What is the dream of the accident


Why the accident is dreaming - according to Freud's dream book

An accident in a dream foreshadows a stormy, all-consuming passion, which the dreamer will experience for some extraordinary personality. This relationship will give him delightful moments of happiness and enjoyment and will be remembered for a lifetime. If this accident was associated with a car, then a meeting with this person is likely to happen in vehicles.

Why the accident is dreaming - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The dream of an accident at sea portends a love disappointment; on land - failure in business.

Why the accident is dreaming - according to the esoteric dream book

The accident on the road in a dream portends a good course of affairs. If you are only her eyewitness - you can expect help in business from some person; participant or victim - your actions will be correct.

Why the accident is dreaming - according to Meneghetti's dream book

The dream in which you see the accident indicates that you have suicidal tendencies, while still hidden, but able to manifest themselves under a certain set of circumstances. Also, this dream can be considered as a warning that a person is acting extremely negatively, deadly, although unconsciously, on you. In a dream, he will appear as a driver or a person sitting near a driver.

Why the accident is dreaming - in the English dream book

Get into a car accident in a dream and get injured - to personal grief that you will be able to survive. To dream of an accident in the sea - to love.

What the accident dreams of - according to the eastern female dream book

Get into an accident in a dream - to unexpected obstacles in some business; to see it from the side is to the trouble that will happen in acquaintances, but will also concern the dreamer. If in a dream you had an accident with your dead relatives or acquaintances, do not hesitate to abandon all planned trips.

Why dream of an accident - according to Medea's dream book

If you see in a dream that your friends died in the accident, it means that you knowingly or not, but you feel negative feelings for them. Sometimes a dream about an accident can predict danger, difficulties and urge you to exercise caution in reality.

What the accident dreams of - according to the 21st century dream book

The accident dream should be seen as a warning about fraud, of which you may be a victim. That is, you should be careful when deciding in commercial matters. The dream in which you had an accident - to collisions and conflicts with ill-wishers that will happen in the very near future. Being traumatized in a dream during an accident - to treason, betrayal, humiliation, which will be very difficult for your pride. Watching the accident from the side - to a business meeting with a stupid and unprofessional person.

Why the accident is dreaming - according to the new female dream book

Get into an accident in a dream - to unforeseen circumstances; to avoid an accident - to a worthy exit from a certain difficult situation; to witness a disaster - to unforeseen circumstances that will not be dangerous or harmful to you. If you see in a dream only the consequences of a disaster, then in real life you should rely only on yourself, then you will find success in all your affairs and endeavors.

What the accident dreams of - according to the gypsy dream book

Seeing an accident that happened on the railway leads to a violation of your plans, the appearance of obstacles that will force you to abandon your intentions. In general, to dream of any accident means to feel guilty, perhaps at a subconscious level, which indicates that you have committed an unworthy act. To get rid of remorse, analyze your recent actions and think about how to make a difference.


Anastasia 03/31/2016
But what if you had an accident and after it you consciously feel that you are already in the hospital, and next to you is your boyfriend who is worried, etc. What is this?


Watch the video: what is the meaning of accident in dream. Dreams Meaning and Interpretation (June 2024).