The meaning of the name Gregory


By name Gregory greek roots. In a literal translation, the word "Gregorio" means - "wakefulness."

The name "Gregory" is one of the few approved by the Orthodox canons during the formation of Christianity. At all times, the name has been popular and frequently used. In modern Russia, they rarely call boys.

Gregory - character traits

Gregory since childhood is a leader. He has a strong character and a determined disposition. He likes to do everything as he likes. He defies education and other people's influence. Therefore, if he nashaliv, it was solely his initiative, and not the comrade on whom he is trying to blame.

Gregory is cunning and rude. Such hardness is given to him by the presence of two letters “p” in the name at once. Gregory, as a teenager, is able to bring many unpleasant moments to his parents and teachers. He belongs to the category of hooligans, from whom at any moment you can expect anything. He started dirty tricks that students often arrange for their teachers. He will not miss a single opportunity to be in the thick of things.

Gregory understands that, by and large, he is not in danger, therefore, he perceives the punishment for pranks with mockery, or rather does not perceive at all. Unwillingness to live according to generally accepted laws often leads him to a dead end. Very often, Gregory falls into informal groups. And it’s good if, towards the onset of middle age, his desire for independence will nevertheless take on a reasonable shape.

Gregory will choose a job associated with danger. He likes to be either a gangster or a policeman. Both options are valid. Romance and the ability to constantly feel a surge of adrenaline - that's what attracts him. He will always have money. But for Gregory, their number is not an indicator of the quality of life. He will become quite happy and satisfied if the day passes in adventures and active achievements.

Girls from such men usually shy away. But at the same time, Gregory is so brutal that in his unbridledness some beautiful persons see some kind of charm. It is the uncontrollable savagery of Gregory that attracts women to him.

Gregory - name compatibility

Gregory is attracted to women, but he experiences only carnal attraction to them. He does not need and does not care about the soul, his connections are fleeting, and a serious relationship is possible only if he meets a real admirer of his unbridled temper.

Gregory can create a marriage with Elena, Svetlana and Olga. But the connection with Angelina, Victoria or Christina will not be long.

Gregory - famous people who bore this name

Grigory Rasputin - healer, magician, psychic, personal doctor of the imperial family of Nicholas II. Mysterious, mysterious and tragic fate.

Grigory Chapkis - Ukrainian actor, dancer.

Grigory Leps - pop singer, chansonnier.

Gregory - interesting facts about the name

Grigory Leps is a fan of everything beautiful. His house is like a gallery, which contains paintings, man-made weaving, vases and other interior decorations.

In addition, Leps loves icons. There are many in his house. Grigory Leps and his family consider themselves believers, and are not ashamed to admit it. Grigory Leps is married twice. He has four children, three of whom are daughters. His wife is a real keeper of the hearth.


Liska 04/15/2016
Thanks to the author for the article. I have a husband, Gregory, maybe I will better understand him. And the patronymic of our children is to my liking.

Zhenya 04/15/2016
Gregory is not as simple as it seems. Character traits are also not sugar. But he is not a woman to like. There is something in this name.

Oling 04/15/2016
I am a fan of Leps and my son will also be called Gregory. Spouse completely agree with me. So we will have Grisha - Grishenka.

Alena 04/15/2016
All Gregory, I know, some kind of muddy. I would not say that they are “peppy”. This name is somehow not very pretty for me. But reading about him was interesting.

Victoria 04/15/2016
Gregory - I personally like it. The name is old and interesting. Now it is not popular, but all the better, half the sandbox will definitely not respond to it.


Watch the video: Gregory - Name Meanings - Personality Traits - Insights (June 2024).