How to live without sex - is it possible to live without sex


From the point of view of physiology, the absence of sex, that is, reasonable sexual abstinence has never done anyone any harm. People who have poorly expressed sexual desire can live without sex for many years, and the feast of this sexual abstinence will not harm their health.

But in men and women with a strong sexual desire, abstinence leads to a decrease in efficiency, depression of the mental state. In addition, when it comes to people who are married, they have significantly changed relationships with each other.

Spouses become more aggressive, unrestrained in relation to their second half.

Lack of sex - can a person live without sex

Each person, if desired, can reasonably manage his sexual behavior without health consequences.

But how to live without a rich intimate life, how not to harm health? How to build a married life in such a way that the absence of a regular intima does not lead to sad consequences and does not harm health?

There is no universal remedy that could solve this problem overnight. First of all, it is necessary to look for the reasons; for this, the wife and husband should try to talk honestly and openly with each other, together solving problems that lead to sexual abstinence.

If you can't figure out the situation yourself, a sexologist can provide expert help to the couple.

Can a man live without sex

Modern society daily demonstrates to the world how important a full-fledged sexual relationship in a person’s life is, and how their absence is detrimental to people's health.

It is believed that men are much more interested in sex than women, so they endure abstinence much more painfully. How long can a man live without sex?

Indeed, by their nature, the representatives of the strong half of humanity are more sexual, more active and excitable in sex. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to adapt to the situation and learn to live for some time without sex.

However, the realities of everyday life taught men to get out of this situation in different ways. Someone with a head goes to work, someone finds himself an interesting hobby (diving, billiards, mountaineering).

Thus, in a modern, slightly licentious, sexually male world, it is quite capable of withstanding 2-3 months without an intimate life, if you do not take into account the possible pregnancy of a girl or wife.

Then everything will depend on the harmony of relations in the family, on the degree of trust between the spouses. With an understanding of the whole situation, with a conscious attitude towards it, a man is fully able to live without sex for the entire period of pregnancy and some time after giving birth.

Is it harmful for a woman to live without sex

A woman endures abstinence much calmer. She can discuss her intimate problems with her friends and get advice from them on how to pass the time without sexual pleasures.

Sometimes in a woman’s life there can be difficult situations in the psychological sense, for example, she goes through rape, and then some of them choose abstinence for themselves, that is, a voluntary rejection of sex life for a certain, rather long period of time.

How much a woman can do without sex depends on the circumstances that caused abstinence. It can be a week, a month or even a year.

How to live without sex in marriage - the reasons for the lack of sex

When a man and a woman live in a marriage, from time to time they may have situations that require short-term or long-term abstinence. The reasons for the lack of sex in a couple can be different.

For example, critical days for women. With this situation, couples tend to cope quite easily. Sometimes intimate life is terminated for religious reasons, for example during fasting. If both spouses consciously approach this decision, then the sexual post is easily tolerated by them.

Breaks in regular proximity causes of course pregnancy. If a couple, expecting a child, visits a gynecologist, he will explain that in the absence of contraindications, the ban on intimate life is valid from 8 to 10 weeks of gestation and two months before the expected birth.

If both spouses are fully aware of the importance of motherhood and fatherhood, the process of abstinence will not have a negative impact on their family life.

How to live without sex with her husband

Unfortunately, there are periods in family life when sex life ceases to be enjoyable. This period, if the changes, of course, are not related to the age of the partners or the illness of one of them, just need to go through.

We need to find something in common that will help support each other. This may be a concern at the cottage, there may be repairs in the apartment or house, there may be hobbies for tourism, or more active participation in the lives of children.

It will help to survive the difficult period and sublimate the sexual energy passion for yoga.

Life without sex

It does not matter if the person is married, or has the status of free, for him full-fledged sexual relations, the realization of sexual needs are very important.

If you look for the answer to the question of what life without sex leads to, then there is no definite answer to be found. For example, in men, complete abstinence from intima to 30-35 years old can not only weaken his sexual abilities, but also, as a result, after a man reaches 45 years of age, lead to impotence.

If we talk about a woman, then at the age of 25 to 35 years old, sexual life is simply necessary, because during intimate intimacy she receives from the partner a certain amount of male sex hormones that the female body cannot produce in sufficient quantity for it.

And remember: having a sex life makes people not only cheerful and mentally calm, but also allows you to keep youth.


Watch the video: How Long Is Too Long to Go Without Having Sex? for Digital Romance (July 2024).