Midlife crisis in men 40 years: causes and signs. How to help with a crisis of 40 years in men, how to recognize this condition


A middle-aged crisis in men is a condition that, according to statistics, affects every second man from the age of thirty-five to forty-five. Let us consider in more detail what happens during a crisis of 40 years in men, what signs can occur and how to deal with this ailment.

Middle-aged crisis in men 40 years: causes and predisposing factors

Not everyone knows that with such an age crisis, not only the man himself suffers, but also his wife and even children.

This is justified by the fact that an internal imbalance in a man can adversely affect general relationships in the family. For this reason, a midlife crisis is a common problem for the couple, so you need to deal with it together.

It is also worth noting that this problem can affect any man, regardless of his financial situation, status or individual psychological characteristics. At the same time, even an avid jovial with a midlife crisis can become gloomy and serious.

Predisposing factors that may contribute to the emergence of this psychological crisis in men are:

1. The psychological imbalance that arises amid dissatisfaction with one’s life. At the same time, it is characteristic that at the age of forty men become independent of the opinions of others and influence, which means that they can independently evaluate their own lives and successes. If a person is not satisfied with what he has achieved, then he will regret the wasted years.

2. Various life problems that often “fall” onto the shoulders of a man, including financial difficulties, problems with children, his wife, etc. In this state, men often go into prolonged depression and begin to drink alcohol.

3. A feeling of internal non-realization, including one's desires. It is justified by the fact that every man first of all thinks about a successful career and family, but when he reaches his goal, he simply does not have enough time for personal desires. Thus, long-standing dreams remain in the past.

4. A decrease in testosterone production and a decrease in sexual function can greatly aggravate the psychological state of a man and give an impetus to the identification of signs of a midlife crisis. Moreover, very often men want to prove that they are still young and assert themselves sexually. For this reason, often already adult family men begin to start relationships on the side with young girls.

Moreover, sometimes in this state, men begin to think about serious philosophical topics about life. There is also a pronounced dissatisfaction with the bygone youth, because often, by the age of forty, a person no longer looks like he was in twenty years - there are changes in consciousness and appearance.

It is also worth noting that women do not have such a thing as a midlife crisis and feelings of unfulfillment, because, becoming a mother, a woman understands that she has already lived her life for good reason. Unfortunately, men do not have such a parental instinct, so they are experiencing a particularly acute crisis in the middle years.

The crisis of 40 years in men: signs and symptoms

It is not difficult to identify a middle-aged crisis in men, since this condition has characteristic symptoms:

1. A man becomes silent and irritable. He has frequent mood swings and chronic fatigue.

2. There is apathy for everything and constant dissatisfaction with oneself. People will not want to talk about this topic even with close people. In this case, if you do not take any action, then the man will begin to change literally everything in his life and start "in all serious ways."

3. Sometimes a wife in this position becomes an annoying factor, so a man can tear anger at her, openly express accumulated grievances and even be rude (up to assault). Often, for this reason, families after 15-20 years of lasting marriage simply break up.

4. In this state, a man can do something that no one expected from him, for example, a man can change his wardrobe and wear youth clothes, which, of course, will already be beyond his years. Thus, a person wants to seem young and be like modern guys.

5. A person can quit his job abruptly, change his hair and become addicted to alcohol.

6. In an attempt to rejuvenate himself, a man can become obsessed with visiting beauty salons, gyms, etc. Of course, taking care of yourself does not entail anything bad, but in this case it will be a manic addiction rather than a healthy desire to hold your body.

7. A person can become very concerned about his health, especially the reproductive system.

8. Often the feeling of "dead end" and emptiness prevails. The man seems to be halfway through and does not know what to do next. Such confusion leads to problems with sleep, depression, headaches and weakness.

Middle-aged crisis in men of 40 years: tactics of action

This condition is not accepted to be treated with medication. To a greater extent, therapy is aimed at normalizing the psychoemotional state of a person, and most importantly, be patient.

Of course, the best option for a quick return to normal is to visit a psychologist, however, as you know, not all men are happy to listen to this advice, because they are used to always keep everything in themselves and not share with anyone.

Despite this, a loving wife can help overcome this peculiar crisis. She knows her husband better than anyone and will be able to show him how dear and loved he is to her.

Also, in this condition, the following recommendations will help men:

1. It is advisable for a person to change the situation. An excellent solution would be to go on vacation or to a sanatorium. You can also go to those places where you have never been before - to travel and learn a lot.

2. You should realize your old dreams.

3. It is important to establish new healthy habits and abandon old ones - smoking, drinking. Very quickly, a person will feel a surge of strength and the renewal of his body.

4. Get yourself a new hobby, preferably something that a person has never done before (you can learn to draw or play a musical instrument). In general, life without a hobby is very boring, so a person at regular work is more prone to depression.

5. Get fit. To do this, do sports. He will not only lose weight, but also improve the emotional state.

6. It is worth learning to value what you have now, because for many people having a family, wife, children or work is an impossible dream.

7. If the work is tired, then why not change it? Everything is in the hands of man himself and he controls his own destiny.

8. It is very important to review the diet and enrich it with protein foods, vegetables and fruits.

9. You can try more extreme activities (parachute jump) to make a man relive acute feelings and “tear” him away from everyday life.

10. To increase sexual function, it is recommended to saturate the diet with foods such as strawberries, dates, nuts, seafood and chocolate.

Moreover, in order to help a man overcome the crisis, a woman must talk with her husband. In this case, it is necessary to achieve such confidential communication so that a person can feel free to tell about everything that bothers him. Sometimes a conversation with a loving woman is even more effective than a dialogue with a professional psychologist.

After such conversations, the man’s mental state stabilizes, especially if the woman says that she is proud of him and admires his achievements. Of course, it can be difficult for a person to open up immediately, but then he will only be grateful to you.

Unfortunately, sometimes women do not behave correctly in a midlife crisis in men, which threatens quarrels and even divorce. For this reason, it is worth knowing what a woman should not do in this state of a man:

1. No need to blame a person for his condition, since he is not to blame for this.

2. You can not threaten a man with a divorce unless he comes to a normal mood, because, most likely, he will file for a divorce.

3. One should not reproach a man for not achieving something, earning little, etc. On the contrary, support a person in a difficult moment for him.


Watch the video: Man-O-Pause (June 2024).