11 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 11 weeks of gestation.


The eleventh week of pregnancy will bring many changes, both in the woman’s body and in the development of the fetus. Its accelerated growth begins, which will continue until the twentieth week. The child will increase in size, and with it, your belly will grow. The body will work for two, additional reserves will be connected, which will begin to produce an increased amount of amniotic fluid, blood, sweat. This will lead to increased fluid intake; thirst may begin to torment you. In order not to feel uncomfortable, carry a bottle of water with you. Due to the increase in blood volume in the body, by the end of the 11th week your pressure will normalize and your health will improve.

Changes in the body at 11 weeks of gestation

During the first pregnancy, only you can notice visual changes, such as a grown tummy. Although the uterus has slightly increased in size, it has not yet left the pelvic area. Therefore, for prying eyes, these changes are not yet noticeable if you do not wear tight clothing. With repeated pregnancies, the stomach appears more clearly.

During this period, on the body and face, the appearance of pigmented patches is possible. The chest is still enlarged and painful. From now on, constipation can occur, especially if you are additionally taking iron supplements. Hemorrhoids may worsen. Therefore, nutrition should be given close attention.

At week 11, the risk of a possible miscarriage is significantly reduced, but not excluded. Therefore, you need to monitor your condition and secretions. Ideally, they should be bright. If you notice a red discharge or a brown daub, it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately. Especially if the discharge is accompanied by pulling or acute pain in the lower back or lower abdomen.

The condition of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation

Congratulations! Your baby is in a new status, turning from an embryo into a fetus. Now it is the size of a plum or walnut. But, precisely from the 11th week, its intensive growth will begin.

The bent body gradually straightens, the fetus begins to lift its chin from the chest, and the neck develops and strengthens. The genitals were determined, the iris of the eyes was laid. Small nails appeared on the tiny fingers. The intestines and kidneys begin to function.

Gustatory preferences are formed. The fetus begins to smell and reacts to the food you consume. The baby weighs about 8g, and his height is 5-6cm. He is already stirring vigorously, but his strength is still not quite enough for Mom to feel these movements. But after 4-5 weeks, you can catch the first tremors of your child.

During this period, it is difficult to call him handsome, because the body is still disproportionately shaped - a large head, long arms, short legs. But nature will make its adjustments over time, and the end result you will get is very nice.

Possible sensations at 11 weeks of gestation

At 11 weeks, toxicosis slowly begins to recede, it is not so much sick in the morning. Although, in some cases, it can last up to 14-15 weeks. If you belong to such "lucky ones", brace yourself, it remains to tolerate quite a bit.

Overall health is slightly improved. It cannot be called completely satisfactory, because toxicosis, drowsiness and fatigue are still worrying, but still to a milder extent than before. For this period, this is quite normal.

But the emotional state, due to hormonal changes, is still not quite stable. Therefore, mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, an unreasonable feeling of anxiety are quite possible. Do not lock on them. To distract, you can visit all kinds of sites and forums for expectant mothers. Where you can chat, get support or advice.

Necessary medical supervision

This period is very responsible, at this time the first ultrasound of the fetus is prescribed. The child is already quite clearly visible, so it will not be difficult to evaluate its correct development or possible anomalies. Do not delay the first screening, as its results can not only show how your baby is developing, but also identify a possible threat of interruption, placental abruption or an increased uterine tone. The sooner you start treatment in this case, the better.

If you have not visited the gynecologist and have not passed the necessary tests, you must urgently do this. There will need to be a lot of analyzes. These are numerous studies of urine and blood, the results of which evaluate the general condition of a woman, the work of her internal organs, the presence of STDs, hepatitis, AIDS, antibodies to infections, etc. If necessary, you will need to undergo a course of treatment. The local gynecologist will explain everything in detail.

General recommendations

At 11 weeks, the fetus is almost fully formed, so the occurrence of physical defects is unlikely. But you should not relax, because the cardiovascular system of the child and the brain continue to form. Therefore, medication should be avoided without the approval of a physician.

If dental treatment using anesthesia is required, it must be moved to a later period. You should exclude the consumption of coffee, alcohol, quit smoking, if you have not done this before.

The rest of the recommendations remain the same: eat balanced, be in the fresh air, do not overwork, avoid stress, relax. In the autumn-winter period, if possible, try to avoid crowded places so as not to catch the flu or SARS. Take vitamin preparations, they will help increase the protective functions of your body and protect against colds.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Elizabeth 03/28/2016
We are 11 weeks old! The doctor says that we are developing normally, even growing a little faster! True, I try not to go out yet, only to the balcony. I'm afraid to catch some kind of virus. Finally I went through all the analyzes, until ... Good luck to all the mothers!

Olga 03/28/2016
The mental state remains unbalanced - it is rightly noticed! Relatives hold on with all their might, the husband is already afraid to look at me once again))) I have this second pregnancy, and I do not remember that this was the first time. Probably the child will be with character!

Dana 03/28/2016
Wow! sincerely surprised! Like a baby who weighs only 8g. and he’s 6cm tall. - can smell and taste? !! Yes, and he already has marigolds ... It would seem, crazy, it would seem, only two and a half months from a successful idea))))

Angelica 03/28/2016
Brown daub, we have already passed at 3 weeks ... Everything worked out, lay down for conservation. I am saddened by age spots! They are few, but they are! Is this for a long time? How to get rid of them? Moreover, some drugs there can not be during pregnancy ...

Tom 03/28/2016
Hooray! I ended up with this nasty toxicosis !!! How I was waiting for this! Now you can enjoy the pregnancy and maybe eat something tasty! Well, I read about the ban on dental treatment ... but I need it ((


Watch the video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).