The meaning of the name Milena


Milena - the Old Slavonic name, by etymology, is similar to other names that have a common root "mil": Militsa, Milan, Milada, which can be distinguished not only one basis, but also a common meaning - the names listed came from the word "sweetheart".

Often they are used in colloquial language as a diminutive form for each other, however, it is worth noting that these names are independent, and their owners have both similarities in character, due to their common root, and certain differences.

The sound vibration of Milena disposes other people to a warm, positive perception of the bearer of the name. It did not find wide distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation, but its analogues (Meloni, Milen, Milania, etc.) are actively used in other countries.

Milena - character traits

Milena is growing affectionate girl, kind, sympathetic. In childhood, she often suffers from illnesses, mainly colds, so her parents take care of her excessively, completely depriving her of independence in actions and decisions. All her life, the girl is influenced by her parents, she is deeply attached to them and always adheres to their rules. It will not be easy for her to change tactics and priorities after marriage.

Milena is a receptive and emotional person. In adulthood, she has great taste - she likes to look attractive and dress. She is inquisitive - she must certainly know everything about everyone, sensitive and incredibly talkative, she can spend hours chatting with her friends on the phone. The conversation is laid-back and easy.

In the teenage period, boys are somewhat shy, but with age the situation changes, and she already flirts and flirts with ease with them. The pleasant, euphonic name of Milena, moreover, also rare, distinguishes its owner from the background of the whole crowd. Around her will inevitably spin a sea of ​​fans and friends.

In general, the girl is active, but an independently made decision is hard for her, she thinks, thinks for a long time, she is tormented by doubts, and in the end, Milena wonders if she did the right thing in this or that situation? The girl is trying in every possible way to avoid cardinal changes in life, she does not pursue wealth and career growth, but simply wants to live in abundance and be loved.

Milena - name compatibility

Milena, so accustomed to attention and affection, will always need custody and care. In childhood - from the side of parents, in adulthood - from the side of the husband. Marries relatively early. The reason for this is excessive amorousness, which drowns out the voice of reason. She is completely given into the hands of a loved one, forgetting about everything in the world.

Milena is a prudent wife and mistress, she forgives a lot to her husband to save the marriage. The girl is afraid to have children, but she takes this step for the sake of her beloved husband. Realizing the happiness of motherhood, he realizes that she was deeply mistaken in her fears. It is the child that makes the girl become more independent and responsible.

For marriage, Milena needs a strong and affectionate man who can take care of the family and provide her properly, such as Vasily, Timofey, Matvey, Jacob. Representatives of names: Andrey, George and Albert will not be suitable for her at all.

Milena - famous people with this name

Among the celebrities with an unusually attractive name, one can distinguish M. Letitia, a former Canadian fashion model, and at the moment a professional wrestler, M. Hyubshmannova, a specialist in Indian philosophy and advocate of gypsy rights, as well as M. Farmer, a French singer, actress and M. Simonova - TV presenter.

Milena - interesting facts about the name

- correspondence of the zodiac sign - Pisces, Sagittarius;
- cosmic body - Jupiter;
- colors of the name - blue, raspberry, lilac;
- animal totem - swallow, grasshopper;
- plants - violet, lavender, jasmine, bell;
- stone mascot - amethyst.
The patroness of the name - Blessed Militsa - founded a monastery, led a pious lifestyle (name day on August 7).


Milena * 12/20/2016
As deducted from me)

Milena 11/22/2016
Wow cool, I thought that my name is some kind of French or English but it turns out to be Old Slavonic. And I also have a birthday on August 7 on this day my dad has a birthday. This is just perfect !!! :-)

RATIBOR 11/03/2016
atom old Slavic name why blacken it with alien zodiacs already got

Milena 10/09/2016
my name is milena I learned a lot of good everything is very good thanks

Tatyana 10/02/2016
And I like the name Milena. I named my daughter like that. And I don’t like Milan at all ... They forget to mention the Italian version of the name Milena-Malena (remember the movie of the same name with Monica Bellucci).


Watch the video: How to Pronounce Milena (July 2024).