By refusing a man to have sex, you kill him


Long-term and numerous studies of scientists have shown that regular sex strengthens family relationships and prolongs youth.

American experts also found that if a man does not receive regular sex from his wife or girlfriend, this will negatively affect his health and, ultimately, shortens his life.

Scientists at the University of Michigan conducted a series of experiments on Drosophila flies, the males of which lost extremely weight if they did not enter into sexual contact with the females. Due to this stress, the males were not able to resist hunger, as a result of which they died very quickly.

The cause of death of male Drosophila lies in sexual abstinence. However, after mating, all the negative effects disappeared, and the males continued their normal life. According to the head of the study, observations of Drosophila will help to understand the complex mechanism that occurs in the human brain and is transferred to the state of his health. Today, one thing is obvious: if a man expects sex but does not get it, his life expectancy is reduced.

The conclusions reached by scientists should be noted by wives who, under various pretexts, refuse their husbands intimacy, thereby shortening the life of their beloved.


Watch the video: Man kills his wife for refusing to have sex with him. ! (June 2024).