Female opinion: The prestige of the army in the eyes of women has fallen significantly


For a long time there is an opinion that a woman, in order to become a real woman, needs to have a baby, and a man, in order to become a real man, to serve in the army. Many will think: "Patriotism is not in fashion now." It is possible, but, nevertheless, all people, regardless of gender, profession and skin color, want to live in a free and peaceful state. It is important for all of us to feel protected, not being afraid to go out and not worry about the future of our children.

So is it of special importance to you, did your man serve in the army or not? Such a survey decided to conduct an information portal "Women's Opinion" and find out whether modern Russians want to let their loved ones into the army, whether they consider such a school of life necessary.

So, for 47.3% of women living in Russia, the fact that he served a man in the army or not, does not matter at all. They say that even with acquaintance and further communication, unless the man himself speaks on this topic, they even forget to ask him about this fact from his biography.

And 34.5% of women believe that a man, if he wants to become a real man, must serve in the army. They emphasize that service in the army will certainly add spiritual and physical strength, courage, courage, will, and that every man must necessarily test himself in order to be able to protect his homeland in the future. Moreover, women who voted this way know that only with such a man will they feel “like behind a stone wall”.

And finally, 18.2% of Russians say that military service will not lead to anything good in our time. They insist that joining the army today is a waste of time, and that there will be no use for it. Many generally say that they would be afraid to let their child or husband into the army and would do everything possible to avoid this.

Of course, we can assume that the results of the survey are controversial, but one thing is thoroughly known - all women want to see next to them a strong, confident, courageous man who is always ready to help and protect, not only himself and his family, but also his homeland.

In this survey, 1,490 women from 115 cities of Russia voted from 20 to 38 years old.


Watch the video: American Identity in the Age of Trump with George Packer (June 2024).