Transparent chicken stock is the basis of delicious and beautiful soups. How to lighten chicken and meat broth at home


Good broth - the whole head! A beautiful transparent broth with golden droplets of fat and an amazing aroma is already a full-fledged first dish. If the broth is muddy, with foams, gray and ugly, then it will turn out not soup, but a real baland. No need to allow this. There are lots of ways to lighten homemade broths, dye them in pleasant colors, turn a modest soup into an amazing dish for a home dinner.

How to make broths transparent - general principles

For transparent broths, do not use pieces of meat or poultry with pieces of anemia or dried blood. If pieces of fat or fat are hanging, then they also need to be removed. Next, the main product must be thoroughly washed with cold water, squeezed. It is advisable to soak the bones and large pieces of pork and beef for half an hour in cold water. So that the broth does not become cloudy, you need to remove the foam. This is done not only during boiling, but also during cooking.

Basic principles of cooking:

1. You can not give the broth to actively boil and simmer, so it will never turn transparent.

2. No need to salt the broth during cooking, this is done at the very end, or at least half an hour.

3. After filtering, the broth should be returned to a clean pan, be sure to rinse the dish.

4. Carrots, onions, parsley root give the broths not only taste, but also a pleasant color. You need to add them whole.

Clarification of the broth is the removal of turbidity, that is, small particles. It is not possible to do this by ordinary straining. In cooking, a guy is used, most often based on egg white. Below is a detailed recipe. The essence of the method is absorption, “pull-outs" of suspended particles from a liquid. Then they are removed along with the protein. Other products can be added to the egg, for example, vegetables, minced meat, crushed bones.

How to lighten broth with an egg

One of the simplest and most well-known ways to lighten a broth is to make a guy. A recipe based on egg whites is suitable for any chicken and meat decoctions, it is in the cookbooks of technology.


• 3-4 liters of finished broth;

• 2 eggs.


1. Thoroughly wash the eggshell with soap, rinse with cold water. We break the eggs, take out the yolks. They can be used for other dishes, they will not be useful to us.

2. Beat whites in a good dense foam. Crush eggshells with your hands.

3. Cool the cooked broth to about 70-75 degrees, add protein, stir.

4. We send the pan with the broth to the stove, turn on the strongest fire, quickly bring to a boil. Turn off, leave for ten minutes.

5. Repeat the boiling of the broth with eggs two more times, but each time we turn it off and let the broth stand for a while.

6. Now take the cheesecloth, put in a colander, filter the broth. Or we use a sieve with small cells for this.

7. Now we must bring the broth to a boil again, use it for our needs.

How to make broth transparent (minced meat)

Another easy way to make meat broth transparent. For guying, in addition to egg white, you also need a little mincemeat. It is important for him to use meat without fat.


• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• 500-800 g of beef;

• 2.5-3 liters of water;

• 250 g of minced meat;

• protein.


1. Pour washed beef with bones or only bones with cold water, send to the stove.

2. When boiling, carefully remove the foam. Cook the broth under the lid with a barely noticeable boil for about an hour.

3. Remove the top husk from the onion or simply rinse well from the ground, toss it into the pan. Immediately throw the peeled, but not chopped carrots. Cooking the broth for another hour. When boiling vegetables, the foam must also be removed.

4. Twist a lean piece of meat. Beat egg whites in foam. Connect with minced meat, stir.

5. Add the minced meat to the pot with boiling broth. Stir so that large lumps do not catch. Slowly bring to a boil.

6. Cook the broth for about half an hour over low heat.

7. Wet cotton cloth or gauze folded in several layers. We filter the broth.

Transparent chicken stock for noodles and soups

The recipe for a simple clear chicken stock. It can be simply served with greens and crackers, or used to make homemade noodles, light soups. It is better to use homemade chicken, any parts other than breast are suitable.


• chicken 1-1.5 kg;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• 1 parsley root;

• 1 laurel;

• 4-5 peppercorns, salt.


1. We wash the chicken carcass with cold water, remove damage or feathers from the surface.

2. We shift to the pan, fill the bird with water.

3. Set to maximum heat, quickly bring to a boil. With a large spoon we collect all the foams from the surface. We reduce the fire, boil for about fifteen minutes, do not let it actively seethe.

