Buckwheat diet for weight loss: a useful mono-diet for cleansing the body. Buckwheat Slimming Diet Options


The effectiveness of mono-diets explains their popularity among those who urgently need to put their figure in order. One of the most beloved girls for several years now remains a buckwheat diet for weight loss. And not by chance. It not only eliminates excess weight, but also literally cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Useful properties of buckwheat

Safety and benefits - these are the main conditions that you must adhere to when choosing a diet. From this point of view, the buckwheat diet for weight loss compares favorably with other mono-diets.

Buckwheat has many useful substances for the body:

• Vitamin A, which improves vision;

• B vitamins, without which normal functioning of the brain, blood vessels, and internal organs is impossible;

• Vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties and prolongs youth;

• micronutrients that are most valuable for the endocrine, cardiac and immune systems, including iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, manganese, potassium.

It is important to understand that buckwheat is a fairly high-calorie product. In one hundred grams of cereal, almost 300 calories. If you decide to start a buckwheat diet for weight loss, then you can not supplement it with something an unforeseen scheme. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, uncontrolled weight gain will begin. So no butter, creamy sauce, mayonnaise or other additional ingredients can be consumed.

The rules of buckwheat diet for weight loss

There are other rules that must be followed in order to get the expected result:

• in order not to feel hungry and not to reduce metabolism, you need to switch to fractional six-time nutrition. Serving Size - No More Than Two Hundred Grams;

• The main difficulty is that buckwheat needs to be boiled and is unsalted. In extreme cases, you can add a tiny amount of soy sauce, but it is best to do without it;

• boil porridge in water, milk cannot be added;

• drink multivitamins during the diet, as the diet is unbalanced.

Strengthen the effect of the diet on buckwheat for weight loss if you combine it with an aqueous diet. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water. In addition, you need and you can drink green tea, a rosehip broth, fruit drinks without sugar.

It is important to properly complete the diet so as not to lose the results achieved and not harm the stomach and intestines. After completing the scheme, the next day you can’t switch to the food that you followed until the start of the diet marathon.

• A small amount of food received caused a natural decrease in the volume of the stomach, and this is very good. If you immediately start eating in large portions, indigestion will begin, and the mucous membrane will stretch and get microtraumas.

• A weekly (or longer) meal of one kind taught the body to digest certain foods, that is, made it easier for him to work. If you immediately start to eat fatty, sweet, salty, high-calorie, then metabolic processes will be violated.

What should be done so as not to harm yourself? Adhere to during the first week of a low-calorie healthy diet. Try to track the number of calories and not exceed 1.2 - 1.5 thousand calories per day. In addition, you need to get out of the diet correctly.

Seven day menu

The seven-day version of the buckwheat diet for weight loss is not easily tolerated. However, if you stand for a week on one unsalted cereal, then the result can be obtained excellent. Some girls manage to part with 5 kg of weight. Of these, fat will, at best, take half, the rest is water. However, such a result is, for some, the ultimate dream.

The classic seven-day meal plan looks the same.

1. For breakfast - a two hundred gram portion of boiled buckwheat. Without salt, oil, spices, sauces. To make eating more acceptable, you can drink boiled cereals with unsweetened green tea or fresh vegetable juice diluted to a third with water. It is also impossible to salt it.

2. For lunch, eat another two hundred grams of buckwheat. You can drink it with a rosehip broth, herbal or green tea.

3. For dinner, you need to repeat the lunch menu, after which drink tea, water.

If possible, then the entire volume of boiled buckwheat should be divided not into three, but into six parts. In between drink water and green tea.

To make life easier for you, you can pour buckwheat in the thermos in the evening from the evening. In the morning, the crumbly, healthy cereal that has retained all the vitamins and minerals will be ready.

The result of eating buckwheat alone for seven days is so obvious that some decide to extend the diet. In this case, the same menu is saved for another week. The most stubborn eat buckwheat for three weeks, losing up to ten kilograms of weight.

Buckwheat diet with kefir and fruit for weight loss

Not every girl has enough willpower to hold out on unsalted porridge in such a small amount for at least a week. If you are not completely confident in yourself, you can try the diet option on buckwheat for weight loss. It involves the use of low-fat kefir with boiled cereals.

The menu will be repeated daily. It is impossible to supplement it in this option. One full cycle of losing weight is a week. If you want, you can continue until the 10th, 14th or 21st day.

• For breakfast - a small dessert plate of buckwheat steamed in the evening. Croup needs the same as in the main scheme, eat without butter and sauces. You can count six tablespoons - this will be the one-time rate of boiled cereals. Buckwheat can be washed with black or green tea (the latter option is preferable).

• For lunch, you need to eat as much steamed buckwheat and a glass of low-fat or generally fat-free kefir.

• Dinner repeats breakfast completely.

If this option is also very difficult to tolerate, then another relief can be made: include in the diet a limited number of dried fruits (not more than five pieces per day). It can be dried apricots, figs, prunes, sometimes - dates. Instead of dried fruits, you can eat one serving of fresh fruit, but not very sweet: apples, persimmons, pears, pomelo. A diet on buckwheat for weight loss with fruits is much easier to carry, because it is more delicious and varied.

To whom the buckwheat diet for weight loss is contraindicated

The rigor of the diet of buckwheat diet is its drawback. The body, especially the female one, needs a balanced diet, including proteins and fats. They are just missing. Buckwheat is only carbohydrates, which, incidentally, are not able to provide the body with everything necessary for daily normal work.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use mono-diets for a long time. If you limit yourself to meat, butter, sweet for more than ten days, then metabolic processes can slow down. Restoring normal metabolism in this situation will be very difficult.

Therefore, if during a diet on buckwheat for weight loss you felt a breakdown, headache, constant irritability, weakness, dizziness, it is better to abandon it and use a different diet to reduce weight or simply switch to a healthy diet.

Any diet, including buckwheat, is prohibited for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers. If you are just planning a pregnancy, then you need to forget about the mono-diet.

The following diagnoses are a direct contraindication for losing weight on buckwheat:

• gastritis;

• stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;

• immunological diseases;

• diabetes;

• cardiovascular diseases.

Diet is strictly prohibited if there are any problems associated with gynecology. For example, menstrual irregularities, heavy periods, painful menstruation. In addition, you should not use a diet during menopause, if the general condition of the body is poor.

How to get out of a diet without harm

Protein foods need to be returned to the diet gradually. First one egg, then a cup of natural yogurt, then low-fat cottage cheese, a little boiled meat. To restore the normal diet does not affect the stomach, you need to add products one at a time. After 3-4 days, you can eat light soups, bread rolls or whole grain, bran bread.

After an effective mono-diet, it is very difficult to maintain weight. This is a feature of metabolism: the body begins to store nutrients for the future, perceiving the diet as a danger signal. Therefore, the diet will have to be constantly monitored, keeping calories within one and a half kilocalories per day, even for the first ten days after the completion of the diet.

You can’t eat fatty foods, smoked meats and pickles, sausages and animal fat, white flour products and white rice. The ideal option is to adhere to a healthy diet consisting of fresh or boiled vegetables, 1-2 servings of fruit per day, dairy products, buckwheat, cottage cheese, lean meat and greens.

And the buckwheat diet can be further used as a fasting day. This will allow for a long time to maintain a beautiful figure and well-being.
