Garden strawberries: the best varieties and care for them. What varieties of strawberry garden is better to grow in the suburbs: expert advice


Garden strawberries (large-fruited strawberries) are considered one of the most healthy and fragrant berries.

Almost every gardener is engaged in the cultivation of strawberries in their summer cottage.

This is not an easy job, because each bush requires special care: watering, cutting mustache, loosening the soil and processing from pests.

To get a good harvest, you need to not only skillfully care for the plant, but also choose the right varieties for cultivation in certain climatic conditions.

How to choose the best variety of strawberry garden

A stable crop can only be achieved by properly selecting a planting variety. It makes absolutely no sense to grow strawberry varieties oriented to the southern regions in the north of the country. Seedlings will not take root well, will not yield crops and, most likely, will not tolerate the harsh climate in the winter. Simply put, there will be no maximum return on the crop, but you will have to spend strength.

Important! Those varieties that are successfully grown in the south will not produce crops in another region, even with the necessary agricultural background.

As a result of selection, the best varieties of strawberries that can be grown in harsh climates were bred.

1. When choosing a variety you like, you must definitely find out if it is suitable for a particular growing region.

2. It is worth giving preference to repairing varieties, growing which you can get several crops in a season.

3. It is necessary to select strawberry varieties that have large, regular-shaped berries and excellent taste.

4. When choosing, it is worth considering the purpose of the berries: summer consumption or preservation.

Observing all the rules of choosing the best variety, and providing good care to young bushes, you can count on a good harvest.

We select the best varieties of strawberry garden for the suburbs

Breeders have bred quite a lot of varieties that can be successfully grown in the Moscow region. Today you can pick up new domestic breeding or foreign hybrids.

1. The best early varieties of strawberries for growing in the suburbs

• Kimberly

A variety of early ripening berries of the Dutch selection. All berries have the same size and large shape. The variety is distinguished by its taste. Berries have a good sweet taste, rich in natural sugars.

The variety tolerates winters well, resistant to many fungal diseases. According to gardeners, it is considered one of the best varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region due to its taste and good survival rate.

• "Sonata"

Early variety with brilliant large berries. Well established when grown in open ground or winter greenhouses. It is better to grow strawberry in open sunny areas.

Productivity of a variety depends on the condition and fertility of the soil. On poor soils, regular feeding is required. It grows better on light and medium soils.

Variety of strawberries "Sonata" is good for consumption and preparation of preservation.

2. We select the best varieties of medium term fruiting for the Moscow region

• "Gigantella"

A novelty of Dutch breeders, a hybrid variety of medium-term fruit ripening. It is distinguished by large bushes, the height of which reaches 50 cm, a diameter of about 70 cm. Leaf rosettes are large, matte, slightly corrugated. Strawberries of this variety form strong and high peduncles. The first wave of fruiting brings very large berries, more than 100 gr.

The fruits of the "Gigantella" have an excellent taste, the sweet flesh is dark red in color. The variety is suitable for summer consumption and processing.

Growing this type of garden strawberry, you can forget about pests and diseases. Gigantella is very resistant to gray rot and strawberry mites.

• "Queen"

A new promising variety of strawberries of domestic selection for cultivation in the suburbs. Fruits of medium ripening, sweet and sour taste. The first wave of fruiting brings large fruits of about 90 grams. The color of the fruit and pulp is intensely red.

The bush is medium-tall in height, spreading. Leaves saturated green, slightly dented.

The new variety is distinguished by its positive characteristics and taste. Convenient in transportation and processing.

3. The best late varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

• "Black Swan"

This is a late fruiting variety. The fruits are large, weighing up to 70 grams, sweet and have a pronounced aroma of strawberries. The berry is loose in consistency and ripens in stages. Harvesting should be done regularly. Overexposure of berries on the garden is not allowed. Otherwise, they are subject to attack by pests.

The variety is not suitable for long transportations, the berry crumbles and spoils.

• "Vima Xima"

One of the best late varieties of strawberries for growing in the suburbs. Berries reach ripeness in the middle or the end of July. The variety is distinguished by large fruits of the correct form. Juicy berry with excellent taste, suitable for processing and transportation.

One of the features of the variety is a small number of mustaches, which facilitates the care of plantings. Gardeners are attracted by the opportunity to get a quality crop, even in rainy summers. Strawberries of this variety retain their qualities, despite the weather conditions.

4. Repairing varieties of strawberries for cultivation in the suburbs

• A new variety "Albion" for the suburbs

Novelty of repair strawberries. Fruiting of this variety begins in late May and continues until frost. Good large fruits are conical in shape. The pulp is juicy dark red. The excellent taste of this variety has already attracted the attention of experienced gardeners and amateurs. Berries exude a delicate pleasant aroma and are famous for their sweet taste.

A variety was bred in California as a result of the selection of several species of large-fruited strawberries. A distinctive feature of this variety is young leaves. Rosettes glisten as if they were oiled.

Fruits are resistant to disease and pest attack. Suitable for summer consumption and processing.

• "Elizabeth-2"

Large-fruited remontant strawberries. The weight of berries reaches 110 g. The fruits are bright red. The pulp is dense, which allows you to store the crop and transport without much loss. Taste good, the fruits are suitable for processing, do not boil.

Fruiting occurs quite early. Harvesting continues until frost. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. Winters well in the conditions of Moscow winters.

To summarize

Many gardeners believe that cultivating garden strawberries in the suburbs is a very troublesome and useless task. But this is not so. It is not necessary to live in the south to harvest a good harvest of delicious berries. It is enough to competently approach the selection of varieties, observe the necessary cultivation conditions and the harvest will not take long.

Breeders did a lot of work so that the cultivated strawberry varieties were not inferior in yield to southern plants, and sometimes distilled them in terms of performance.

Today there are many varieties on the market, each one is good in its own way, regardless of where it is bred. There are excellent domestic hybrids, which in taste are not inferior to Dutch varieties. To obtain an excellent harvest, it is enough to comply with several requirements that will not take much time.


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