Walnut oil - its benefits and harm. How to use walnut oil for beauty and health.


Walnut is not only a delicacy, but also a very useful product for the body. Not just a nut under the shell resembles in its shape the brain. Walnuts are able to increase brain activity and awaken a person's desire to grow intellectually. One scientist who lived in ancient Persia said that walnut is a real brain, and the oil that is extracted from it is mind. According to this statement, it can be concluded that the locals honored not only walnuts, but oil from them, because they considered it very useful and believed that it was a panacea for many diseases.

How to get walnut oil

In order to get walnut oil, it is necessary to otzhivit nut kernels for a long time and with the help of the cold pressing method. This method is used when you need to get a really effective and high-quality product, which preserves the maximum of useful components, and it will have healing properties, because it is for this that oil is mined, after all, so that it benefits people.

Squeezing walnut kernels and getting the oil, it must be filtered so that it acquires a beautiful amber color and a sharp, pronounced, nutty flavor that cannot be compared or confused with anything.

What is the use of walnut oil

This oil contains about 77% polyunsaturated acids. No oil can boast the same high percentage of these useful components in its composition. Polyunsaturated acids play an important role in the normalization of all body functions. Their stock must constantly be replenished, because the human body is simply not able to produce this product. The easiest and most inexpensive way to do this is regular intake of walnut oil.

Walnut oil helps the body to recover faster after any disease or damage to internal organs. That is why it is recommended to eat for all those who have recently undergone surgery and undergo a period of rehabilitation.

Anti-inflammatory properties of the oil will be useful to someone who has damage not only inside but also outside. Walnut oil contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, it is used in the treatment of various diseases of the skin. Not even the most expensive ointment is able to cope with this task as well as walnut oil does. This product is also used when it is necessary to restore the integrity of the mucous membranes.

Walnut oil contributes to the fact that the body will age much more slowly, and you will feel a surge of strength and will not be tired so often. Carcinogenic substances can no longer harm the body, because walnut oil will create a barrier that cannot be overcome.

Excellent results have shown studies that were recently conducted at the California Institute. They confirmed that all those who regularly took walnut oil throughout the month had normalized cholesterol levels in their blood, and its rate remained unchanged for several subsequent months after discontinuation of the oil.

Contraindications and possible harm from walnut oil

It is forbidden to take this oil to persons suffering from intolerance to walnuts or any other nuts. It's clear that if you are allergic to walnuts, then the body will most likely also not react to the oil from the walnut. Of course, to find out, you need to take a chance and try to take butter for a couple of days. If everything is normal and you did not find any changes in your state of health during this time, then do not be afraid to continue taking it for food, but in order to avoid allergies after using any mask based on walnut oil, you need to a small area of ​​the skin is a small test, the results of which will make it clear if you can use such a tool or better pick something else.

If you are pregnant or a nursing mother, then you should also delay taking this oil. There is a lot of information that this is useful and will help the further development of the child, but this is not quite so. Those women who took walnut oil during pregnancy and feeding the baby confirm the fact that the child is allergic to this product.

If you suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer or intestinal diseases, then you also can not eat walnut oil. You can, of course, consult about this with a specialist, but just do not conduct experiments with your own health, because it has long been known that they will not end up with anything good, and it will not do without consequences.

You should avoid making butter from walnuts and all those who are inclined to be overweight or trying to lose weight. Like the nuts themselves, the butter from them is also too high in calories. This is the product that will help not to lose weight, but to gain it, and much faster than you think.

Ways to use walnut oil

This oil is often used in cosmetology, because it is best suited not only to make the skin beautiful, but also to be healthy, without flaws and wrinkles. To make the most effective body lotion that will moisturize the skin and give it a delicate fruity aroma, you only need to take walnut oil and add a few spoons of any other oil to it. Use this lotion after a shower daily and a feeling of freshness will accompany you constantly, wherever you are, and whatever the weather is outside the window.

Walnut oil for skin

Not find a better oil than walnut oil for massage. Use it as a base and add a touch of orange or apricot oil. Such a duet of oils helps to relax, and the incredible smell mentally takes you to places where there is eternal summer, giving a positive attitude.

This product is considered an indispensable photoprotector. Especially in the summer, the question of how to protect your skin from the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet rays becomes urgent. The answer is quite simple: in this situation, walnut oil will help you perfectly. Take it in two spoons daily and spread it on your skin before each trip to the beach. There is no need to spend money on ineffective tanning cream if you have some walnut oil in your house.

Walnut oil for nails

Right heart rejoices when you see a girl with well-groomed nails and a beautiful manicure. But few people care not only about the beauty of their marigolds, but also that they are strong and healthy. The nail plate will become firmer, smoother and stronger if you regularly perform the following procedure: take two tablespoons of walnut oil and pour it into a separate container. Add there one spoon of lemon oil and the same juice squeezed from a ripe lemon. Rub the mixture into the nails until it is almost completely absorbed. Clean the remains with a dry swab.

If you complain about excessive dryness of the skin on your hands, then one more spoonful of sour cream should be added to the mixture of oils and lemon juice. The rest of the procedure remains unchanged.

Walnut oil for hair

All the beauties who care about their hair, have long been using walnut oil to make their hair more lush, shiny and thick. Healthy and beautiful hair at all times was the highest wealth. In some countries, those who had long hair of indescribable beauty were simply burned, because they believed that only witch enchantments could make hair so attractive.

But, it is not necessary to resort to the help of higher powers in order to achieve such an effect. Just buy walnut oil and use it regularly, adding to hair care products and making various masks based on it. Take one egg and a small spoon of honey. Add one spoon of walnut oil and mix all the ingredients together as thoroughly as possible. You will have an effective and inexpensive mask that can restore damaged hair and give it a lost shine.

It will not be enough if you only use walnut oil outwardly. It must also be included in your diet. Take two spoons of oil a day and make masks twice a week and soon you will get a result that will certainly please you, and you will become a happy owner of such beautiful and healthy hair that you have been dreaming about for quite some time.

Walnut oil for weight loss

It was already mentioned in the article that walnuts and butter from them are very high-calorie foods. How, then, oil can be used in the diet and lose weight, taking it in food?

Absolutely really lose weight, using walnut oil, just need to do it correctly and carefully monitor your diet. Drink butter on an empty stomach in the morning for two spoons. At first it will be difficult, because the taste of the oil, frankly, is not very pleasant. But do not worry. Over time, you get so used to it that you will not feel it at all.

Refill this oil with vegetable salads that you eat throughout the day. Do not overdo it and remember that one tablespoon will be enough to make the salad not so bland.

Remove from your diet all fat and junk food, eliminate sweets and eat healthy foods. Do more exercises, increase physical activity every day and do not forget to take walnut oil. I assure you that in a few weeks you will feel how your pants become freer. Continue in the same spirit.

Walnut oil will certainly impress not only you, but the whole family. You will see that your children will refuse to bake, in which the oil was not added, and those who did not particularly like vegetables, will begin to eat vegetable salads seasoned with walnut oil for both cheeks. Change your daily diet, add this oil to it and always be beautiful and healthy!


Watch the video: The Best Cooking Oils for Weight Loss (June 2024).