Legs above knees hurt - what does pain mean? Can pain be a symptom of a serious illness?


The legs of a person are subjected to constant loads, which is why they are so often injured.

A frequent manifestation of discomfort in them is pain above the knee.

Many believe that it is all about fatigue, but pain can signal the presence or development of a serious illness.

Legs above knees hurt - reasons

Many people have come across a situation where they have a sore leg above the knee. Most associate this with changes in the weather, and some with stress or physical exertion. But what are the true causes of this condition?

1. Arthrosis. The main manifestation of the disease is severe pain, from the hip to the knee. The mobility of the joints is limited (for example, you can not press your knee to your chest). Any movement entails a crunch in the joints.

2. Necrosis of the femoral head. The main symptoms are a sore leg above the knee, and most often the pain occurs on the outside of the leg. At night, an exacerbation of pain occurs.

3. Pathology of the spine. Vertebral hernia or osteochondrosis, manifested in the form of periodic pain of a pulling nature. Perhaps a sensation of pain in the shoulder joint.

4. Rheumatic polymyalgia. This is a kind of complication that occurs after a viral illness. An increase in body temperature occurs, pain occurs above the knee.

In order to find out the true cause of the pain, it is not enough to know the symptoms alone. Only an experienced doctor can determine which disease you are concerned about, after he has made a complete diagnosis. Almost always, pain is just a concomitant symptom. In order to completely get rid of the pain, you need to identify its exact cause and eliminate it.

After the occurrence of even slight pain above the knee, visit your doctor.

Other reasons

The cause of the pain can lie in a disturbed hormonal balance, with a chronic disease, a lack of vitamins in the body.

Myositis - inflammation of the muscles occurs, there is not only pain above the knee, but also swelling.

Legs above knees hurt - types and consequences

You can divide the pain into several types, each of them speaks of a specific disease or pathology:

1. Sudden pain above the knee is the first sign of injury.

2. Aching pain - indicates the development of the inflammatory process, possibly with arthrosis.

3. Shooting pain - is formed at the moment when the nerve endings are affected.

4. Severe pain - indicates a pinched nerve, a fracture.

5. Constant pain - almost always occurs when muscle spasms are nearby.

6. Throbbing pain - occurs with vascular disorders.

7. Drawing pain - observed with the development of many pathologies.

What are the consequences of the development of diseases:

1. In case of arthrosis, complete immobilization of the joint can occur, since the microcirculation will be disturbed as a result of the inflammatory process. That is why the main task of the doctor is to relieve swelling. If conservative methods do not help, doctors correct the problem by surgical intervention.

2. The effects of necrosis. If a timely diagnosis is made while the disease is at an early stage of development, then it will be possible to avoid serious complications. Moreover, the patient’s age is of great importance, the younger he is, the more likely it is that everything will be fine.

If the disease begins to progress, the patient's quality of life will begin to deteriorate, as a result, he may end up in a wheelchair. That is why it is impossible to ignore pain above the knee in any case, because it can be the result of a serious violation.

3. Pathologies of the spine never pass for the body without complications. Due to constant pain, you often have to drink painkillers, and this in turn affects the stomach. Walking is painful, in most cases surgical intervention is necessary.

Legs above knees hurt - what to do

Severe pain above the knee is treated primarily with conservative methods - physical therapy, manual therapy, physical procedures, as well as other manipulations. Self-medication with various ointments is not recommended, since not every disease can warm the skin. And in some situations this can be a real health threat. Before you go to a consultation with a neurologist, in no case should you go to the bathhouse or rub your feet.

To use any means without consulting a doctor, of course, is not worth it. Since the treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, after that he will conduct a complete diagnosis and establish a diagnosis. In order to somehow alleviate pain at home before visiting the hospital, you can use the following painkillers:

1. Diclofenac - ointment relieves the inflammatory process.

2. Ketanol - an ointment with a painkiller effect, can block nerve receptors.

3. Finalgon - ointment is able to remove the inflammatory process in the joints.

4. Dolobene - the gel helps with injuries.

Each of these drugs has an excellent analgesic effect, however, these are only temporary measures, and in order to completely get rid of pain, or rather from a disease, you need to visit a medical institution.

Only a doctor, an osteopath, traumatologist or rheumatologist, should treat pain in the legs above the knee. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, a number of studies are needed.

Specialists prescribe the following examination to their patients:

1. X-ray.

2. Diagnostic laparoscopy.

3. MRI.

After the results of the study are obtained, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which primarily consists in taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Such therapy must necessarily be supplemented with exercise therapy, as well as physiotherapy.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, doctors may prescribe surgery.


In order to improve blood circulation and restore damaged muscles, it is necessary to conduct a special therapeutic massage. But if there is a purulent disease, you can not do it. It is certainly not worth doing a massage yourself, of course, since you need to press it at certain points, so trust the specialists.


Is pain above the knee due to frequent cramps at night? Be sure to review your diet. The diet should have as much protein food as possible. But it is advisable to refuse salty foods. Also try to fall asleep exclusively on the left side, so you can avoid circulatory disorders in the legs.

Legs above knees hurt: folk remedies

In order to get rid of pain, you can use folk remedies, they are quite effective.

Ice pack

The most common remedy with which you can relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joint is applying cold. Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in cloth, then attach to a sore spot for 15 minutes. In no case do not leave ice for more than 15 minutes, as this can damage the skin. It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a day.


Massage will help calm a sore spot. Take three tablespoons of olive oil and apply to the skin where the pain is felt. Massage your foot lightly. In order to get rid of pain, repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day.

Thermal therapy

Take a warm bath for 15 minutes, while it is advisable to keep only feet under a stream of warm water. Soreness will decrease significantly. The second option may be to apply a heating pad to the sore spot. But it is advisable to use both options only after clarifying the exact diagnosis.

Keep your legs up

Many experts recommend raising your feet slightly above head level several times a day. Take a comfortable position on the couch and raise your legs in height.

Use a milk based mixture

In order to strengthen joints and immunity, it is recommended to add milk to your diet:

• finely chop the almonds, walnuts, a little turmeric, mix everything with two glasses of milk;

• Mix everything thoroughly and put on fire. Boil until you notice that the mixture is reduced in volume;

• drink the finished product three times a day. The general course of treatment should be at least one month.

Papaya Seed Tea

Take papaya seeds and simmer them for exactly 8 minutes. After that, add one tea bag to the boiling water and continue cooking for another two minutes. Pour the resulting liquid into a mug, add one pinch of ground pepper (black) and a spoonful of honey, mix well. The resulting drink should be drunk twice a day, for one week.

Oil mixture

Take two tablespoons of the following oils - clove, olive, a few pumpkin seeds, two tablespoons of ginger powder. Mix everything and set to boil until ginger powder turns black. Apply the resulting mixture to a sore spot and gently massage for 10 minutes. Repeat up to two times a day.

Pain above the knee rarely occurs just like that, of course, for many this may be the result of a load, but still, to find out the exact cause, you need to undergo an examination. It is possible to self-medicate only after visiting a medical institution. Watch your health and do not let everything go by its own accord.


Watch the video: Leg pain can mean heart danger (July 2024).