Poliomyelitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Polio is an infectious disease in which the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract and the lymphatic system are affected. Illness is the most common cause of physical disabilities in children.

When the polio virus enters the body, it enters the nervous system through the bloodstream and affects various sections, mainly the motor cells of the spinal cord, as well as the motor roots responsible for the movements. The polio virus spreads by airborne droplets (sneezing, coughing) or by the type of intestinal infection (through the feces of the patient). The main means of preventing disease is vaccinating children.

Polio - Causes

The causative agent of poliomyelitis is a virus that spreads by airborne droplets, or along with unwashed foods and secretions of a sick person. The causative agent of the disease is quite resistant; it can live for several months in milk, on vegetables, in sewage and feces. However, it does not tolerate exposure to disinfectants and high temperatures. This is the only way to handle household items or products, excluding infection.

The incubation period of poliomyelitis lasts approximately two weeks. First, the virus enters the intestines and is fixed on the mucous membranes. Then it penetrates the circulatory system, along with blood it spreads throughout the body, affecting internal systems and organs. The brain and spinal cord are especially affected, because the virus affects not only cells, but also nerve endings that leave the brain.

Polio - Symptoms

Symptoms of polio in most cases begin with headaches, diarrhea and fever. In addition, various neurological disorders are noted. The virus in the body goes through several main stages, which in medicine are distinguished in this way:
- incubation period (duration is from 2 to 21 days);
- the period is pre-paralytic, lethargy and muscle weakness are diagnosed (duration from 2 to 6 days);
- paralytic: muscles become difficult to control and more dense;
- recovery (duration is approximately one year);
- the period of residual phenomena, in which changes in the muscles cause deformation of the limb;

Polio - diagnosis

Diagnosis is based on laboratory data and on the clinical manifestations of poliomyelitis. A preliminary analysis is established on the basis of epidemiological data and the characteristic manifestations of the disease. Vaccination data is also taken into account.

The final diagnosis is made using virological studies. The virus is isolated from nasopharyngeal mucus and bowel movements, less often from cerebrospinal fluid. To identify the level of damage to motor neurons, they use the method of electroneuromyography, which allows you to accurately determine the electrical activity of muscles and nerves.

Poliomyelitis - treatment and prevention

Due to the epidemiological activity (high degree of infectiousness), a person who is infected with the polio virus is subject to urgent hospitalization. They carry out treatment in infectious hospitals. Mechanical ventilation is prescribed if there is respiratory paralysis, which leads to death.

The best polio prevention is strict hygiene (thorough washing of food and hands). You can not swim in dirty reservoirs, since the virus can enter the body with swallowed water. In our country, compulsory vaccination against polio is carried out, guaranteeing lifelong immunity. The first vaccination is given to the child at three months, the second at 4.5 months, the third at 6 months. Re-vaccination is carried out at 18, 20 months and at 14 years of age.


Watch the video: Poliomyelitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (June 2024).