Female opinion: Russians love skis, skates, snowballs and ... warm sofas


Winter came to Russia with traditional snow, frost and snowstorms. Of course, you can sit at home or in the office, gaining extra pounds, or you can go skiing or skating, learn snowboarding, or just remembering your childhood and play snowballs ... The "Women's Opinion" portal decided to find out which winter sports our compatriots prefer, and conducted a sociological survey, the results of which were quite unexpected ...

According to the survey, winter sports are not entirely alien to the beautiful half of our country, 13.1% of respondents choose skiing: “Of course, ski! It's so cool! I still love to ride them from school. Of course, I’m not professionally involved, but "Many skiing fans say," in order to relax and improve their health.

Skates are preferred by 16.4% of respondents, but snowboarding in Russia seems to be still not popular enough - only 2.8% of those who prefer this kind of sport. “Unfortunately, in Russia there are no good places for snowboarders,” the voters share their problems.

But everyone has the opportunity to play snowballs, and as many as 19.7% of respondents like to do this, which is certainly much more useful than spending most of their free time at the computer or near the TV - at least a healthy glow and strong immunity after active outdoor activities will certainly be provided ...

But 48% of the respondents, as it turned out, prefer to sit at home and wait for the summer in the winter season! It turns out that almost half of Russians do not like winter, some even admit that at this time of the year they go out only if absolutely necessary: ​​"I get out of the house in the winter only for urgent need." "I don’t like winter, I’m constantly slipping and falling without sports equipment." "The same story - I love any time of the year, but not the winter, hence the corresponding hobbies, all but the winter." “In general, I don’t do any sports in the winter, I prefer to visit saunas and bathhouses in winter, we get frost in the street at -35 in winter, so the bathhouse is just that.”

As the survey showed, ordinary Russians are in no hurry to join winter sporting events. Although in European countries with the same climate (for example, in the countries of Scandinavia), mass winter sports are a national tradition. But in Russia, which is one of the leaders of the winter Olympic competitions, ordinary citizens prefer "passive sport", watching biathlon, hockey and figure skating on TV. Go skiing in the winter forest or take part in the “Ski Track of Russia”, go ice skating or sledding, play snowballs - for half of Russians all these winter games are of no interest ...

The survey involved 1360 women from 110 cities of Russia in the age category of 20-45 years.


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