Adonis - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Adonis spring - general description

Adonis is a poisonous plant of the buttercup family, which can reach a height of 60 cm. It has a short vertical rhizome of dark brown color and rounded upright stems with narrowly linear leaves. Adonis flowers are single, large, have a light yellow color. The plant blooms from April to May.

Adonis spring - types and places of growth

On the territory of our country, you can find such types of adonis as spring adonis, summer adonis, Turkestan adonis, Amur adonis and golden adonis. Some types of adonis have long been used in medicine of many nations. The most popular of them is Adonis vernalis, whose healing properties have been known in Russia since the XIV century.

Places of distribution of spring Adonis are Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus, Western Siberia and some areas of Central Asia. The easiest way to find it is on the quiet edges of the hills; in nature, it can grow in one place for many years, however, when adonis is trampled by cattle, the plant dies irrevocably. It is difficult to introduce spring adonis into the culture, so today its reserves in nature are exhausted.

Adonis spring - healing properties

The first study of the therapeutic effect of Adonis vernalis was carried out in the clinic of S.P. Botkin, after which it was recognized as an effective tool for the treatment of heart diseases. Today, Adonis vernalis and its preparations are used in traditional and traditional medicine as diuretics, sedatives and painkillers.

Indications for the use of spring adonis preparations are chronic heart failure with circulatory disorders, coronary heart disease, vegetovascular dystonia, heart neurosis, decompensation of cardiac activity against the background of renal pathology, hysteria, epilepsy, parkinsonism, exhaustion of the nervous system, lung diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc. etc.), acute cystitis and edema of renal origin.

Adonis spring - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, use the stems and flowering shoots of adonis. Harvest time is spring, from the beginning of flowering to seed fall. Having carefully cut the necessary parts of the plant, they are dried in a warm, darkened room.

Harvested raw materials can be used no more than 3 years, after which it loses its healing properties. You should know that when collecting spring adonis in different places of growth or at different times, you can get raw materials, which will contain a completely different amount of active substances.

Adonis spring - recipes

For the treatment of heart diseases and lung diseases, an infusion of adonis is used, for the preparation of which 1 tbsp. l pre-crushed stems of the plant are poured 200 gr. boiling water, then insist about half an hour. The resulting infusion after cooling is filtered. Take it three times a day for 1 tsp.

For the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, Adonis vernalis is used in collections, which also include common heather, caterpillar buds and oregano grass, leaves and flowers of the medicinal marshmallow.

For the treatment of diseases such as asthenic syndrome, neurosis, coronary heart disease, neurasthenia, vegetovascular dystonia, adonis preparations are prepared, which also include valerian root, cyanosis rhizome, chicory, heather grass, lemon balm, peppermint leaves.

Adonis spring - contraindications

Contraindications to the use of vernal adonis are palpitations, a marked increase in blood pressure, heart neurosis, pregnancy, gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Also, adonis preparations should not be given to children up to a year.

An overdose of spring adonis preparations can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), heart palpitations or slow heart rate, dilated pupils, drowsiness and cramps, up to collapse. Treatment in this case is carried out using emetics and laxatives, which are taken by the patient to remove the poison from the body. He should also drink black strong coffee or strong wine.

Each spring adonis collector should remember that this plant is poisonous, so uncontrolled use of drugs from it can be very dangerous.


Marina 04/17/2016
To me personally, Adonis helped get rid of cystitis. Who advised him to me, I don’t even remember, I don’t know who to express my gratitude to. Very nice flower. It helps with many diseases. And the nervous system, at the same time, will cure!))

Tanya 04/17/2016
So many useful things from adonis. I have a grandmother, so she generally protected him for all occasions. And she used it, and she allowed neighbors and acquaintances to be treated. Grandmother collected adonis herself, she knew when and how to cook it correctly. And, after all, helped!

Lily 04/17/2016
Once again, she proved to herself that it is simply impossible to tear and apply various herbs. You need to know when to collect them. And on sale, I wonder if they comply with these conditions? After all, this tool can not only not help, but also bring harm.

Vera 04/17/2016
I was taking adonis due to vegetovascular dystonia. Good, folk remedy. It’s not advisable for me to drink any pills. since my liver hurts from them. And tincture of adonis is the best option, and it helps a lot.

Zhanna 04/17/2016
I heard a lot about the healing properties of adonis. Yes, and she took it, it was a collection. For the nerves. It helps a lot. But what it looks like, I see for the first time, such cute ones turned out to be flowers))


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