The first symptoms of bulimia and anorexia may appear in childhood


It is believed that bulimia and anorexia appear in people in adolescence. However, in some cases, the first symptoms of these diseases can be found in childhood. Canadian scientists conducted a study, which participants were 200 children aged 8 to 12 years old with various nutritional problems. Some of the participants in the experimental group even underwent special inpatient treatment because of the detected disorders associated with abnormalities in digestion and metabolism.

It turned out that 15% of children periodically caused vomiting, and 13% suffered from various forms of bulimia. Experts also found that a third of the volunteer group had various mental abnormalities and needed special treatment. The information received in many ways opened the eyes to the problem of child nutritional disorders. It turned out that bulimia and anorexia "expand" the scope of their coverage. Diseases are rapidly becoming younger. Doctors recommend parents to strictly monitor the nutrition of their children and in case of its violation, consult a psychologist.


Watch the video: How We Treat Eating Disorders at Johns Hopkins Medicine (June 2024).