Use and collection of milk walnuts. Useful properties, recipes for the use of walnut milk ripeness


Perhaps everyone knows about the beneficial properties of walnuts.

However, not everyone knows that the unripe fruits have much greater healing properties, or as they are also called walnuts of milk ripeness.

Their secret lies in the fact that they contain a huge amount of useful substances that the human body needs to quickly restore and maintain health.

Milk ripeness walnut: a bit of history

The Tree of Life - so since ancient times they called walnuts, which could not only saturate, but also restore and cure a person. This product is perhaps the most unique and vivid representative of the plant world, a plant in which each particle has the highest bioactive properties.

For example, in Ancient Babylon priests strictly forbidden the use of nuts for food to a simple person, and in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus they were described as a product endowed with a special vitality.

The famous Hippocrates recommended using the product for diseases of the liver, heart, brain, stomach and kidneys.

In Greek mythology, there is a legend telling about the origin of the walnut tree. It tells us that Kariya, who is the daughter of King Dion and the bride of Dionysus, turned the latter into a walnut tree. After a while, the girls dancing around the sacred tree were frightened by someone. They hid in a panic under a tree and were turned into nuts. The word "karia" from ancient Greek means "hazel", but much more often this name is associated with a walnut.

Many centuries ago, the famous doctor Avicenna talked about this product as one of the best and most effective medicines for many diseases. In his works, he advised using it as a restorative product for people who suffered from exhaustion, and chopped nuts with honey for treating patients with tuberculosis.

In eastern medicine, much is said about the ability of the product to improve the functioning of the heart, brain and liver. The oldest Tajik treatises state that the use of a mixture of walnut kernels and milk can have a positive effect on human health, neutralize and remove harmful substances from the body. He was also prescribed for gastric indigestion.

Psychologist V. Levy considers the product "an outlet for the brain," since regular consumption of it can significantly enhance intellectual abilities and memory.

The most famous doctor from the USA, D. Gale, believes that five nuts a day is enough to completely protect the body from the effects of high radiation doses.

Useful properties of milk walnuts

Milk ripeness walnut is a unique product, which is an endless source of iodine, necessary to restore a deficiency in the human body. It is an excellent tool for the prevention of thyroid diseases and the occurrence of goiter, and an incredible complex of useful vitamins will help significantly increase human memory and intelligence.

In general, walnuts have a distinctive feature from other products in that it retains its healing properties regardless of whether it is in a green, ripe state or as a tincture. For example, in folk medicine, in addition to nuclei, leaves, peel, and internal partitions are also widely used. In cosmetology, the shell is very often used, which serves as the basis for all kinds of scrubs.

In green walnuts, in addition to iodine, there is a huge amount of other useful substances that a person needs in everyday life, namely:

  • flavonoids

  • vitamins B, C, E, PP;

  • trace elements (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium);

  • essential oils,

  • carotene,

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, palmitic, oleic and others).

Such a rich complex allows unripe fruits to make a positive impact on the human body, namely:

  • strengthen protection against radiation exposure;

  • balance the hormonal background;

  • cleanse the blood and vascular system;

  • improve the digestive tract;

  • quickly heal wounds;

  • destroy many types of bacteria and germs;

  • improve the secretory function of bile;

  • strengthen a weakened immune system and much more.

Milk ripeness walnut: how to collect and cook properly

How to correctly determine whether a walnut has ripened or not? How is the degree of ripeness determined? Of course, the ripeness of this product is not determined when buying in a supermarket, but during the harvest. It is not customary to ripen the ripened fruits from the trees, they must fall themselves.

At the initial stage, the ripeness of the nut can be determined by the outer green shell. A little later, when the fetus begins to sing, the green peel will begin to burst, but will not fall to the ground for some time. Then the shell will begin to darken a little, and when this process is completed, only then the fruit will fall to the ground. He falls, as a rule, completely matured and finally freed from the outer shell. This process usually takes place in August-September, depending on the variety and the place where the tree grows.

If you are going to prepare a tincture, the ripeness of green fruits can only be determined by slice. A nut must be cut well with a knife, and the peels and internal partitions should remain soft. There should be no damage, browning or wormholes on the outside of the fruit.

So that during the preparation of tincture, the fruits retain the maximum amount of nutrients, green walnuts need to be finely chopped. It is advisable to do this with rubber gloves, since you can easily “repaint” your hands in a brownish color, which then will not be so easy to remove.

Milk walnuts: recipes tonic tonic

An excellent way to strengthen your body and fill it with a complex of essential vitamins is alcohol tincture on green nuts.

1. To cook it you need to take 15 g of chopped unripe nut fruits, put them in a bottle and pour 0.5 vodka. The liquid should be infused in the sun for two to three weeks. Reception of tincture of 25 ml after a meal.

2. Unripe fruits should be washed thoroughly, cut into four parts, put in a 1 liter jar and pour vodka, then cover and put in a cool, dark room. The liquid should be infused for 30-35 days. After this period, the liquid will begin to darken. After this, the tincture is poured into another container (must be covered with a lid), and the fruits that remain must be re-filled with vodka. Then the procedure is repeated again. Do not forget that the tincture should be stored in a cool dark place with the lid pressed tightly.

3. In a 3/4 volume liter bottle, fill it with chopped green peel and pour vodka to the top. The terms and conditions of storage are the same as in the previous recipe.

4. We take 12 -15 unripe fruits of a nut and 0,5 vodka. Quickly cut the nuts into thin circles (so that they do not have time to oxidize strongly) and pour vodka. You need to insist them in a glass jar with a tightly covered lid for 14 -16 days. The temperature should be room temperature. After that, the liquid is drained and sealed in bottles. Such a tincture will have a balsamic aroma, and have a chestnut color, it is stored at the same time for a long time.

If you use 96% alcohol to make tincture, some of the bioactive substances will be destroyed, since pure alcohol must be diluted by adding at least a third of boiled cold water to it.

Such tinctures should be used if you are concerned about pain, with an inflamed stomach and intestines, and especially with their disorders. You need to take it in a ratio of 5-20 ml (15 ml - 1 tbsp. L.) Tincture of 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals, after coordinating the treatment with your doctor.

For disorders in babies aged 3 to 5 years, they need to be given 2-4 drops, for very small 1-2 drops of tincture, which must first be diluted in a spoon of water.

Green walnuts are a healthy product, presented to us by nature itself, which can help in the treatment of many diseases.

Be healthy!


Watch the video: Helath Benefits Of Walnuts. Health Tips In Telugu. వల నటస తనడ వలల కలగ పరయజనల (July 2024).