The meaning of the name Anna


Name Annaderived from the Hebrew language means "grace" or "gracious." This simple name has a very good energy, emitting light and humble peace. Its beauty and grandeur for more than two thousand already determine its popularity in many countries of the world, especially in Russia, where it is consistently included in the top ten favorite names.

Anna - character traits

Anna is distinguished by inner uncompromisingness and love of truth, and at the same time, by great kindness. Kittens, puppies, birds - no one is left without the help of little Annie. Growing up, she does not hesitate to help people who need it, especially her family and friends. Anna, as a rule, becomes a loving wife and a wonderful mother, she knows how to perfectly housekeeping, likes home comfort and noisy company always prefers a quiet pastime in the circle of seven.

A woman with that name is usually an introvert, and it is very difficult to influence her. She has a demanding character, she has developed intuition. Anna is a great analyst, she has an incredible memory. Moreover, she is distinguished by great conscientiousness and the ability to work with full dedication. Prefers work that is related to people. The areas in which it can achieve the greatest success are medicine, education, and engineering.

Anna - name compatibility

For a successful marriage, Anna is best suited by a man named Alexei or Boris, Eugene, Semyon, Zakhar, Konstantin. But the chosen one with the name of Alexander, Gregory or Ruslan is unlikely to be able to make her happy.

Anna - famous people who bore this name

The most famous bearer of this name, infinitely revered in the Christian world, is the mother of the Virgin Mary, Saint Anna. He was named and many other biblical characters and Christian saints, as well as women rulers who left a noticeable mark in world history: Anna of the Byzantine Empire, who was the wife of the Kiev prince Vladimir the Baptist; Anna Yaroslavna, Princess of Kiev and daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who later became one of the most beloved queens of France; Anna of Breton, also formerly the Queen of France; Anna of Austria, Queen of France and wife of King Louis XIII; Anne, Queen of England; Anna Ioannovna, Russian Empress.

In the creative world, the most famous Anna are: Akhmatova, Magnani, German, Kern, Pavlova, Paquin, Samokhin, Kournikov, Kovalchuk.

Anna - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Anna - Virgo;
- planet - Proserpine;
- name color - blue, red, matte, beige-pink;
- talisman - ruby;
- plants - blueberries, mountain ash, pink aster;
- totem animals - lynx, hare.


Anya 12.24.2016
my name is Ann . and my zodiac sign is Aries. I do not like mountain ash. and I love not only hares, all animals. so it's all bullshit. and I was born on March 28.

Anna 11.24.2016
Thank you very much very nice story !!!

Anechka beauty all the boys like 01/30/2016
