Chocolate cakes - unusual nearby! Recipes of original chocolates, white and dark cakes


Sweet chocolate bars could not escape the sensitive eye of the confectioner. Whatever the case, a sweet product with a very persistent taste and aroma will not fall into dessert? Do not be this! And the dough, and creams and, of course, decorations, everything can be prepared with the addition of chocolates. Why not a pure product? Yes, because chocolates are milk and bitter, porous and with the addition of dried fruits. And today we use their most diverse types.

Chocolate cake - general principles of preparation

• In the preparation of cakes use both dark and light chocolate bars. It is added to the dough, cream, and the icing is boiled, which is used to fill the surface of the dessert. When making cakes without baking, the main mass for dessert is prepared from chocolates, which is mixed with pieces of chocolate bar, cookies or other products.

• Before mixing with other components, the tiles are broken into pieces and melted in a water bath. Often, butter, milk or cream, and other products are added to chocolate. Melted chocolate is added to the main masses for which it is intended only after cooling. The melted hot product pours the surface of the dessert.

Walnut chocolate cake without baking (with cookies)


• two tablespoons of honey;

• 50 gr. white non-porous chocolate;

• shortbread dry cookies - 200 g .;

• milk chocolate bars, dark - 400 gr .;

• 250 ml of fatty, liquid cream;

• dark cocoa powder - 100 g .;

• a handful of walnut kernels;

• half a pack of high-fat oil.

Cooking method:

1. Finely break white chocolate and cookies and collect in a bowl. Add crushed nuts, mix.

2. In a separate bowl through a coarse grater, rub dark chocolate.

3. Pour the cream into the pan, add the chopped butter, honey and put on a moderate to medium heat. When the newly added ingredients melt, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately transfer to dark chocolate, stir.

4. Lightly cool the chocolate mass and combine it with a mixture of cookies, white chocolate and nuts.

5. Line the detachable form with a film, pour the chocolate mass into it and place in the refrigerator for two hours.

6. After that, put the cake from the mold on the dish, sprinkle its surface with cocoa and serve.

Chocolate Cake - Truffle with White Chocolate Mousse


• five eggs;

• a spoon of dark cocoa (powder);

• a glass of sugar;

• 200 grams chocolate bar;

• instant, freeze-dried coffee - 2 tsp;

• 80 ml of pure water;

• a pack of sweet cream butter;

• vanilla powder - 1 gr.

For mousse:

• fatty, 22% cream - 300 ml;

• three tablespoons of cultivator;

• sugar - 50 gr.;

• natural, 82.5%, oil - 60 gr.;

• 160 gr. white chocolate bars;

• yolks from four eggs.


• cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Pour into a cup of coffee, add vanilla and sugar and fill it with hot water. Stir well to dissolve loose components and temporarily set aside.

2. Break the dark chocolate into a small bowl, add the whole portion of butter, cut it into small cubes, and place in a water bath. Stir the mixture as it dissolves so that the butter mixes well with chocolate.

3. When the mass is sufficiently homogeneous, remove from the stove and, stirring, pour warm coffee mixture into it.

4. Stir cocoa with sugar. Add eggs and beat until foam.

5. Combine the chocolate mass with the egg mixture, mix gently and pour into the mold. Bake at 170 degrees, placing in a hot oven for 50 minutes.

6. Break the pieces of white chocolate, add oil to it and, like dark, melt by heating in a water bath or placing in a microwave oven.

7. Do not whisk the yolks too intensively with sugar and, slowly warming with continuous stirring, achieve a thickening. Only mix the egg mixture, like chocolate, in a water bath.

8. Into slightly cooled yolks enter a couple of spoons of whipped cream, mix. Add the cooled chocolate mass, the remaining whipped cream and mix thoroughly. Do not whisk.

9. Place the cooled chocolate cake in a detachable form, put the creamy chocolate mass on it and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

10. Freeze the frozen cake from the ring, sprinkle cocoa. Using shovels, you can transfer the cake from the bottom of the mold to a dish or serve on it.

Chocolate Cake - Black and White with Pear


• cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 200 gr. friable cookies, it is possible chocolate without glaze;

• butter, sweet cream - 150 gr.

In cream:

• a pound of cream cheese;

• 250 gr. white chocolate;

• two tablespoons of powdered sugar;

• fat cream - 200 ml;

• 150 gr. yogurt without flavoring and aromatic additives.

For registration:

• fortified red wine - 200 ml;

• 150 gr. dense cage of pears;

• white, non-porous chocolate - 150 g .;

• two tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Turn cookies manually or with a blender into crumbs. Add cocoa, mix.

2. Melt all the butter and, well-cooled, introduce it to the liver, mix.

3. Cover the bottom of the 24-centimeter shape with parchment, transfer the buttery mass from the cookies into it. Pressing it tightly, distribute it along the entire bottom with a single layer and form the sides not more than 4 cm high.

4. Place the prepared cake base in the refrigerator for one hour or 25 minutes in the freezer.

5. For cream, melt and cool the white chocolate.

6. Even warm chocolate, quickly stirring with a whisk, combine with icing sugar.

7. To steady soft peaks, whip the cream and gently mix them, adding in parts, to the cooled chocolate. Also, gently mixing only from the bottom up, enter the cheese into a creamy chocolate mass.

8. Remove the frozen base from the refrigerator, transfer the cooked creamy chocolate mass onto it, smooth the surface and put it back into the refrigerator.

