Yoga exercises for weight loss - beginners: a description of simple asanas. What yoga exercises are effective: photo, video


The difference between yoga and other types and forms of physical activity is the special role of breathing, stretching and static muscle tension. Many exercises today are included in training complexes. For example, a fashionable and very effective “bar” is an exercise in yoga. If you compose a set of such exercises for yourself, you can speed up the process of losing weight and achieve results in just a few weeks.

What you need to know about home yoga

Yoga exercises for weight loss for beginners are simple, clear execution, safety. No need to think that they are ineffective. On the contrary, practicing regularly, and preferably daily, you will quickly tone the muscles and start the process of fat burning.

What give the body exercises:

• the stomach is tightened;

• fat rolls on the sides disappear;

• slim and fit legs;

• the volume leaves the hips;

• increases working capacity and mood;

• improves the appearance of the skin;

• the body becomes more flexible;

• immunity is getting stronger;

• constipation disappears;

• improves digestion;

• blood circulation is restored, thyroid function is normalized.

For weight loss problems of constipation, indigestion and weakening of the thyroid gland are extremely important. If you get rid of them, losing weight will be easier. And if the constant practice of yoga becomes a habit, a person until the most advanced years feels vigorous and healthy.

Static tension warms muscles well, so fat burning processes are accelerated. Losing weight goes without stress, and thanks to special breathing techniques it is also accompanied by the acquisition of inner harmony. Due to the fact that during the performance of asanas a soft massage of the internal organs takes place, yoga exercises for weight loss for beginners have a restorative, harmonizing effect. Toxins are eliminated faster and better, memory improves, depression disappears.

It is believed that yoga is best done in the morning. However, working people simply do not have time for this. Nothing bad will happen if you train in the afternoon or in the evening. Moreover, at this time, the muscles are already more flexible, since they have become toned during the day, and many asanas are performed easier.

Another question is that the stomach during the session should be empty, even drinking water an hour before training is impossible. It is better to do every day for 15-20 minutes than twice a week for an hour and a half.

Stretching before the main set of exercises

The combination of tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles is a wonderful way to strengthen them, burn fat in the waist, and at the same time improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Before you begin to exercise, you need to stretch and warm up the muscles. Easy walking in place, pulling the knees to the chest, jumping (while inhaling arms up, legs apart, while exhaling arms at the seams, legs together) will prepare the body for work. You can perform several stretching exercises:

• on inspiration, it will hook your fingers behind your back into the castle, lay your head back, slightly bend the spine and hold the position for 3-5 seconds;

• tilting to the sides with arms raised up. The thumbs are intertwined, the body tends to rise, the legs are straight, shoulder-width apart. Lean in different directions on the exhale, stretch to the side, rise on inspiration. Exercise perfectly stretches the lateral muscles of the back, arms, shoulder girdle;

• "chair pose" (utkatasana) imitates the movement that a person performs while sitting down. Hands raised above head, back straight. Having done the squat, you need to hold the position for 30 seconds, then rise to the starting position.

Each exercise from the preparatory block needs to be performed 3-4 times. After that, you can go to the main complex.

Yoga exercises for the press

You need to start with the simplest yoga exercises for weight loss. For beginners, the following asanas aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles are quite suitable.

The Plank (Dundasana)

It is carried out lying. The body should be extended in one line, focusing on the toes and palms, if the arms are extended.

Another option is possible: with your hands lean on bent elbows. The body is a straight string. Keep your position as long as possible. At the initial stage, the pose is fixed for 20-30 seconds, then the execution time can be increased to 1-1.5 minutes. All the muscles of the body are strengthened, especially the press, back, arms, legs.

The Boat (Navasana)

Sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Stretch your arms forward, lean back with your body, while tearing off your legs and lifting them at an angle of 50-60 °. Do not breed your knees. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, slowly lower the feet to the floor. Exhale and return to starting position.

Asana strengthens the abdominal muscles, muscles of the back, arms and legs, and hip joints.

"The dog looking down" (Adho mukha schwanasana)

Lie on the floor, arms and legs should be shoulder width apart. Raise the buttocks as high as possible (you should get a "little"). Palms and toes rest on the floor, tailbone directed to the sky. Hold the position for a minute, drop to the floor. This yoga exercise for weight loss for beginners is one of the simplest and most effective. It perfectly removes the “apron” from the lower abdomen, relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation to the brain, strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.

"Birch" (Sarvangasana)

One of the most effective yoga exercises for weight loss. For beginners, the "birch" is not particularly difficult. This is an inverted asana, which perfectly tightens the stomach, strengthens the abs, back, hips, and most importantly - has a beneficial effect on the female body.