4. Add the parsley root, onion. Carrots, whole, do not need to cut anything. We add fire, bring to a boil again, remove the foam and remove the fire.

5. Cover the pan, cook the broth for about an hour. If the chicken is home or farm, then about 1.5 hours.

6. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove vegetables from the broth, add laurel, pepper, salt.

How to lighten broth with lemon juice

This method is useful if the broth after cooking turned out to be gray or brownish. Soup from such a base will not be very pretty.


• 2 liters of broth;

• husk of 1 onion;

• 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.


1. For a golden color, throw a little onion peel into a cloudy and dark broth, boil for a couple of minutes.

2. Filter through a cloth or strainer, return to the pan.

3. Put it on the stove again, add lemon juice, stir. You can add a little dry acid.

How to make broth transparent (for aspic, aspic)

One of the most difficult questions is how to lighten the broth for jellies, aspic, jellied meat. The broth is prepared for a long time, very saturated, it just does not turn out transparent and golden, the dishes are not very pretty, but this is easy to fix!


• 2.5 liters of broth;

• 2 yolks;

• carrot

• onion.


1. First, the broth should be well cooled, cooled for several hours. A layer of fat forms on the surface. Take a spoon, remove. It can be used for different dishes, cook frying for soups. Do not throw it away, put it in the refrigerator.

2. Now heat the broth on the stove.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes, rub the carrots, pour everything into a bowl.

4. Beat the whites, mix with vegetables.

5. Put the guy in the boiling broth, stir and immediately turn off the stove, but do not stop mixing, do it for about five minutes

6. Turn on the stove and bring the broth to a boil again, turn it off, cover.

7. After about fifteen minutes, the jelly broth should be filtered.

8. Evaluate transparency. If there are particles or light turbidity, then you can add the beaten protein again, now without vegetables, warm and strain. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Transparent pitted chicken broth

To prepare such a delay and obtain a clear chicken broth, crushed bones will be needed. By the way, they can be prepared in advance, dried and stored in a jar on the kitchen shelf.


• 2.5-3 liters of broth;

• protein;

• 25 g of seeds.


1. Cook fragrant chicken broth from any parts of the carcass or the whole bird. We take out the meat before lightening.

2. Beat the protein with a fork or whisk in a good foam.

3. Add crushed bones to the protein, stir. If there is more broth, then double the quantity of products.

4. We lay the protein with seeds in the broth, quickly stir, turn on the plate.

5. Boil over low heat for about ten minutes. No need to give the broth to boil, just simmer and warm. Stir.

6. Turn off the stove, let it stand for a little so that the heat is gone.

7. We filter the broth from the ingredients of the guy through a cotton cloth.

How to lighten broth with carrots and protein

Another version of the guy. It is suitable for any fish and meat broths. Carrot not only helps to remove muddy particles, but also gives the broth a beautiful color.


• 2.5-3 liters of broth;

• large carrot;

• two proteins.


1. Wash the carrots with a brush, you can not peel. Take a fine grater, chop. You can use the combine.

2. Beat egg whites in a steep foam. Combine with carrot, mix gently.

3. Add the carrots to the hot broth, bring to a boil. Stir quickly, turn off. Cover the pan, leave for ten minutes.

4. Bring to a boil again, stir to collect all suspended particles, turn off.

5. Insist for about 10-15 minutes, then filter the finished broth through a damp, lint-free cloth.

Transparent Chicken Broth - Useful Tips and Tricks

• Is there any cooked broth left? Feel free to freeze it! It is better to pour in silicone molds. There will always be a fragrant additive for sauces, any first and second courses in the freezer.

• If the broth is cooked with rice, the cereal must be boiled separately almost until ready, only then add to the total mass. With it, the clear broth will never work.

• Onions with husks and carrots give the broth a beautiful golden hue. Chicken broths and soups look especially appetizing with them.

• The color of the broth turned ugly and gray? You can add carrots and onions to it, as mentioned above, but turmeric, curry seasoning will help to quickly fix the look, they color the first dishes perfectly, give a golden hue and quite a pleasant taste.

• Foam sank to the bottom, and did not have time to remove it? It is necessary to pour a glass of cold water into the pan, bring the liquid to a boil again.


Watch the video: Nana's Special Soup (July 2024).