Zucchini cake - an original snack and a wonderful treat


Zucchini - the most low-priced vegetables of the summer season and we all, without exception, love squash pancakes. But in order to fry them, you need tremendous patience, but such tasty pancakes are eaten in just a couple of minutes. It's a shame, isn't it ?!

To save yourself from the painful heat treatment of this vegetable, cook a squash cake out of it! Do not be surprised, this is just the name that sounds like that, but in fact such a cake is a wonderful vegetable snack with a garlic-tomato layer. The dish is summer-like, fresh and very tasty. Zucchini cake is prepared literally 25 minutes, but then you will be provided immediately with 6-8 portions of this snack, when you cut it into pieces.

Interested? Let's try to cook it together from the most common ingredients:

- 1 zucchini;

- 2 tomatoes;

- 3 chicken eggs;

- 0.5 tbsp. water;

- 0.5 tbsp. wheat flour;

- 4 tbsp. mayonnaise;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 2 cloves of garlic;

- greens for decoration and olives.

It is best to cook such spicy cakes in the season of ripening vegetables - they then go out of the total cost of the budget. Rinse the zucchini in water and cut off its ends from both sides. Grate it into a large grater.

One by one, beat in the same chicken eggs and add salt. Using homemade chicken eggs, you will get a more saturated and bright color of squash pancakes, as the yolks of homemade eggs are more orange. Whisk all together with a fork and pour 0.5 tbsp. cold water.

Pour the wheat flour and whisk it again with a fork. If desired, you can add various spices and seasonings to the dough, for example, dried herbs or Provencal herbs. Pour in 10 ml of vegetable oil and mix the dough.

Pour in the rest of the vegetable oil into the heated pan or in the saucepan and wait for it to heat up properly. Scoop up the dough with the ladle, trying to lift the grated zucchini from the bottom of the container, and pour it into the frying pan or stew pan, immediately rounding it. Fry the squash pancake for about 2-3 minutes over medium heat on one side, then turn it over to the other side with a spatula.

Also simmer for about 2 minutes and put on a plate.

Thus fry all other portions of the test. Should get 4-5 pancakes.

Peel the garlic cloves and rinse them in water. Pass through the press directly into the container with mayonnaise and mix. Wash tomatoes in water and cut them into slices as thin as possible.

Each pancake tossed with garlic mayonnaise and put a few slices of tomatoes on it. Cover with the next pancake and so on.

Cover the top pancake with mayonnaise and decorate with tomato ribbons, olives and greens. If possible, let the cake soak for at least half an hour in the fridge and cut it into pieces.

Taste with pleasure. Enjoy your meal!

Now you see how easy it is to diversify your dining table with vegetable snacks, without obliging yourself to constantly stand at the stove. In addition to the incredible taste, this squash cake is also very economical! Let's check:

- 1 squash - 3 rubles;

- 2 tomatoes - 20 rub .;

- 3 chicken eggs - 15 rubles;

- 0.5 tbsp. wheat flour - 5 rubles;

- 4 tbsp. mayonnaise - 7 rubles .;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil - 3 rubles;

- garlic, olives and greens - 10 rubles.

Total: colorful and juicy snack cake will cost you 63-65 rubles. And one portion - only 10-15 rubles. Believe me, this dish is sure to become the best summer vegetable dish on your table - all you need is to try it once!

Cook with us and we will surprise you more than once with budget and tasty recipes!


Watch the video: Long Version: Chocolate Zucchini Cake (June 2024).