Lunar calendar haircuts for February 2013


Our hair is a real living organism, accumulating radiation, cosmic dust and large static charges from the environment. Especially if you use fixers for hairstyles - varnishes, gels and mousses. Astrologers advise with frequent headaches to do short hairstyles and abandon curlers, and pour cool water over your hair at night to sleep better. A hairstyle done at the right time in accordance with the lunar calendar will surely please us, even if we “got” to prosperous days by accident. We already know that under the sign of Virgo, hair grows very quickly, and under the sign of Leo they are gaining density.

But what recommendations do astrologers give to those who want to have long hair, but are afraid of a transition period - start changing hairstyles and cut hair for 6 months only under the constellation Virgo, and even with the young moon. The hair will very quickly reach the desired length, and besides it will become healthy and fresh. With a flawed moon, nothing bad will happen, just the hair will grow a little slower. And who knows - is dandruff, hair loss, thinning a consequence of an improperly selected haircut?

February 2013 lunar haircut calendar - hair waving

Let us listen to the recommendations that the moon itself can give us. February begins its countdown with 1 quarter of the lunar phase. From the 1st day to the full moon on February 8, you can resort to any hairdresser. The signs of the Virgin and Leo are especially suitable for curling, in February these days will be at the end, from 23 to 26. If you have already done the curl and the hair did not hold it very well, then try again, already under these signs.

These days are especially recommended for owners of straight heavy hair. At home, you can perform carving - that is, a gentle and light short-term wave. After carving, you need to wait three days and do not wash your hair. They become obedient and voluminous, laying time is much reduced. By the way, a good tip - earlier in the water to rinse curled hair was added a little vinegar. This advice has not lost relevance today.

Haircuts lunar calendar for february 2013 - hair coloring

Many girls ask the question - what position of the moon is good for hair coloring? Astrologers give a definite answer to this question - applying paint on a young moon is more preferable so that it does not wash off for a long time. The color is more intense. With a defective moon, paint is washed off quickly. In early February, the moon is in the first quarter of the lunar phase, so you can dye your hair in any color - the paint will lie perfectly and the color will be saturated and deep for a long time. The first quarter of the moon occurs at the end of the month. So from February 23, you can again do any haircuts during the whole growth in accordance with the lunar days.

February 2013 lunar haircut calendar - favorable haircut days

In February, Mars enters the active phase. This is a time of activity and opening prospects for each person. A new hairstyle will help to avoid pessimistic moods and collect rebellious thoughts into a single impulse.

As you know, when the moon is in the constellations Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, haircuts are the most successful. In relation to February 2013, it can be indicated on the 15th, 16th, 17th and at the end of the month on the 25th, 26th, 27th. After haircuts done these days, healthy and strong hair is expected, well amenable to care. The days of February 18, 19, 27, and 28 will also be favorable - when the Moon is under the constellations of Libra and Gemini. If you do not like to get a haircut often, go to the hairdresser under the constellations of Pisces and Cancer on February 11, 12, or February 23-25. Although hair will grow more slowly, it will still look healthy and well-groomed. But it’s best to cut your hair after the full moon. The moon in February is waning after February 14, a new moon will appear in the sky after the 22nd day. From 23 again the first quarter comes. And starting from the 24th and 27.28, that is, until the end of February, the most favorable time for new haircuts comes, although hair may not grow very quickly.

February 2013 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

Tibetan monks consider the ninth lunar day burning and call on this day not to carry out any manipulations with the hair. They believe that otherwise you can scorch your hair and your destiny. You should also abandon the haircut on the days when the moon passes the constellation Scorpio, Aquarius and Aries. Hair cutting these days increases the risk of catching a cold and weakening the immune system. Take your time and go the next day. The body's defenses can only be undermined by cutting at the wrong time. In February, there is only one unfavorable day for haircuts - this is February 10th. A few days of February are neutral - these are 19, 22, 26. In February, it is recommended to do hairstyles with the effect of flowing hair, avoiding lush and high styling. The February vitamin deficiency should be replenished with the help of firming and nourishing masks, and all manipulations with the hair should be carried out in a gentle way.

February 2013 lunar haircut calendar - conclusion

In ancient times, young beauties walked with their hair loose until marriage. Certain hair magic attracted the future spouse. Married women use hair energy differently. Hiding their braids under hats, women retained their strength for one single man and for their entire family. It was believed that the magical properties of the witches and sorceresses were possessed by hair, which is why the first thing the Inquisition did was cut off the hair to women in order to protect themselves from spells. Haircuts and hairstyles were done only on certain days belonging to the moon and the sun.

Of course, now all this is considered superstition, but not all of us will risk cutting our hair before the exam, knowing that this is a bad omen. So consult the lunar calendar. By the way, the lunar calendar is applicable to hair throughout the body, and will tell you when to remove hair with eternal male problems - for example, in the nose or ears. By the way, you can not pluck the hair in these areas, it is enough to trim carefully. And of course, you should not do perm there ... (just kidding).


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting (June 2024).