Butyak - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Butyak - general description

Cirsium belongs to the genus of biennial or perennial plants belonging to the family Asteraceae. Some people call it sow thistle. The stalk of an adult artisan is quite high - up to one and a half meters, upright or slightly branching. The leaves are oblong, pinnate-lobed with notched-spiky edges. Powerful core root goes deep into the ground. Inflorescence - a prickly basket - consists of tubular flowers of lilac or raspberry color. The body flower blooms from May to October.

Sow thistle, so well known to gardeners, is a hard-to-eradicate weed. Propagating lightning fast vegetatively, it is able to displace many useful crops.

Butyak - types and places of growth

Science has more than 300 species of bodypox, which are distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia, there are only a few species:

- Cirsium field (sow thistle);
- bristly butyx;
- Hungarian thistle - grows only in the chernozem strip and the Bryansk region;
- marsh calf;
- gray body;
- thistle variegated;
- Cirsium vulgaris;
- the gardener.

These species grow in almost all areas of our country, filling roadsides, weedy places, lawns, fields and gardens, forest glades, vacant lots, etc. They are good honey plants. Artisan garden and marsh prefer moist soil, so they can be found in wetlands, ravines and damp forests.

Butyak - healing properties

The people have long noted the healing power of the bodykeeper and began to use it to treat various diseases. After all, Mother Nature provided for everything, and a seemingly ordinary weed is able to replace an entire pharmacy.

The plant has wound healing, bactericidal, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic effects. Therefore, it helps to fight colds, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal diseases. It relieves furunculosis, purulent abscesses, blackheads, promotes rapid healing of tissues. In addition, an artisan is a great addition to the main treatment for thrombophlebitis.

Field butiak is also used to treat skin diseases and hemorrhoids; variegated - for the prevention of asthmatic attacks and tuberculosis.

Butyak - dosage forms

As a healing raw material, use the green part of the plant: leaves, grass, less often roots. The buttock is harvested throughout the summer season and dried under the curtain, spreading 3-5 cm. Fresh grass is also used to prepare various infusions, decoctions, gruel. Healing properties are also possessed by the juice of bodyk.

Butyak - recipes

A decoction for oral administration for pains of various localization: pour freshly crushed roots (two teaspoons) with water (200 g), boil for 10 minutes and insist for two to three hours. Then be sure to strain and consume one article. l three to six times a day half an hour before a meal. With the same broth, you can make compresses for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, ulcerations.

With bruising, bruises and bruises, powder from the roots of the body is good. Dilute it with a few drops of water and apply the resulting slurry to the problem area.

Poultices with grass for hemorrhoids: 3 tablespoons are wrapped in clean gauze or a sterile bandage, scalded with boiling water and applied to the hemorrhoidal foci.

Infusion for the treatment of pulmonary-bronchial diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma): pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry extract (herb), insist a couple of hours, filter. Use four to six times a day before meals in a tablespoon for a month or two. For colds and bleeding gums, this infusion is suitable for rinsing.

Buttock porridge well eliminates lichen, eczema, fungal infections, diathesis, skin allergies, dandruff, acne (in the form of a mask), and also relieves inflammation and itching from insect bites.

Butyak - contraindications

Bodyap-based preparations and infusions should not be taken by persons suffering from severe hypertension, myopathy and encephalopathy. It is also necessary to coordinate treatment with a doctor with a tendency to thrombosis.


Inna 04/17/2016
It remains to try this tool ... I have hemorrhoids, and if this does not help, I will have to resort to surgical intervention, which I really do not want. I tried other means - they do not help to the extent that I need to.

Oksana 04/17/2016
So I need to try this buttock. Lately, boils often began to appear. No longer any forces. I will definitely buy this grass, make some poultices. Hope that helps me. I'm afraid that if these boils are not completely cured, they will get to the face.

Lily 04/17/2016
BUT! So here he is, this little man!))) I did not know, even roughly, what he looks like. But it turned out that I saw him live! I used ointment from this plant several times, from bruises. A very good tool, but probably everyone knows about it.

Tanya 04/17/2016
Neither what to myself, how much can this butcher. And I always thought that he was only fit for bruising. True, it is from bruises that the buttock helps very well, quickly and effectively. And now I will know that he has other properties.

Veronica 04/17/2016
As it is correctly written, Mother Nature provided for literally everything. Not one blade of grass grows without profit. What can’t be said about people ... We don’t even know how to benefit from what was presented to us on a silver platter, we can only spoil it.
