Surrogacy: pro et contra


Serious disputes about surrogate motherhood split society into two irreconcilable camps. Some people consider the "test tube baby" who rented the uterus of another woman for a long nine months of gestation to be the last chance for a desperate couple whose deprivation is cruel and inhuman. The latter call surrogate motherhood a daring protest against the plan of wise nature and God's will. "There is probably a good reason why a woman is deprived of the opportunity to have her own children. Is it worth it to go against fate, anger the heavens with their own rebellion?" they say.

The prospects for banning surrogate motherhood in Russia are actively discussed by the authorities, and some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church so vehemently condemn parents who choose this path that they extend their anger to children born in such an unusual way, offering to deprive them of the sacrament of baptism.

The reason for the split of society lies not only in the spiritual sphere, but also in the everyday, universal, plane. Legislation in the field of surrogacy is still very shaky, and the very form of the birth of a new life in Russia is quite illusory. On the one hand, happy parents from the world of celebrities are happy to share their joy, showing off babies born as a result of surrogate motherhood. On the other hand, among the common population, this topic is either bashfully hushed up or causes heated, but purely theoretical, discussions. Couples resorting to surrogacy, try to do it quietly, without attracting attention from society.

Arguments against

  • A real woman cannot help but love a baby wearable under her heart with her whole soul, which means she will never give it to her biological mother. Otherwise, she is a calculating, cynical and soulless creature, not worthy of the title of Woman and Mother.
  • Maternal instinct is supported by months of expectation of the baby during pregnancy. Will a mother be able to love her child in the same way as the one who bore him for nine months?
  • Surrogacy is a violation of all the laws of nature and a crime against the will of God.

Arguments for

  • A candidate for the role of a surrogate mother, in addition to a full medical examination, undergoes a number of tests and consultations with a psychologist. A woman who is able to separate the birth of her own child from the services of such a donation is chosen for this role. It only provides a stranger’s baby with a comfortable place to grow, and after giving birth passes it into the hands of loving parents.
  • What could be stronger than the motherly love of a woman whose dream of having her own children has passed through the painful years of unsuccessful expectation? Indeed, trusting a stranger a precious cell - the unborn child, she thereby already demonstrates the feat of motherly love.
  • Some women do not recognize anything mystical, focusing only on scientific knowledge. Therefore, surrogate motherhood is a great medical discovery for them, which gave a chance to become parents to millions of childless couples. Others, being believers, argue with opponents from religion: "Why, attributing infertility to the will of the Lord, do people forget that a medical discovery in the field of surrogate motherhood could also happen due to the Divine Providence?"

Matters relating to family planning and motherhood are one of the most intimate and private areas of human life. Only spouses can decide whether to abandon the idea of ​​motherhood, taking care only of their nephews, whether to take the baby from an orphanage or to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.


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