9. Cut off the peeled pear lengthwise and remove the core from it.

10. At moderate heat, bring the wine to a boil, after mixing it with sugar. Move the boiled wine syrup to the table, dip the pear halves in it and leave for an hour.

11. Dry the pear soaked in wine with a towel, cut into thin long slices and lay on the surface in the center in the form of a circle. Lay the pieces lightly on top of each other.

12. On a coarse grater, grind white chocolate and sprinkle a cake around the fruit decoration.

A simple chocolate cake recipe with cottage cheese and popcorn (without baking)


• 100 gr. Popcorn

• a pound of fat, not dry cottage cheese;

• 200 gr. flavoring-free yogurt;

• granular gelatin - 20 g .;

• 400 gr. dark milk chocolate;

• half a glass of sugar;

• one medium lemon;

• 200 gr. cream, 22%, or higher fat content.

Cooking method:

1. Soak gelatin granules for an hour in 150 ml of cool water.

2. Heating with a water bath, slowly melt the pieces of chocolate.

3. Set aside some popcorn for cake decorating. The remaining, add to the slightly cooled mass and mix.

4. Put the resulting mass in a 26-centimeter detachable form, flatten and send to cool in the refrigerator.

5. Cottage cheese, wiped with a sieve, mix with yogurt. Add lemon juice and mix well again.

6. Whip the cream with sugar. Dissolve, slowly warming in the bath, gelatin.

7. Combine the curd mass first with gelatin, then gently mix whipped cream into it and lay the prepared mixture on a frozen layer of popcorn.

8. The cake should solidify well, so let it stand in the refrigerator for at least six hours.

9. Free the finished dessert from the mold, and decorate with the previously set aside popcorn.

Chocolate cake: recipe for the famous Sacher biscuit cake


• six eggs;

• bitter, 76% chocolate - 120 g .;

• 120 gr. butter homemade butter;

• fine sugar - 120 g .;

• 120 gr. white baking flour;

• apricot jam - 150 gr.

In the glaze:

• 100 gr. bitter, 72%, chocolate;

• butter or quality margarine - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate into small pieces, chop them with a knife and transfer to a bowl.

2. Add the chopped butter and melt in a steam bath or microwave.

3. Set the resulting home-made glaze temporarily aside to cool.

4. When breaking eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins.

5. Add sugar, half the indicated amount to the yolks, and beat until a dense white mass is obtained. Then put the cooled chocolate icing to the yolks and once again go through the mass with a mixer, achieving uniform coloring.

6. Pour the flour and, stirring with a spatula, cook a smooth, uniform dough.

7. On your own, whisk the squirrels to a lush foam, then, gradually adding sugar, beat them to dense peaks.

8. When adding small portions, introduce whipped proteins into the dough, gently mixing it from bottom to top. Protein mass should not lose volume.

9. Place parchment on the bottom of the round shape, rub the sides with butter and powder with cocoa powder. Carefully transfer the dough into a container and bake chocolate cake, observing a temperature regime of 180 degrees. Cooking can take up to 40 minutes, and check the degree of readiness with a wooden skewer, do not open the oven for the first half hour, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

10. Cut the cooled cake into two parts.

11. On the lower half of the cake, apply a little more than half of the apricot jam and lay on top of it the biscuit workpiece. Brush it with the remaining cream and put the cake in the cold.

12. When the layer of apricot jam hardens well, move the cake to the wire rack.

13. Melt the chocolate with the addition of butter, and fill the surface of the dessert with hot glaze, adjusting it with a spatula.

14. Pour the remaining chocolate mass into a pastry bag and decorate the chocolate cake with the inscription or apply any pattern on it.

Cake made of chocolates without flour - Esmeralda


• coarse white crackers - 100 gr.;

• five eggs;

• granulated sugar - 300 gr.;

• a spoon of fresh starch;

• 50 gr. dark cocoa powder;

• a spoonful of sweet cream butter.

In cream:

• dark milk chocolate - 100 g .;

• 250 ml of medium fat milk;

• a tablespoon of dried cocoa powder;

• one egg;

• a bag of vanilla sugar;

• a large spoon of wheat flour;

• 150 gr. fine sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Separately, whisk the whites.

2. Pound the yolks with sugar, pour the coarsely-cracked crackers mixed with cocoa, then the starch. Stir, introduce the proteins and mix thoroughly again.

3. Fill the greased and cocoa powder with the prepared chocolate dough and immediately bake for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

4. Cut the chilled biscuit in height into three cake layers.

5. Prepare the cream. Whisk the eggs with sugar until white. Dilute the egg mass with milk, add flour, whisk and, while stirring, boil over low heat until thickened.

6. Lightly cool the cream base. Pour in the cocoa and vanilla, put the softened butter, add the melted chocolate and whip until fluffy with a mixer.

7. Greasing the cakes with the cooled cream, put them in a cake. Smear the sides and top well with chocolate cream.

8. For decoration, you can use finely chopped nuts or white chocolate, grated on a coarse grater.

Chocolate Cake - Cooking Tips & Tips

• Chocolate will melt faster and better if you add a little milk or cream to it.

• It is preferable to add natural dark chocolate to cake cakes. The content of cocoa in it should not exceed 76% percent. Together with dark milk chocolate, it is advisable to add cocoa, which will give the cakes an even darker color.

• For cream, it is better to use milk chocolate bars. Natural bitter product, can give the creamy mass a characteristic bitterness.


Watch the video: 10 Chocolate Decoration Ideas to Impress Your Dinner Guests. Chocolate Dessert Hacks by So Yummy (July 2024).