June 3: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 3rd.


Holidays June 3

Montenegro celebrates Independence Day

In 2006, on June 3, the Montenegrin parliament declared its independence. This statement was preceded by a referendum held on May 21, at which just over half of Montenegrin residents (55%) expressed a desire to become sovereign and withdraw from the alliance with Serbia. Thus, Montenegro became the last of the six republics of the former Yugoslavia, which became an independent state. In the early 90s, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia left it. The separation of the republics was not peaceful and calm; it was accompanied by a civil war in Yugoslavia. About two weeks after declaring independence, Montenegro was recognized by almost all countries of the world, and on June 28 it became a 192 member of the UN.

June 3 on the folk calendar

Konstantin Ogurechnik, Flax, Olena (Elena) Lenoseyka

The peasants had an interesting custom for Konstantin Ogurechnik. To get a good crop of cucumbers, you had to find somewhere on this day an old bast shoe and drag it with your foot to your garden. And then throw it on a cucumber bed, sentencing special words-spells.

But as they say, "Konstantin is cucumbers, and Elena is flax." On June 3, at Olena, there was another custom - to plant flax. It was believed that planted on this day, he grows particularly tall. Before sowing, the housewives laid baked eggs in a bag of seeds, and the peasant men threw it. They believed that the higher the bag takes off, the higher the flax. Even if, due to high employment or any other reasons, it was not possible to land, it was necessary to throw at least a handful of flax into the ground. They also noted the weather on June 3. If it rained that day, it meant the same rainy autumn.

Historical events June 3

June 3, 1785 Francois Blanchard first tested the parachute he designed

Francois Blanchard, who was an avid balloonist, decided to make a parachute as a life-saving tool in case of unforeseen events when traveling in a balloon. And did. It remains only to experience it. But Francois himself, although he was sure of a successful outcome, did not dare to jump, and sent a dog for testing, which he threw with a parachute from a height of 300 m. The dog landed safely. This interesting event took place in London. And a year later, in Hamburg, the ram was already testing the parachute. The first daredevil of people who decided to jump, appeared only after 12 years. It was Andre-Jacques Garner, a French aeronaut who parachuted from a height of 400 meters.

June 3, 1973 in Le Bourget there was a plane crash of the Soviet Tu-144

This was the first disaster in the world of a supersonic airliner. Tu-144 at an air show in Le Bourget conducted a demonstration flight. The plane managed to perform several maneuvers, then suddenly went into a steep peak, began to fall apart right in the air and crashed into residential neighborhoods. 14 people became victims of the crash (6 on the plane, 8 on the ground), all of them died. This disaster has generated a lot of rumors, because her investigation materials were kept secret. Only the official version was released, according to which the human factor was the cause of the disaster.

June 3, 1989 there was a major railway disaster caused by a gas leak

During the passage of oncoming passenger trains along neighboring branches, a powerful explosion occurred. The wave from which there was such a force that 11 cars were thrown off the tracks, twisted the rails into knots like threads, and a few kilometers from the scene of the accident glass flew out of the windows. The victims of the disaster were the passengers of the trains that followed them from Adler to Novosibirsk, and from Novosibirsk to Adler. 575 people were burned alive or died, another 623 received serious burns. The incident occurred in the Chelyabinsk region, near the city of Asha. The cause of the explosion was a gas leak from a gas pipeline that ran nearby. Engineers of trains that previously passed through this place informed the dispatcher of suspicious severe gas contamination. But they did not pay attention to the alarm signal.

June 3, 2004 in Belgian Jukle (a suburb of Brussels) was opened the deepest pool in the world

He received the name Nemo 33, in honor of the eponymous hero of the story of Jules Verne. Its deepest place is 33 meters. The pool is a multi-level structures flooded with water. There are windows in the walls of the pool so that spectators can watch the divers diving. The building itself has two pools. One swimming, with a depth of 1.3 to 2.5 m. The second is for deep sea diving. It has 3 hollows - 5 meters, 10 and 33. For scuba divers' interest, the pool is equipped with secret manholes and caves, which are decorated with appropriate decorations. The volume of all water in the pool is 2.5 million liters. Its construction took 7 years and a little more than three million euros. Water filtration is fully computerized, the water is continuously heated from solar panels to 30C. Entrance to the pool - 15 euros. The price includes basic equipment. Often, in addition to submariners, the pool is used for training by police, astronauts, firemen, and military.

Born on June 3

Susie Quattro (born 1950), an American rock singer

Bright rock star of the 80s. Rocker in a skirt or diva hard rock. She tore the dance floors and drove crazy fans, mostly men. This petite blonde, squatted in black skin, conquered everyone with her magnificent bass playing, her hoarse voice and unusual contrast: a pretty appearance and an aggressive-assertive manner of performance. She managed to rally male musicians around herself and create her own rock band. What was innovation for that time. Her most famous compositions are "All Shook Up" (cover version), "Stumblin In", "I've Never Been In Love", "Mama's Boy" and, of course, sung by a duet with Chris Norman - "A love is a life ".

Alexey Serebryakov (born 1964), Russian actor

On June 3, the talented actor Alexei Serebryakov celebrates his birthday. His first acting debut took place in 1978, where he starred in the film "Eternal Call" in the role of Dima Saveliev. After there were about a hundred roles in the movie. The most famous films where the audience could see the actor - "9th Company", "Ivanova Terrorist", "White Guard", "Afghan Break", "Inhabited Island", "Hammer and Sickle", "Death to Spies" and others. Since 1998 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, since 2010 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2012 he emigrated to Canada.

Yelena Isinbayeva (born 1982), Russian athlete, pole vaulter

Two-time Olympic champion Elena Isinbaeva can be safely called a tamer of records. She beat about thirty of them during her sports career. Elena came to athletics at a rather "adult" age - at 15 years old. Prior to this, for 10 years she was seriously engaged in gymnastics at the school of the Olympic reserve, from which she was expelled as unpromising. But Elena did not break, but showed a fighting character. And literally a year later she won the World Youth Games, which took place in Moscow. This was the beginning of her dizzying career. She was the first of the jumpers to submit to a height of 5 meters. This happened in England in 2005. Elena Isinbaeva has repeatedly been recognized as the best athlete in the world and Europe, was awarded many orders, prizes, and medals - the Prince of Asturias Prize, the Order of Honor, "For Merit to the Fatherland", etc.

Name day 3 June

Mikhail, Kasyan, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Fedor, Kirill, Elena


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).