Conspiracy to get married quickly


Finding a prince on a white horse, why, just a prince without a horse, or just a husband, is as difficult as putting toothpaste in a tube. Undoubtedly, the syringe is taken and the paste is pressed into the ill-fated receptacle. The syringe in this case acts as an aid, and what can help when all good men are around, and you, all so beautiful, are still alone?

Everyone knows that a woman who is determined to wear a veil and throw a bouquet at her friends cannot be stopped, even if there is only a cat on the horizon. Any of forty. One force of desire of a thirsting love woman is able to move mountains. If you need proof, look around. Megan Markle married the prince, despite a thousand obstacles. Martha Gellhorn fell in love with Hemingway and (attention!) Left him, well, and the story of the great artist Frida Kahlo, bedridden, completely conquered the world! And for a moment, she also had a single bloodbird in the appendage.

What is their secret, vzvote you. In magic! Whether they used magic is unknown, but for sure, if they were asked they wouldn’t tell us. Magic - the secret weapon of the arsenal of strong women. What prevents you from trying?

Will the plot help get married faster?

There is no situation in which white magic would not help. Of course, the result of the work of magic is influenced by a million and a small dolly of factors, for example:

  • your faith in your own strength;
  • moon phase;
  • Times of Day;
  • energy purity of materials used for the rite;
  • Your great-grandmother's karma, a hundred years ago unsuccessfully married in old age.

Amazing All these factors can not be taken into account, even if you sit at night above the mental map, calculating the little things that could disrupt the wedding of the century.

We recommend you exhale and rely on your own intuition. Choose a plot and, following the instructions, take your life in hand!

Conspiracy to marry who you need

To marry a man, you must first find this man. Well, if there is a gentleman in mind who is about to make an offer, but, to admit, it would not hurt to hasten him. And what to do, if from knights with white horses, only Legolas can be seen from a laptop monitor?

There are different variations of conspiracies, suitable for both single women seeking their love and women waiting for a serious step from the love they have.

Whatever group you belong to, you shouldn't expect magic to do all the work for you. First of all, make sure that you appear before the highest forces at the peak of your beauty:

  1. Take a bath with aromatherapy oils before the ritual.
  2. Do not forget to treat yourself to your favorite treat.
  3. Proceed to the ritual in a perfectly furnished apartment.
  4. Do not forget about makeup and hairstyle.
  5. Throw out of thoughts all negative emotions in advance.
  6. Tune in to the ritual positive and fun.

We start a branch of a poplar for marriage

In the famous New Year's motion picture, the hero inquired from the ash tree, where his beloved is. Ash did not answer him, for he had to ask the poplar. A cabalistic conspiracy on a sprig of poplar is a powerful conspiracy to help get married quickly. This conspiracy requires patience, methodicalness and perseverance - a rare woman does not possess these qualities.

For this conspiracy, the lunar phases and the time of day are not fundamental. Stock up in advance by the following items:

  • sprig of poplar;
  • 27 white ribbons, 27 red;
  • decorative pot;
  • primer for indoor flowers;
  • paper;
  • a pen;
  • the envelope.

In the evening freed especially for this purpose, sit by the window and take a branch of poplar. It is desirable - small, so that it does not look grotesque on your windowsill.

Fill the pot with earth, fit the branch fairly stable. Take ribbons and tie each, alternating white with red. When everyone is tied, tie up white and red couples in turn, reading a plot to meet your soul mate and get married:

“The ribbon is red and white; the ribbon on the poplar is ears and ears. A beautiful maiden to a white fellow dreams, dreams. Red maiden white fellow looking for, looking for. A white girl maiden will find, find. He will knock at the door, will bow at the threshold, white ruchenkis will kiss and ask for the crown! ”

After admiring the result of your efforts, take a piece of paper and write on it in even hand-written curl:

"Wedding invitation!

I, the maiden is beautiful (your surname, name, patronymic), invite you to your wedding as the groom of a good young man, the very best, the most ideal, beautiful, intelligent, loyal, rich, etc. The address is such: (your address), to come with full hands and an empty stomach at any time of the day or night. ”

Seal the envelope, press it down with a pot and go to sleep. He is coming soon. Having made sure that you are the one you have been waiting for so long, feel free to write on the envelope the name of the recipient and, bowing to the poplar branch, thank him for his assistance. Wedding is just around the corner!

Marriage plot on flower petals

A wonderful plot to marry a man you have chosen is done on the petals of the flowers presented to them. Never throw away at once the bouquets that were chosen by your chosen one. Pre-save the petals. They can be dried in your favorite book - let it be a love affair to your heart or a book whose story you would like to put into practice. If you are an adherent of serious literature, dry the petals in the Family Code, the effect will remain the same.

For the plot you will need:

  • petals;
  • bowl;
  • tea;
  • gauze;
  • silver spoon;
  • three pink candles.

First brew weak tea. Best of all karkade or pink flower tea will do. Add sugar and lemon juice to taste. Pour the tea into a wooden or ceramic dish, shallow but wide. Take a silver spoon (you can borrow it from your friends) in your right hand. Use your left hand to pick up a small amount of petals.

Fresh petals give extra speed effect. If your chosen one is stingy and from the pores of the very first bunch, you haven't got a single one, - having previously judged whether the game is worth the candle, - proceed to the ritual.

Take the dried petals and throw them in the tea. Stir the tea gently with your right hand, repeating the conspiracy three times:

“The water is floral, sweet and pink, your flowers drown in it. Potoni and you (the name of the chosen one) in my love, at my feet fall and invite me in marriage. ”

After the conspiracy has been read three times, strain tea into a cup through cheesecloth. It is not necessary to drink all, you can drink a few sips, imagining how a chosen man makes you an offer.

Now wait. Soon the magic will work.

We read the plot on the mat in the hallway

Conspiracies to marry the one you need are universal in nature.

However, there is a conspiracy, the strongest and most active point, which is carried out on a rug in the hallway. For this conspiracy you need to know in advance who will come to you and when. Invite your beloved man to visit, and in the meantime, arrange a love trap for him.

You will need:

  • two red shoe laces
  • paper,
  • pomade,
  • perfume or essential oil.

In the event that you once were at a wedding and managed to make an inhuman long jump by four meters, catch a bridal bouquet - you are happy! This conspiracy best of all passes if to put a detail from a bouquet under a rug: a wrapper, a ribbon, a petal of a dried flower.

If long jumps have never been your business card - do not despair. We have enough of the set that we have.

So, take two laces and knot them together. For each bundle sentence:

“I knit knots, I will thrill you. As soon as you enter the door, I will attach it to myself. ”

Take a piece of paper and leave a lip print on it. With the same lipstick write on it your name and the name of the person you are waiting for. Fold the sheet and shoelaces under the rug in front of the entrance door and drip some pleasantly smelling liquid on it with the words:

“As my doors open, so my heart will open wide. As you step on the carpet, you will become so conspiratorial that you will be a hundred times stronger in love. On one knee you will fall and you will not part with me any more. If I marry you, I will cherish the century. ”

Having concluded a conspiracy, wait for your chosen one to visit. Make sure that all conditions of white magic are met: comfort, balance, self-reliance, appearance.


Watch the video: Spongebob & Sandy Are Actually Married. Cartoon Conspiracy Theory (June 2024).