How to understand that you fell in love with a guy


It happens that thoughts about a guy take all the time. You can not portray indifference for long, but the heart already knows everything in advance, even if the head is in doubt.

Our article will help to deal with the main features, to understand and distinguish the love from the simple sympathy, when the partner is more friend than the beloved, especially if the girl came across this for the first time.

How to understand that you fell in love signs

In order to understand and understand that she has fallen in love, a girl needs to learn to notice some oddities and changes behind her behavior. It's really easy if you track a number of signals characteristic of true love.

Understand that you fell in love - main signs of love:

• According to the changed behavior of the girls, you can make such a diagnosis. They behave foolishly, get lost, blush, turn pale, may begin to be embarrassed from scratch, can not find the words that gives them away.

• When a girl begins to take care of herself, honing her beauty to the ideal, then, for sure, she does it to get in the field of view of a person who wants to be liked.

• Signs from above is a simple indicator that allows you to see in simple coincidences a portion of God's providence, and consider the most insignificant action not just as a coincidence, but the beginning of a long romantic path. Interestingly, these are most often the girls who fall in love at first sight.

Signs that you really fell in love

The first thing to focus on is to understand that there will be no extra problem in life if you fell in love at first sight and seriously.

The habit of evaluating your feelings and feelings can serve you well:

• the girl cannot take her eyes off the object of sympathy;
• she spends all the time in dreams of mutual love;
• girlfriends complain that the girl speaks only about the guy.

These indicators (alone in a long row) are a reason to determine that a girl has fallen in love.

How to understand that you fell in love by the sign of the zodiac

Girls in love call heaven and stars to help, and horoscopes become guides for a declaration of love. If a boy or a guy hides his feelings, you can find out his zodiac sign and check if he is in love with you.

The easiest way to understand Capricorn, he does not waste time on trifles, but makes wide gestures to go to a restaurant and present an expensive ring. You shouldn’t put pressure on him with responsibility, he will put the situation in its proper place at the right moment.

Aquarius is more romantic, although inclined to love in return. It is necessary to make an attempt to care for him and show care, so he can decide on response actions.

But Scorpio, if in love, it can be seen with the naked eye for a kilometer. And if a little to kindle his intrigue, then he will not go anywhere.

What to do if you fell in love with your friend

In school, insights happen not only in mathematics lessons, it happens that a boy-classmate is growing up and the girl realizes that happiness has always been near. He is sitting at a nearby desk, making friends with him is easy, and there are always common topics for conversation.

But in one moment everything becomes different, now it is an object of love. What if you fell in love with your friend? - Do not be shy about your feelings. There are often obstacles on the way of transferring relations from friendship to love, but to be sincere, everything will work out.

What to do if you fell in love with a guy who has a girl advice

It happens that an unwelcome feeling comes to an unfree guy or a man older, who, moreover, is married. Often girls fall in love with guys who already have beloveds. It is worth considering whether to complicate its existence with such twists and turns or try to wait for a more worthy object.

To lead a man, following the advice, is really possible, but will not this prove that it is just as easy for him to “smash” the other.

How to understand that the guy fell in love with you - the main signs

A guy who is immersed in feelings will always give himself away. Noting only a few points from the proposed, we can confidently say that "the client has matured."

So, if a guy is in love with you, it can be understood by the following features:

• he is jealous. It all manifests itself in different ways, but the lover will not allow a rival to appear on the horizon;

• tries to spend more time together, maximally allocates time for joint walks, going to the cinema and restaurants;

• ready to sacrifice their interests, much can be pushed aside for the sake of a beloved smile;

• earns money and material well-being, because it will give confidence in the future with him.

How to understand that the girl fell in love

The enamored lady transmits her feeling to the world, unwittingly. Women are very sensitive by nature, so it’s easy to understand if a girl is in love with you:

• she takes care of herself, tries to improve her body and appearance, preens in the society of the object of sympathy;

• laughs at the jokes of his chosen one (even if they are far from the sample);

• finds an opportunity to ask for help;

• trying to share lunch, feed, following the truth about the path to the heart through the male stomach;

• Her eyes glow.

It is best to evaluate the state by a combination of several signs and give yourself an honest answer to the question of feelings.


Watch the video: 3 Hidden Signs A Man Is Falling In Love With You How To Know If He Loves You (June 2024).