  • If theft happened at a jewelry storethen this dream will be a harbinger of disappointment.

See the ring on the finger

The Golden Ring on the Finger Released by Miller treats as a symbol of family well-being.

There is also an interpretation that if dream of a golden wedding ringit means that a person must meet in life a loyalty and well-being.

But if you dreamed parmstone on hand another person, then plans will come true soon.

A lot of gold dreams for anything

Lots of gold in a dream means that a person constantly thinks about savings and dreams of wealth. In the Noble Dream Book there is an interpretation of exaggerated hopes.

If a the girl dreamed a lot of gold, which gave her a man, then she expects familiarity with a rich young man.


Watch the video: What does Gold dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).