How to shave an intimate area for a girl: tools, haircuts, rules. Features of shaving bikini area and comparison with depilation


The delicate bikini area requires special care.

Despite the variety of modern types of depilation, it is shaving that remains the most common option for getting rid of unnecessary hairs.

How to shave the intimate area?

Intimate haircut: modern trends

Naturalness has long been a thing of the past: bikini design today has become almost an art. Nothing more - this is not always a boring classic in the bikini line or radical Brazilian hair removal, in which hair is removed even from the gluteal fossa.

Modern areas of intimate haircuts suggest intrigue, piquancy, a riot of fantasy. How to shave an intimate area for a girl who wants to hit the world?

Detailed drawing. A rather complicated version of the haircut, involving the study of small elements: a flower with a dewdrop, a butterfly in the palm of your hand. Only a true master can do such work.

Graphic ornament. This option is simpler: clear lines, logical forms. You can depict a Chinese character, any letter, logo, symbol.

Haircut with persistent coloring or light tinting for several days. You can afford a combination of colors, an unusual or natural shade.

Spicy haircut is a combination of a pattern and additional decor: rhinestones, glitter, feathers, sparkles, beads, etc. All this beauty is pasted on a special adhesive solution that is safe for the skin. By the way, lovers of special relationships can decorate a haircut with edible dragees.

• Another fashionable option - the use of translated "tattoos" on the pre-trimmed bikini zone. It turns out very beautifully and unusual, and the girl can cope with the task on her own. Application in gold, silver or another shade lasts at least three days.

Classic haircuts have not disappeared. On the contrary, the vast majority of girls prefer the good classics, the maximum deep bikini or the Brazilian version.

How to shave the intimate area: an overview of devices for intimate haircuts

In order for an intimate haircut to turn out successful, you need to properly prepare for it. First of all, prepare the necessary devices. You will need:

• Shaver;

• safe scissors;

• clipper;

• cream peeling;

• soap, foam or shaving gel;

• aftershave gel (or any soothing agent based on aloe, chamomile, calendula);

• tweezers;

• mirror.

The main tool is a razor. It must be perfectly sharp, otherwise the shaving will fail. A dull blade is not only a lack of perfect smoothness, but also irritation, ingrown hairs. It is believed that men's razors are more convenient for use in the intimate area, as they are created specifically for delicate skin. In addition, they do not have uncomfortable limiters that block the view and prevent access to the most secluded places on the body.

In any case, it is better to take a razor with three or four blades and a gel strip: it is safer and shaves cleaner, makes it easier to slip.

Scissors or a shaving machine facilitate preparation for the procedure. They are needed if the hairs are very long. Chemical products (peels, gels, soap, foam) should first be checked for allergies. To do this, the products are applied to the wrist or elbow.

Using men's means for shaving is not worth it. They have a strong fragrance, which can cause irritation of the mucosa. It is best to shave with special products for women. Although a softening cream shower gel is suitable, which foams well and has a calming effect on the skin.

To properly shave the intimate area, you may need a mirror. It will help to remove hairs in the most secluded areas and at the same time not to get hurt.

How to shave an intimate area for a girl: step-by-step instructions

An improperly performed procedure will have the most unpleasant consequences. Even if a perfectly sharp razor is available, a soft gel for and after shaving, the result can be disappointing. Therefore, you need to know how to shave the intimate area, and perform all stages of the procedure.

• First you need to take a shower or bath to steam out the skin in the intimate area. It is not worth neglecting this step: moist, relaxed skin is easier to part with hairs and stays smooth longer.

• The surface of the skin must be cleaned with gel or a proven soap that does not cause irritation. An ideal option is to make a peeling to remove keratinized skin flakes. In addition, scrubbing will prevent hair ingrowth.

• Apply foam, gel, soap to the shaving area. With one hand, stretch the skin in the treatment area, with the other shave. If you drive with a blade over an unstressed, soft skin surface, it is easy to get injured. In addition, the razor cuts hairs better if it slides along a perfectly smooth and dense line.

• It is better to start shaving from the area under the belly button. The movements should be soft and smooth. Cuts in the intimate area heal for a long time and cause a lot of discomfort. If a cut appears, it should immediately be treated with peroxide.

• You need to shave along the hairline to avoid ingrown, and against - to make the skin smoother. Therefore, it is correct to shave the intimate area for girls with very sensitive skin only in the direction of hair growth. In extreme cases, driving with a razor is not against, but perpendicular, that is, left or right.

• If the skin normally reacts to the reverse movement of the razor and after the first procedure there is neither irritation nor ingrowth, then you can cut the hair once by their height, and the second - against.

• It is hardly convenient to consider the result, so you need to check the smoothness of the skin with your fingers. How to shave the intimate area in the buttocks? That's right, to the touch.

• If you drive the blade in the same place for a long time, irritation will occur. Two, maximum three movements should be enough.

• After the procedure is completed, the skin is gently, without rubbing, soaked and applied to a dry surface with a soothing gel or cream after depilation.

Daily shaving can cause redness and irritation. Skin, especially at first, should be given one to two days of rest.

How to: shave the intimate area or do depilation?

Shaving is not the only way to get rid of hair at home. There are many other ways: waxing or sugar depilation, using a special cream or household epilator. How to: shave the intimate area or use other means? It all depends on the type of skin, that is, its reaction to a specific procedure, and individual preferences.

1. Razor. The easiest way to home care for the intimate area. Its advantages are simplicity, low invasiveness, a wide selection of razors, the absence of pain and ingrown hairs while observing the correct processing technology. Cons of shaving is the risk of cutting, the subsequent growth of coarser, stiffer hairs, as well as the short duration of the result. On the second or third day after the procedure, bristles appear that cause certain inconvenience. They prick, itch, can provoke irritation and inflammation. However, for sensitive skin prone to ingrowth, it is this method of getting rid of hair that is most preferred.

2. Wax. A very effective method of depilation, if carried out using heated wax and woven strips. The skin remains smooth for a long time, up to two weeks, the growth of hairs noticeably slows down, they become lighter and softer. However, the procedure has significant disadvantages: it is very painful and often leads to ingrown hairs, inflammation, skin irritation. In addition, you have to wait until the hair grows half a centimeter. The method is suitable only for girls with a high pain threshold and insensitive skin.

3. Shugaring. The closest relative of wax depilation, it differs from wax in a more harmonious composition of the paste. The pros and cons of the procedure are the same as when waxing the skin. However, the growth of hairs after sugar depilation is still less. If you do everything right, pre-prepare the skin and tear off the mass during hair growth, then the bulb is less injured. The method is considered softer compared to wax, less painful and may be suitable for girls with more sensitive skin.

4. Cream. A chemical composition is applied to the skin to dissolve the hair shaft, after which they are easily removed with a scraper. Simplicity and lack of pain make this method beloved by many girls. In addition, if you use the depilatory cream regularly, the hair columns will discolor and become thin. However, on hard and thick hairs, it does not work.

5. Household epilator. A fairly easy to use hair control method. It allows you to quickly process a fairly large area of ​​the skin surface, but does not work on too short or long hairs. It is necessary to wait for optimal growth, thoroughly prepare the skin before the procedure and take care of it after. The result lasts for a long time, the hairs become thinner. Cons: severe pain and ingrown hair. Suitable for very hardy girls with normal insensitive skin.

The depilation method is selected individually. If you understand how to properly shave the intimate area and adapt to this method, you can perfectly manage with a simple, reliable and completely painless razor.


Watch the video: The Evolution of Pubic Hair. Glamour (July 2024).