May 29: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 29th.


Holidays May 29

Veterans Day Customs

Every year on May 29, customs veterans traditionally celebrate a professional holiday. This celebration is dedicated to those people who devoted most of their lives to the fight against smuggling, who in every way defended the economic interests of the state and contributed to the establishment of a modern customs service infrastructure.

Russian customs veterans began to celebrate the holiday in 1999 - from the moment when the executive committee of the All-Russian Union of Veterans adopted a resolution. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the celebration began to expand at a tremendous pace, and soon all of Russia learned about it. On this day, all customs divisions of the Russian Federation organize celebrations with performances and concerts of famous veterans, which are supported by mass congratulations, as well as the presentation of awards and prizes.

For young representatives of this profession, Veterans Day of the Customs Service is a great opportunity to chat with the "old people", to accept from them the most wonderful customs and customs traditions and, of course, to congratulate the veterans wholeheartedly.

Military Motor Day

This day is in its own way glorious for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, since today they celebrate the holiday - Military Motorist Day, which was established in 2000 by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. And his institution was dedicated to the formation in 1910 in St. Petersburg of the first training automobile company. Its main tasks were to prepare specialists for the auto parts of the Russian army.

The Day of a military motorist pays tribute to the merits of all representatives of this necessary profession, their considerable contribution to strengthening the defensive positions of the Russian Federation. Military motorists associate their activities with the evacuation of sick, wounded, as well as the transport of property and personnel. During any military operations, they assume a very dangerous, responsible mission for the transportation and supply of Russian troops.

May 29 on the folk calendar


On May 29, the Orthodox Church recalls the Monk Theodore the Sanctified, who was born in a very wealthy Egyptian family. But at the same time, his parents were deep-believing Christians. At the age of fourteen, Theodore felt an irresistible craving for monastic life. Soon, the young man secretly left his parental home and moved to the monastery. A few years later, after the death of his teacher Pachomius, Theodore headed the Tavenis monastery, and later all the Thebaid monasteries.

In Russia, Theodore was called the Zhitnik, because this holiday was the last day for peasants suitable for sowing spring. Today, all sorts of cereals with butter were the obligatory attributes of a home, family table. Most of all, the housewives liked to cook buckwheat, barley and millet porridge. They, as a rule, were cooked in large Russian ovens, and therefore had a delicious taste and aroma.

On Fedor, as noted, mountain ash began to bloom, which indicated the final onset of heat and the retreat of frost.

Historical events of May 29

May 29, 1453 - Following a three-day assault, the Turkish army of Sultan Mehmed II, nicknamed Fatih, occupied Constantinople - the capital of Byzantium

Thus, the 1,100-year-old Christian Byzantine empire ceased to exist. Its last ruler, Konstantin Paleolog, died heroically, defending his hometown. He was discovered in a mountain of corpses along with the rest of the defenders. He was identified by small golden eagles on morocco boots. Fatih (translated by the Conqueror) ordered the decapitation of Emperor Constantine, and put his head on the hippodrome for all to see. The headless body of Constantine was buried. In captured Constantinople, mass robberies, violence against women, children and murders began to occur. About 70 thousand people were captured. The great empire came under Turkish rule.

May 29, 1903 - The Trinity Bridge across the Neva River was inaugurated in St. Petersburg

Initially, a bridge bridge was erected between the left bank of the Neva and the Petrograd region, which was built in 1803. However, at the end of the nineteenth century, there was a need to build a new and more durable bridge, and in 1891, the City Duma ordered the construction of a new crossing. In this regard, the authorities announced a competition for the design of the bridge. About a thousand people took part in it, among them were also well-known architects and engineers. The winner of the competition was the French company Batignolles. It was she who proposed the most interesting design, based on a cantilever-arched system. As a result, the founders of the contest considered this idea not only perfect, but also “aesthetically elegant”. The laying of the Trinity Bridge took place in 1897, and six years later it was inaugurated.

May 29, 1953 - Edmund Hilary and Norgay Tenzing first conquered the highest peak of the Himalayas - Everest

In 1953, the highest peak on Earth - Chomolungma (Everest) - was first conquered. “Goddess of the world” - this is what Tibetans call her. This peak beckoned with the mystery and beauty of many researchers, it excited the minds of topographers more than a hundred years ago. The first person to determine its height (8848 m) was George Everest. The mountain was later named after him. The first attempts to conquer Everest were made at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, only after 30 years, the bitter experience of several dozen unsuccessful climbs gave way to a positive result.

May 29, 1998 - American Dave Smith, being shot from a cannon, flew almost 57 meters

With this "feat" Smith broke the world record, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Since then, the champion’s popularity has been haunting fans of an unusual sport. Many were beaten to death, became disabled, but this fact did not stop anyone. However, all the participants are ideal candidates for the Darwin Prize, which for the past fifty years has been received in the West.

May 29 were born

Konstantin Batyushkov (1787 - 1855 gg.) - An outstanding poet of the pre-Pushkin era. In the book of his fate there were many sad pages. Batyushkin was practically unlucky in anything: neither in love, nor in financial matters. In the prime of his life, the poet’s consciousness faded - he lost his mind, the whole second half of his life passed in spiritual darkness.

John Kennedy (1917 - 1963) - 35th President of the United States, one of the most prominent figures in US history. They shot him, and this mystery remained unsolved. The years of Kennedy's reign fell on a very difficult period, when the United States and the Soviet Union were on the verge of a nuclear war. The political spirit of Kennedy then played a significant role in preventing a terrible catastrophe.

Alexander Abdulov (1953 - 2008) - a talented Russian actor, director. The idol of millions of viewers, he even lost count, in how many films he had acted in films. In 2008, Abdulov's life was cut short due to neglected oncology.

Name Day May 29

Celebrate: Vit, George, Yuri, Alexander, Egor, Ephraim, Lavrenti, Fedor, Modest, Wincheslav, Kasyan.


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