Can pregnant women cut their hair? Superstitions, folk "horror stories" and the opinion of scientists about whether it is possible to cut hair pregnant


Pregnancy makes the fair sex think not only about their condition and proper diet.

Often, women hear from grandmothers, friends and acquaintances so many taboos and prohibitions that it becomes even scary.

This leads to the fact that the expectant mother, in addition to useful information, is faced with superstitions, prejudices and signs.

Is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair - one of the urgent issues that causes a lot of controversy.

Folk "horror stories": is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair

There are many more harmful superstitions than useful ones - this is not at all surprising. It is much easier to believe in something bad than in good. The question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to cut their hair is vigorously discussed on forums and women's sites. Consider the most common superstitions that a lady may encounter in an interesting position.

1. In the days of our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers it was said that when a woman carries a child, she should absolutely not cut her hair. The reason is premature birth. To date, there is no scientific evidence for this fact, a haircut does not affect the premature birth of a child.

2. One of the scariest “horror stories” says that when a woman cuts her hair, she shortens her child’s life. They still believe in this sign, despite the fact that no one checked the accuracy of the information and did not keep "statistics". Superstition is so deeply rooted in human creation that some of the hairdressers completely refuse to cut women in an interesting position.

3. It was believed that if a lady cuts off her hair, they "cut off the penis of a child". It was borne in mind that the probability of the birth of a girl will be 100%. Now this superstition is not given much attention, women realized that the hairdresser is not able to affect the gender of the unborn child.

Can pregnant women cut their hair? There were so many superstitions about this that most ladies generally refused haircuts. If a modern girl looks at the photographs of her grandmother and great-grandmother, she will notice that they have long hair. So it was with all the representatives of the weaker sex of that time. Distant ancestors considered ringlets to be real wealth - they not only protected from the cold, but were also recognized as a "vessel of life force." A woman with long hair exuded femininity and sophistication.

Can pregnant women cut their hair: a modern look

There is one very interesting tradition in China. As soon as the lady finds out that she will soon become a mother, they immediately go to the hairdresser and do themselves a short haircut. If we take into account the statistics, which says that the Chinese are one-third of the world's inhabitants, we can understand that a haircut will not affect the birth and the course of pregnancy.

What does the Orthodox church say? The clergy say that in no case should a woman in an interesting position pay attention to superstition and signs. Beware of them - this is the main task.

Doctors and hairdressers are also sure that there is nothing wrong with a haircut during pregnancy - the baby will not get worse from this. The more positive emotions a woman receives, the better the baby becomes in the womb.

If you listen to the opinion of stylists and experienced doctors, a woman needs to get a haircut during pregnancy and is useful!

What are the benefits of a haircut during the period of gestation:

1. When the expectant mother is well-groomed, they feel better, which creates an excellent mood. A positive hormonal background favorably affects the state of the child in the womb.

2. After the appearance of the baby is not light, a woman may no longer have enough time to visit beauty salons.

3. Permanent hair care will maintain their healthy appearance, which will give the female appearance more charm and attractiveness.

Is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair: tips from "experienced" mothers

What do newly minted mothers say about whether pregnant women can cut their hair?

During the period of carrying a child, a lady should feel happy and calm. For this reason, if you want to do something and eat something, you must definitely satisfy your desire.

Newly made mothers are sure that you should not pay attention to grandmother's "horror stories" and think about yourself. A good haircut will only add to the beautiful lady confidence, therefore, more positive emotions that will positively affect the baby.

Proper hair care during pregnancy

During the period of carrying the baby, it is important to ensure proper care for the hair.

Scientists have proven that during pregnancy, "sleeping" hair follicles wake up under the influence of hormones. This leads to the fact that for a while the female hair becomes more magnificent, the curls gain a healthy shine. However, after childbirth, everything returns to normal. If a lady does not want to face problems such as brittle hair and dry tips, it is important to constantly ensure proper hair care for the hair.

Useful Tips

1. Every week you need to use masks that saturate the hair roots with useful vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy glow.

2. Shampoos and other care products are selected based on the individual characteristics of the lady.

3. Instead of paints, it is recommended to use tinted shampoos.

4. Care should be taken to avoid the use of styling products that contain alcohol.

5. Rinse the curls with infusion of burdock root and chamomile - this will save their vitality and prevent brittleness.

6. Peppermint infusion perfectly moisturizes dry hair, gives it a healthy, saturated shine.

7. Women with oily hair are recommended to rinse their head several times a week with a decoction of St. John's wort and plantain.

So. You can cut hair during the period of gestation.

Modern ladies need to set aside all prejudices.

Instead of superstition, it is more important to believe in yourself in order to experience only positive emotions. The baby in the womb feels the same as his mother.


Watch the video: Bad luck Superstitions Skit (July 2024).