Actress Holly Berry intends to leave Hollywood


Holly Berry continues to prepare for the wedding with actor Olivier Martinez, but this does not prevent her from taking reasonable care of her 4-year-old daughter Nale Ariel.

So, in a recent interview, the 46-year-old actress, answering a question about marriage, shared: “I don’t know where I will live in the next few months. So I have to settle first ...”.

The fact is that the Oscar-winning actress is trying to protect her daughter from increased attention from the media, so she intends to move from Hollywood. Perhaps, eventually, Halle Berry will settle in France, where her fiancé comes from.

The celebrity started such a big move to make her daughter’s life more relaxed: “I don’t want her to grow up around the press ... She begins to feel that she is something special, and she certainly is. But I want her to understand what is special, thanks to who she is, and not because she was born in a famous family. "

Returning to the plans for the wedding, Holly Berry said: “I know that it will not be very big. I have not been to many weddings, but once I attended an event with 250 guests and I thought, “Why?”. Twice divorced Holly already knows exactly which wedding she wants.

During the interview, Berry spoke very warmly about her fiance Martinez, believing that he was perfect for her.

As for the very idea of ​​a third marriage, Berry admitted: “I am a hopeless romantic.” By the way, after the second divorce, Berry stated that she was not going to get married anymore, but apparently changed her mind.


Watch the video: The Empowering Lesson Halle Berry Learned from Being Cheated On. The Oprah Winfrey Show. OWN (July 2024).