Useful properties of figs and its harm: myths or facts? The main thing about the benefits of figs and the possible risks of its use


Figs, a tree or its fruits, familiar to some as a wine berry, fig tree, fig tree or fig, has long been known to mankind.

This product is not particularly popular in our time, but knowledgeable people use figs for the benefit of the body.

What is so special about these exotic fruits?

The composition and calorie content of figs, especially

Berries may well claim the title of miracles.

Indeed, in their composition they have:

• A huge list of minerals, which includes potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and selenium. Debugged work depends on them metabolic processes, bones, tissues and cells.

In terms of iron content, even apples give way to figs, the health benefits of the latter are also in a high level of potassium. Here, the product has an honorable second place after nuts;

• vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, preserving the beauty of hair, skin firmness and bone strength, preventing the aging of the body, beneficially affecting the immune system, organs of vision, healthy complexion;

• coarse fiber and pectins, important for the intestines and in the fight against malignant tumors;

• phytosterol (plant cholesterol), which prevents high-density molecules from entering the vessels;

• polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, necessary to support the immune system and nervous system;

• glyceric acid, accelerating the removal of dirt, fat and toxins from the pores of the skin.

The presence of protein (5.1%) and fat (1.3%) was noted by a small amount. There are plenty of carbohydrates and sugars in the composition of figs (from 40 to 70%), which somewhat limits the circle of people who want to use figs in their diet.

Figs have the highest calorie content when dried, when per 100 g product accounts for about 250 kcal. In fresh wine berries 74 kcal, and in their canned version - 53 kcal. That is why with excessive use of figs, its harm to health can manifest itself in a quick set of extra pounds.

Culinary delights and figs

Someone uses figs as an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic, and for someone it is more familiar in the form of wine or jam. If you want to eat tasty and healthy, figs are a great way to solve a problem.

The areas of its culinary application are very diverse:

1. It is baked with meat and put in a salad.

2. They are stuffed, they are stuffed.

3. Refined taste of berries is felt in contrasts with dried ham and jamon.

4. Dried berries are often used together with other dried fruits in compotes and boils.

5. Successfully used in baking. So, Misty Albion traditional desserts It is prepared with figs. In the cuisines of other countries they bake gingerbread with it.

6. Serves as an excellent complement to omelettes.

Fresh fig fruits are used only in a very ripe form, since they contain caustic milky juice unripe. The maximum shelf life of figs does not exceed 3 days, so it is often dried or canned. To make dried berries juicy, it is enough to soak them in water or warm them up for a couple.

Eating Figs with Health Benefits

Gourmets who have long appreciated the amazing taste of fresh and dried figs do not always know that, while enjoying their favorite dish, they tidy up the most important body systems. Since the Great Avicenna, when berries were considered a real miracle cure, scientists recall the beneficial properties of figs in cases concerning:

• colds and bronchitis

the recipe with boiled and infused berries in milk has been tested for effectiveness by more than one generation. This is the best cough remedy, which also has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, strengthening immunity;

• bronchial asthma

a patient who eats figs on an empty stomach, relieves the condition due to easily excreted sputum;

• weight deficit after illness or dystrophy

the great energy and nutritional value of berries contributes to a good weight gain. The result will be noticeable from daily consumption of 5 berries;

• cancer prevention

antioxidant properties suggest the benefits of figs in suppressing the development of malignant tumors.

• occurrence of atherosclerosis

the product helps lower blood cholesterol;

• problems with the cardiovascular system

figs protect the heart and strengthen it;

• prevent the development of thrombophlebitis

substances in the composition of berries are able to thin the blood and cleanse blood vessels;

• treatment and prevention of anemia

a wonderful berry helps to solve this problem in a short time. Recommended for women during the menstrual cycle to restore iron levels;

• fight against constipation

Being an excellent laxative, figs are used in the most advanced cases;

• problematic condition of the kidneys

figs and its health benefits are spoken of as a good diuretic;

• the need to strengthen the nervous system

eating figs relieves anxiety and significantly improves mood, helps to overcome stressful conditions;

• treatment of wounds and burns

gruel from fig fruits, the wound healing properties of which are used in dressings;

• furunculosis

abscesses and boils open faster and heal in a short time;

• relief of toothaches

applying a piece of fresh or dried figs greatly facilitates the condition;

• gum disease

rinsing with a decoction of fig berries helps to feel the benefit from it almost immediately;

• helminthic intestinal infestations

the usual use of berries or infusions from fig leaves contributes to this;

• strengthening the condition of the skin, hair and nails;

• relieving hangover

figs perfectly eliminate the feeling of dry mouth and nausea;

• problems with libido

Fig berries in the East have long been considered an excellent aphrodisiac and have been used to stir up passion.

Figs on the pregnant menu

Figs bring particular benefits to the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus. If a pregnant woman has no contraindications to the use of wine berries, doctors recommend eat at least 2 fruits per day, if a:

• constipation;

• an effective, harmless cough suppressant is needed;

• need effective, but not medical assistance in the fight against colds;

• weakness and breakdown are observed;

• iron deficiency detected;

• The nervous system needs support.

Possible harm to figs: who should be treated with caution?

The flip side of the medal is the use of the product is a list of diseases in which figs will not bring health benefits, but only worsen the condition of the patient. This is about:

• problems with the pancreas

inflamed pancreas is not able to process the amount of sugar contained in the product;

• severe diabetes

high fructose and glucose levels, up to 40%, increase blood sugar. This is especially true for dried fruits, in which the percentage of sugars can reach 70%;

• low blood coagulation

the good thinning abilities of figs will do much more harm than good;

• gout

a high content of oxalic acid causes the deposition of uric acid, which causes this disease;

• inflammation of the digestive tract;

the amount of fiber contained in the product becomes harmful in such a situation;

• various degrees of obesity

due to the high calorie content, figs will only contribute to weight gain, and not vice versa. In some diets, candies and pastries are replaced with figs, but the established restrictions should be followed very carefully.

Figs in baby food: how not to harm?

Most children loves sweet tasty fig pulp, health benefits from which in the complex of minerals and vitamins supplied to it in the children's body. However, unlimited consumption of berries by a child can lead to excess weight and diathesis, causing malfunctions of the digestive tract. Figs are also said to be harmful if the product is harvested in ecologically unfavorable areas.

Having made sure that the child has no contraindications to wine berry, it is possible to include it in the ration of the baby within reasonable limits. It will be especially useful when you need help with:

• stomatitis and tonsillitis

such beneficial properties of figs as anti-inflammatory;

• whooping cough

the product stops coughing and strengthens the immune system;

• kidney disease

due to the diuretic properties of the berries, they are thoroughly cleaned;

• body depletion

high calorie figs will allow you to gain the missing kilograms, saturate the body with the necessary nutrients;

• excessive mental stress

modern school curricula oblige you to use foods that are good for your brain and help you withstand stress, including wine berry.

If a child does not like figs, you can benefit from an exotic fruit by adding it to fruit compotes along with raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits. A good option, served in powdered form with milk porridge.

The berry, which is more popular in the East, is not very attractive to Europeans, is recognized as a valuable object in folk medicine. The reasonable use of figs, the benefits for the body of which has long been a universally recognized fact, will improve the health of adults and children, protecting them from the development of the most dangerous diseases in time.


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