It is carried out simply. You need to lie on your back, push your legs up, fix the position of the back with elbows and shoulder blades, resting your palms in the lower back, and fix this position for 2-3 minutes (if possible).

Yoga Exercises for Hips and Legs

To strengthen the muscles of the hips, you can learn a few more asanas, not too difficult to perform.

The Table (Ardha purvottanasana)

To sit down, bend your knees, with your hands resting on the floor behind your back shoulder width apart (hands extended apart, feet close to the buttocks). On inspiration, raise the pelvis and hips up, keeping emphasis on the hands and feet. The head can be thrown back. Knees and hips should be in line with the toes, they can not be bred. The pose resembles a four-legged table. It needs to be fixed for 1-2 seconds, then slowly, as you exhale, sit in its previous position. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, back, hips. Positive effect on the thyroid gland.

"Release of the wind" (Pavanmuktasana)

Lie on your back, stretch your legs, try to relax. Alternately pull the knees to the chest, grab them with your hands, press your face to the knees and fix this position for 10 seconds. Exhale, straighten one by one and lower your legs slowly. Exercise will strengthen the muscles of the legs, abs, stretch the muscles of the neck. After classes, people suffering from back pain improve.

Lunge (Banarasana)

Lunge by stepping left foot forward. The right leg should remain extended, with emphasis on the toe. Left knee under the chest, perpendicular to the floor. Hands on either side of the lower leg, resting on the fingers. The heel of the right leg stretches back and up, the head is directed forward. The right leg and body represent one straight line. Fix the position for 40-60 seconds. Exercise perfectly stretches tendons, muscles, simulates fat burning.

Make a normal lunge with one foot at an angle of 70 ° (an obtuse angle is obtained). Hands raised vertically, fingertips reach for the sky. It is necessary to fix the position of the body, keep balance and stay in this position for as long as possible.

There is a second variant of this asana: to lunge, turn the body to the sides, spread your arms to the sides and fix this position for 30 seconds. Asana strengthens the abs, buttocks and hips.

The Hero (Virabhadrasana 2)

Asana resembles a "swallow", only hands need to be extended forward parallel to each other. Weight is held on one leg (right), the other is extended parallel to the floor. If at first it’s hard to balance, you can start by spreading your arms to the sides. Balance record 30 seconds. Exercise well strengthens the abdominal region, makes the legs and arms beautiful.

Girls who want to get the effect quickly and get rid of the abdomen first of all are recommended to do this whole set of yoga exercises for weight loss. For beginners, it may seem too complicated, so you can take 2-3 exercises after a warm-up, and then attach the rest.

The Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana)

Stand up straight, stretch your legs, pull your stomach. Inhale, legs apart to a distance of about 70 cm. At the same time, spread your arms to the sides horizontally on the floor surface. As you exhale, lean forward, grab your right shin with your right hand, or rest your fingers on the floor near the foot. Raise your left hand up, with your fingers reach for the sky. The head is turned to the side of the left palm, eyes are lit up in the sky. Both hands should be on the same line. The outside of the left foot should rest on the floor. Lock in position for a minute, breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat the exercise the other way. This asana strengthens the hip joint, makes the legs slim and strong, and the stomach is flat.

To get the maximum result, you need to repeat the exercises twice a day. Gradually increase the duration of fixation on a particular posture. Results that are obvious to others will become visible after three, and sometimes two weeks. You need to train every day, in this case, yoga will become a way of life, muscles will receive the necessary load every day, and fat will quickly leave. Of course, you have to give up junk food.

When yoga is contraindicated

Unfortunately, there are redistributed conditions under which it is not worth doing the exercises. So, if you are diagnosed with a disease of the spine or have an injury to the spinal column, then statistical stress from yoga is contraindicated.

In addition, exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

• postoperative period;

• inguinal hernia;

• high pressure (hypertension) or increased intracranial pressure;

• a recent stroke (during the first year);

• heart attack and other serious heart diseases;

• oncological disease.

You can not do it if the body temperature is elevated. Influenza and SARS - contraindications for exercise. If you feel tired after training, this is normal. But if you feel sick, you should stop classes and go to the doctor.

An important note for beginners: yoga exercises for weight loss are not performed on the 1-2 day of menstruation. During pregnancy, workouts should be discontinued in the fourth month.


Watch the video: 12 Easy Yoga Poses For Obesity & Weight Loss. Swami Ramdev (June 2024).