The first week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 1 week of pregnancy.


In modern medical science, it is customary to start a pregnancy count from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, in the first week of pregnancy, it is not there as such. But at the same time, the egg is ripening, which is being prepared for fertilization. The uniqueness of the female body lies in the fact that preparation for a possible pregnancy begins in the first days of each menstrual cycle. At this time, the concentration of the female sex hormone progesterone in the blood increases. In order for the egg to fully mature, it takes two whole weeks, therefore this phase is called the first week of pregnancy. Indeed, it is in the indicated period that the prototype of the unborn child is formed.

Around the twelfth to fourteenth day, a mature egg leaves the ovary and goes into the fallopian tube, where it meets the sperm. It is in the upper part of the fallopian tube that its fertilization occurs. In the process of combining male and female cells, all information about the future person is already embedded in the existing genetic material, which consists of only one egg and one single sperm. No matter what gender the child will be, he will inherit half of all genetic characteristics from the mother and half from the father.

First week of pregnancy - recommendations

The first week of pregnancy is an ideal time to get rid of bad habits (if you have not done this before!). It is especially worth paying attention to taking any medications that can have a negative effect on the formation of the embryo. During the described period, it is better to avoid any radiological examinations of the abdomen and pelvis. You should not visit crowded places, because there is a maximum risk of contracting various infectious diseases, which are often very dangerous for the fetus. It will be just fine if the expectant mother can spend the maximum amount of time in the fresh air, walking and enjoying nature. At the very beginning of the long months of expectation of the baby, positive emotions and good mood are especially important. Any stresses and experiences are unlikely to be useful to both the mother and the unborn child.

It is important in the first week of pregnancy to limit all contact with chemicals, as well as to refrain from electromagnetic effects on the body. Also, do not get pets. Many cats are carriers of a disease such as toxoplasmosis. Once in the body of a pregnant woman, this microbe causes not only infection of the mother, but can also cause serious genetic defects in the child. However, if a cat has been living in the family for quite some time, then it is more likely that all the women in this house already have natural immunity that protects against this disease. In addition, during this period, contacts with the ground, as well as with raw meat and fish, are not desirable.

At the beginning of pregnancy, additional vitamins and minerals will not be superfluous. However, before purchasing such drugs, a mandatory consultation of a specialist is necessary. Folic acid taken before conception and in the first trimester of pregnancy can protect the fetus from many different defects. Particularly useful and balanced should be the nutrition of a woman preparing for motherhood. Already now you can gradually limit yourself to the use of coffee, tea, chocolate and carbonated drinks. In this case, it is necessary to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, lean meat and fish.

First week of pregnancy - medical observation

In the first week of pregnancy, you should visit the doctors, especially if the future parents have any chronic diseases. It will be necessary to choose more gentle methods of therapy, the least harmful to the fetus. A visit to a geneticist is also mandatory, because when studying the anamnesis, alarming details may appear, to clarify which you will need to undergo an additional medical examination. There is a likelihood that the gynecologist will prescribe an additional ultrasound examination, between the fifth and eleventh day of the cycle, in order to monitor the growth of follicles and to clarify the time of ovulation.

The first week of pregnancy - changes in the body

Considering that the first week is still not pregnancy, it is only natural that the woman during this period does not feel any special changes. However, the uterus has already received a signal informing her that in the previous month there was no conception and now the next layer of the endometrium gradually exfoliates, which manifests itself in the form of menstrual bleeding. Instead of the old inner layer, a new one is formed, which is created in order to nourish the future fruit. In this way, menstruation provides a constant update of the inner functional layer of the female uterus, gives signals about the absence of pregnancy and stimulates the formation of new blood elements. Due to the contraction of the uterine muscles during menstruation, the lower abdomen is often pulled. But, despite the pain, given the possible onset of pregnancy, it is still not recommended to take any pain medication. Gradually, with the completion of menstruation, all the unpleasant sensations pass and health improves.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Eva 03/28/2016
Thanks for the advice and recommendations to the author. Ahead of a long and happy 8 months of pregnancy. I can’t wait, when my baby is born.

Strekosa 03/28/2016
Cute pregnancy calendar! You can see when and which systems are being laid. I will use it for myself, I will leave it in bookmarks.

Eugene 03/28/2016
In general, I was protected, my pregnancy was a real surprise for me. Now I worry, as if the candles did not negatively affect the child. The gynecologist reassures, I hope.

Leah 03/28/2016
I felt my first week because I planned and waited for her. There are no special sensations yet. Will I become a mom?

Ksenia 03/28/2016
Most women are unaware of the first week of pregnancy. And inside is a kinder surprise !!!


Watch the video: 2 Weeks Pregnant Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Baby Condition in the First Trimester (June 2024).