Masks for different types of face whitening


Using the masks described below will even out the complexion, make freckles and pigment spots lighter, remove signs of fatigue and stress, get rid of spots that could appear from allergies or irritation. Regular use of masks will make the skin clean, well-groomed and beautiful, natural components in the composition of the mixtures will favorably affect the condition of the face, make it smoother and more elastic, give it youth and freshness.

From tiredness, redness and stress

There are two ways.

The first option is to buy a grapefruit, chop it and clean the lobule from white films that cover the flesh and rub it on the face.

The second option is to squeeze the juice from the fruit and freeze it. Wipe your face daily.

And in the first and in the second case, after the procedure, you need to wash your face and use a nourishing cream.

Whiten pigmentation

A great bleaching agent is a decoction of rice. To get it, you need to cook a spoon or two rice until half cooked, stirring constantly (naturally without salt). Strain the liquid and let it cool. Rice can be discarded or used for moisturizing masks. The cooled broth is sent in tins into the freezer, use it overnight. Fresh broth is prepared every 3 days.

You can moisten the nevus pigmentosum with lemon juice. After 15 minutes, the liquid is washed off and put on this place a moisturizer that will not allow the skin to dry out.

You can boil 3-7 sprigs of parsley and wipe the pigment spots with this broth. The result can only be seen with prolonged use. The use of nourishing or moisturizing cream after the procedure is necessary.

Whiten freckles

If you decide that these bright and sunny spots absolutely do not paint you, use the following tips.

  • In the morning and in the evening we put tissue strips on problem areas soaked in sour milk. After the procedure, the face is enough to get wet, do not rinse the mixture.
  • You can use diluted peroxide or lemon juice, but this rubbing is fraught with overdrying of the skin and if it is already sensitive, you should not do the procedure. If everything is in order, we wipe the face with the indicated solution, and then, after 15 minutes, we make a sour cream mask for moisturizing.
  • Naturally, bleaching is not complete without cucumber. Rub it on a fine grater, add a ground twig or two parsley and put the mixture on the face. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour.
  • You can try to rub horseradish and put it on your face, pre-mixed with a spoonful of milk, but the mask is quite strong, so there is a chance to bring the skin to redness.
  • Dissolve 25 grams of yeast with peroxide and put a creamy mixture on your face, hold for 15-25 minutes and rinse.

Like any other tool, a whitening mask or lotion will work if the procedure is performed regularly. Do not forget that after applying bleaching agents, the skin needs to be moisturized and nourished; otherwise, opposite results can be achieved.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


Watch the video: 6 Types of Face Masks to Clear & Hydrate Your Skin: Sheet Mask, Sleeping Mask, Clay Mask (June 2024).